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Last active May 24, 2019 13:38
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CI/CD in Kubernetes

Kubernetes based/native CI/CD




  • ProwJob: CRD that represents a job.

    • PipelineRunSpec defines how a PipelineRun will be created by the pipeline controller.
    • Agent is used to determine which controller will take care of this job:
      • empty -> plank (which uses the pod_spec field).
      • KnativeBuildAgent -> build (which uses the build_spec field).
      • JenkinsAgent -> jenkins
    • phaino can be used to run a ProwJob in your machine.
  • hook: dispatches Github web hooks to (prow) plugins.

  • Prow plugin: Can be used to trigger jobs, implement 'slash' commands (/lgtm), etc.

    • TODO: list current plugins and explain what they can do.
  • plank: manages the job execution and lifecycle for jobs running in k8s.

  • horologium: trigger periodic jobs.

  • sinker: cleans up old jobs.

  • tide: merge automation

  • crier: reports for prowjobs status changes.

  • peribolos: manages github org settings, teams and memberships via a yaml file.

  • deck: web dashboard for Prow. Example:

  • spyglass: artifact viewer framework for Prow.

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