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Last active December 13, 2023 10:09
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Ncurses + Termbox
/* It's no joke as developers keep struggling with displaying unicode (emoji) characters on an Ncurses screen, I also faced it.
* After dozens of research [is it actually dozens? :)], here's what I finally came up with that brought smile to my hard research.
* At least time spent on research was not in vain. Yeah, so I'm making this gist for those C developers out there who are also on the struggle,
* and probably about to give up, but they love ncurses!! Of course, I almost gave up ncurses. Alright, the work around is below:
* ## C program to print emoji characters using Ncurses + Termbox
* **main.c**
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <termbox.h>
int main()
int y, x;
char *hi = "Hi from here: ";
tb_init(); /* make sure tb_init() is called first before initscr() */
SCREEN *newscreen = newterm(NULL, stdout, stdin);
y = getcury(stdscr);
x = getcurx(stdscr);
mvprintw(y, x, "What's up nigga: ");
/* Refresh the ncurses window */
y = getcury(stdscr);
x = getcurx(stdscr);
tb_change_cell(x, y, 0x1F622, TB_WHITE, TB_DEFAULT); /* print a crying face */
tb_present(); /* display the character (interrupt) */
return 0;
* compile using `gcc main.c ($ncurses6-config --clags --libs) -ltermbox -o main`
* here my ncurses version is ncurses 6, make sure to substitute that with your original ncurses version.
* Also, `libtermbox` must be installed on your system. Can be installed with:
* `sudo apt install libtermbox-dev` on debian based systems and most other popular distros
* and that's it, you should see the emoji being displayed. Mathematics solve! :)
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