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Created December 23, 2022 21:43
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Effect/Send protocol
// MARK: - Extensions
extension Task where Failure == Never {
public var cancellableValue: Success {
get async {
await withTaskCancellationHandler {
await self.value
} onCancel: {
extension Task where Failure == Error {
public var cancellableValue: Success {
get async throws {
try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
try await self.value
} onCancel: {
// MARK: - Protocols
public protocol Send<Value>: Sendable {
associatedtype Value
func callAsFunction(_ value: Value) async
public protocol Effect<Value>: Sendable {
associatedtype Value
func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async
public enum Sends {}
public enum Effects {}
// MARK: - None
extension Effects {
public struct None<Value>: Effect {
public init() {}
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) {}
extension Effect {
public static func none<Value>() -> Self where Self == Effects.None<Value> {
public typealias None = Effects.None
// MARK: - Task
extension Effects {
public struct TaskEffect<Value>: Effect {
public let priority: TaskPriority?
public let operation: @Sendable () async -> Value?
public init(priority: TaskPriority? = nil, operation: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Value?) {
self.priority = priority
self.operation = operation
public init(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> Value?,
catch handleError: @escaping @Sendable (Error) async -> Value?
) {
self.init(priority: priority) {
do {
return try await operation()
} catch is CancellationError {
return nil
} catch {
return await handleError(error)
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
await Task(priority: priority) {
guard let value = await operation() else { return }
await send(value)
extension Effect {
public static func task<Value>(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
operation: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Value?
) -> Self where Self == Effects.TaskEffect<Value> {
Effects.TaskEffect(priority: priority, operation: operation)
public static func task<Value>(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> Value?,
catch handleError: @escaping @Sendable (Error) async -> Value?
) -> Self where Self == Effects.TaskEffect<Value> {
Effects.TaskEffect(priority: priority, operation: operation, catch: handleError)
public typealias TaskEffect = Effects.TaskEffect
public struct Sync<Value>: Effect {
public let value: @Sendable () -> Value
public init(_ value: @escaping @Sendable () -> Value) {
self.value = value
public init(_ value: @escaping @autoclosure @Sendable () -> Value) {
self.value = value
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
await send(value())
// MARK: - Run
extension Effects {
public struct Run<Value>: Effect {
public let priority: TaskPriority?
public let operation: @Sendable (any Send<Value>) async -> Void
public init(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
run: @escaping @Sendable (any Send<Value>) async -> Void
) {
self.priority = priority
self.operation = run
public init(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
run: @escaping @Sendable (any Send<Value>) async throws -> Void,
catch handleError: @escaping @Sendable (Error, any Send<Value>) async -> Void
) {
self.init(priority: priority) { send in
do {
try await run(send)
} catch is CancellationError {
} catch {
await handleError(error, send)
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
let task = Task(priority: priority) {
await operation(send)
await task.cancellableValue
extension Effect {
public static func run<Value>(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
run: @escaping @Sendable (any Send<Value>) async -> Void
) -> Self where Self == Effects.Run<Value> {
Effects.Run(priority: priority, run: run)
public static func run<Value>(
priority: TaskPriority? = nil,
run: @escaping @Sendable (any Send<Value>) async throws -> Void,
catch handleError: @escaping @Sendable (Error, any Send<Value>) async -> Void
) -> Self where Self == Effects.Run<Value> {
Effects.Run(priority: priority) { send in
do {
try await run(send)
} catch is CancellationError {
} catch {
await handleError(error, send)
public typealias Run = Effects.Run
// MARK: - Map
extension Sends {
public struct Pullback<Base: Send, Value>: Send {
public let base: Base
public let transform: @Sendable (Value) async -> Base.Value
public init(base: Base, transform: @escaping @Sendable (Value) async -> Base.Value) {
self.base = base
self.transform = transform
public func callAsFunction(_ value: Value) async {
await base(transform(value))
extension Effects {
public struct Map<Base: Effect, Value>: Effect {
public let base: Base
public let transform: @Sendable (Base.Value) async -> Value
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
await send, transform: transform))
extension Effect {
public func map<NewValue>(
_ transform: @escaping @Sendable (Value) async -> NewValue
) -> Effects.Map<Self, NewValue> {
Effects.Map(base: self, transform: transform)
// MARK: - Merge
extension Effects {
public struct Merge2<First: Effect, Second: Effect>: Effect where First.Value == Second.Value {
public typealias Value = First.Value
public let first: First
public let second: Second
public init(first: First, second: Second) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
async let a: Void =
async let b: Void =
_ = await (a, b)
extension Effect {
public func merged<Other: Effect<Value>>(with other: Other) -> Effects.Merge2<Self, Other> {
.init(first: self, second: other)
// MARK: - Concatenate
extension Effects {
public struct Chain2<First: Effect, Second: Effect>: Effect
where First.Value == Second.Value {
public typealias Value = First.Value
public let first: First
public let second: Second
public init(first: First, second: Second) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
extension Effect {
public func chaining<Other: Effect<Value>>(_ other: Other) -> Effects.Chain2<Self, Other> {
.init(first: self, second: other)
// MARK: - Cancellation
public actor Cancellables {
private var tasks: [ObjectIdentifier: Task<Void, Never>] = [:]
public init() {}
public init(rebasingFrom other: Cancellables) async {
self.tasks = await other.tasks
@TaskLocal public static var current: Cancellables = .init()
public func enqueueTask<ID>(_ task: Task<Void, Never>, forID: ID.Type, cancelInFlight: Bool) {
let key = ObjectIdentifier(ID.self)
if cancelInFlight, let existingTask = tasks.removeValue(forKey: key) {
tasks[key] = task
public func cancelTask<ID>(forID: ID.Type) {
guard let task = tasks.removeValue(forKey: ObjectIdentifier(ID.self)) else { return }
extension Effects {
public struct Cancellable<Base: Effect, ID>: Effect {
public typealias Value = Base.Value
public let base: Base
public let cancelInFlight: Bool
public init(base: Base, cancelInFlight: Bool) {
self.base = base
self.cancelInFlight = cancelInFlight
public func run(_ send: some Send<Base.Value>) async {
let task = Task {
await Cancellables.current.enqueueTask(
forID: ID.self,
cancelInFlight: cancelInFlight
await task.cancellableValue
public struct Cancel<Value, ID>: Effect {
public init(id: ID.Type) {}
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
await Cancellables.current.cancelTask(forID: ID.self)
extension Effect {
public func cancellable<ID>(
id: ID.Type,
cancelInFlight: Bool = false
) -> Effects.Cancellable<Self, ID> {
.init(base: self, cancelInFlight: cancelInFlight)
public static func cancel<Value, ID>(id: ID.Type) -> Self
where Self == Effects.Cancel<Value, ID> {
.init(id: id)
public func cancel<ID>(id: ID.Type) -> Effects.Chain2<Self, Effects.Cancel<Value, ID>> {
self.chaining(.cancel(id: id))
public typealias Cancel = Effects.Cancel
// MARK: - AsyncSequence
extension Effects {
public struct AsyncSequenceEffect<S: AsyncSequence & Sendable>: Effect {
public typealias Value = S.Element
public let sequence: S
public let handleError: (@Sendable (Error, any Send<S.Element>) async -> Void)?
public func run(_ send: some Send<S.Element>) async {
do {
for try await value in sequence {
await send(value)
} catch is CancellationError {
} catch {
guard let handleError else {
return assertionFailure()
await handleError(error, send)
extension AsyncSequence {
public func effect(
catch handleError: (@Sendable (Error, any Send<Element>) async -> Void)?
) -> Effects.AsyncSequenceEffect<Self> {
.init(sequence: self, handleError: handleError)
public func effect(
catch handleError: (@Sendable (Error) async -> Element?)? = nil
) -> Effects.AsyncSequenceEffect<Self> {
if let handleError {
return .init(sequence: self, handleError: { error, send in
if let value = await handleError(error) {
await send(value)
} else {
return .init(sequence: self, handleError: nil)
// MARK: - Combine
import Combine
extension Effects {
public struct PublisherEffect<P: Publisher>: Effect where P.Failure == Never {
public typealias Value = P.Output
public let publisher: @Sendable () -> P
public init(_ publisher: @escaping @Sendable () -> P) {
self.publisher = publisher
public func run(_ send: some Send<Value>) async {
for await value in publisher().values {
guard !Task.isCancelled else { return }
await send(value)
guard !Task.isCancelled else { return }
extension Publisher where Failure == Never {
public var effect: Effects.PublisherEffect<Self> {
.init({ self })
public typealias PublisherEffect = Effects.PublisherEffect
// MARK: - Examples
enum Thingy {
case first, second, third
static func random() -> Self {
switch Int.random(in: 1...3) {
case 1: return .first
case 2: return .second
case 3: return .third
default: fatalError()
func blahteonuh() -> any Effect<Int> {
switch Thingy.random() {
case .first:
let effect = Run<Int> { send in
await send(3 + 8)
await Task.yield()
await send(4 * 9)
.cancellable(id: Thingy.self, cancelInFlight: true)
if Bool.random() {
return effect.chaining(Sync(9))
} else {
return effect
case .second:
return None()
case .third:
return Cancel(id: Thingy.self)
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