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Forked from syneart/
Created December 20, 2023 05:31
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Android debugging over WiFi (use adb)
# This shell script is made by SyneArt <[email protected]>
# Android Studio default path on Mac
function connect() {
device_ip=`${adb} -s ${device_id} shell ip -f inet addr show wlan0 | grep -e "[0-9].*\/[0-9]*" | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/\/[0-9]*//'`
echo "Android device id: ${device_id}"
${adb} -s ${device_id} tcpip 5555
${adb} connect ${device_ip}
while IFS= read -r line; do results_device_id+=("$line"); done < <(${adb} devices | grep -v "devices\|:" | grep "device\|offline" | cut -f 1)
[[ "${#results_device_id[@]}" -eq "0" ]] && echo "No any android devices need to switch to WiFi debug mode!"
for ((k=0; k<"${#results_device_id[@]}"; k++))
connect ${results_device_id[$k]}
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