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December 15, 2015 11:28
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config vim Like moder ide now. python , c , ctags ,cscope . and so on ..
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syntax on | |
set guioptions=i | |
set number | |
set wildmenu | |
set incsearch | |
set guifont=Source\ Code\ Pro\ 12 | |
"ctags -R -f ~/.vim/systags /usr/include /usr/local/include | |
set tags+=~/.vim/tags | |
" ctags -R --sort=yes --c-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++ -f glibc_tags ./glibc-2.17/ | |
set tags+=~/.vim/glibc_tags | |
" omnicomplete | |
" autocmd CursorMovedI * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif | |
" autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif | |
" set guifontwide=文泉驿等宽微米黑\ 12 | |
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 | |
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 | |
let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1 | |
" let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 1 | |
let Tlist_Show_Menu = 1 | |
" let ropevim_vim_completion=1 | |
" let ropevim_extended_complete=1 | |
let g:statline_fugitive = 1 | |
runtime ftplugin/man.vim | |
":runtime! syntax/2html.vim | |
" runtime syntax/2html.vim | |
autocmd FileType vim set cursorline | |
autocmd FileType python set textwidth=79 tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 | |
autocmd FileType python set expandtab autoindent cursorline | |
autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete | |
" autocmd FileType python set ft=python.django " For SnipMate | |
" autocmd FileType html set ft=htmldjango.html " For SnipMate | |
autocmd BufRead *.py set makeprg=python\ % | |
nmap <leader>py :w<CR>:make<CR> | |
let mapleader = ";" | |
" normal-mode | |
nmap <leader>ws :w !sudo tee %<cr> | |
nmap <leader>n :bn<cr> | |
nmap <leader>e :e | |
nmap <leader>g :Git | |
nmap <leader>co :colorscheme | |
" cd command-t && rake make | |
nmap <leader>ct :CommandT<CR> | |
nmap <leader>qa :qa<cr> | |
nmap <leader>w :w<cr> | |
nmap <leader>b :MiniBufExplorer<cr> | |
nmap <leader>s :source ~/.vimrc<cr> | |
nmap <leader>fl :NERDTreeToggle<cr> | |
nmap <leader>tl :TlistToggle<cr> | |
nmap <leader>sh :ConqueTerm bash | |
" DrawIt[!] start/stop DrawIt" | |
nmap <leader>dr :DrawIt | |
nmap <leader>d :!j <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <leader>re :registers<cr> | |
nmap <leader>go :OpenBrowserSearch <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <leader>r :w<CR>:make<CR>:cw<CR><CR>:!./a.out<CR> | |
" help cscope | |
" ctags -R | |
" cscope -Rb | |
" cscope add ... | |
nmap <C-s>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <C-s>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <C-s>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <C-s>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <C-s>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <C-s>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR> | |
nmap <C-s>i :cs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR> | |
nmap <C-s>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR> | |
" nmap <leader>ct :!ctags -R --sort=yes --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR> | |
" insert-mode | |
imap jk <Esc> | |
imap <C-b> <Left> | |
imap <C-f> <Right> | |
imap <C-a> <C-o>I | |
imap <C-e> <End> | |
imap <C-d> <Del> | |
imap <C-k> <C-o>D | |
" command-mode | |
" start of line | |
:cnoremap <C-A> <Home> | |
" back one character | |
:cnoremap <C-B> <Left> | |
" delete character under cursor | |
:cnoremap <C-D> <Del> | |
" end of line | |
:cnoremap <C-E> <End> | |
" forward one character | |
:cnoremap <C-F> <Right> | |
" recall newer command-line | |
:cnoremap <C-N> <Down> | |
" recall previous (older) command-line | |
:cnoremap <C-P> <Up> | |
" back one word | |
:cnoremap <Esc><C-B> <S-Left> | |
" forward one word | |
:cnoremap <Esc><C-F> <S-Right> | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Configure for vundle""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
set nocompatible " be iMproved | |
filetype off " required! | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ | |
call vundle#rc() | |
" let Vundle manage Vundle | |
" required! | |
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' | |
" My Bundles here: | |
" | |
" original repos on github | |
Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' | |
"Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion' | |
"Bundle 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} | |
"Bundle 'tpope/vim-rails.git' | |
" vim-scripts repos | |
"Bundle 'L9' | |
"Bundle 'FuzzyFinder' | |
" non github repos | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
" ... | |
filetype plugin indent on " required! | |
" | |
" Brief help | |
" :BundleList - list configured bundles | |
" :BundleInstall(!) - install(update) bundles | |
" :BundleSearch(!) foo - search(or refresh cache first) for foo | |
" :BundleClean(!) - confirm(or auto-approve) removal of unused bundles | |
" | |
" see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ | |
" NOTE: comments after Bundle command are not allowed.. | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
Bundle 'FencView.vim' | |
Bundle 'minibufexplorerpp' | |
Bundle 'msanders/snipmate.vim' | |
Bundle 'DrawIt' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'Syntastic' | |
" <leader>cc | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
Bundle 'git://' | |
"browser.vim requirement: sudo cpan LWP::UserAgent && synmark.vim " | |
"Bundle 'git://' | |
"Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
" Bundle 'git://' | |
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | |
if has('gui_running') | |
set background=dark | |
colorscheme solarized | |
endif | |
" vim --versoin (+python +ruby) | |
" exuberant-ctags cscope | |
" pip install jedi (if installed jedi don't need ropt-vim plugin) | |
" colorscheme | |
" black - molokai/tango/desert/ir_black/rootwater/made_of_code/blackbord | |
" torte/freya/koehler/darkblue | |
" other color - solarized/python/django | |
" dict - build (j) shell program at ~/bin | |
" #! /bin/bash | |
" dig "$*" +short txt | perl -pe's/\\(\d{1,3})/chr $1/eg; s/(^"|"$)//g' |
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