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Exhaustive Pattern Matching in TypeScript

Pattern matching is a powerful programming construct that allows developers to match values against a series of patterns and execute code based on the matched pattern. Exhaustive pattern matching ensures that all possible cases are handled, leaving no room for unintended behavior. In this article, we'll explore exhaustive pattern matching in TypeScript, its importance, and various techniques to achieve it.

Why Exhaustive Pattern Matching?

Exhaustive pattern matching is crucial for writing robust and maintainable code. By ensuring that all possible cases are handled, it helps prevent unexpected runtime errors and makes code more predictable and easier to reason about.

Let's start with an example in Rust to illustrate the concept:

enum Coin {

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u32 {
    match coin {
        Coin::Penny => 1,
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25,

In this Rust code, the match expression guarantees exhaustive pattern matching for the Coin enum. Each variant is handled explicitly, leaving no possibility of unhandled cases.

Exhaustive Pattern Matching in TypeScript

Rust kind of force you to into the Exhaustive Pattern Matching. Typescript does not. So, if you are a Typescript developer who has never heard of this concept, you may implement the code above in this way:

type Coin = "Penny" | "Nickel" | "Dime" | "Quarter";

function valueInCents(coin: Coin): number {
    switch (coin) {
        case "Penny":
            return 1;
        case "Nickel":
            return 5;
        case "Dime":
            return 10;
        case "Quarter":
            return 25;

Do you see the problem? If you forget to manage a case, the compliler will not help you. If tomorrow, there's a new type of Coin, the compiler will not tell you that you have to update the valueInCents function.

(p.s. if you are asking yourself why I didn't use an enum , it's because in Typescript enum are not typesafe.

In TypeScript, achieving exhaustive pattern matching involves leveraging the never type. By using never, TypeScript ensures that a function or switch statement covers all possible input types or values.

Using never in Functions

Consider a function that operates on different types of shapes:

type Shape = "circle" | "square" | "triangle";

function describeShape(shape: Shape): void {
    switch (shape) {
        case "circle":
            console.log("This is a circle.");
        case "square":
            console.log("This is a square.");
        case "triangle":
            console.log("This is a triangle.");
            const exhaustiveCheck: never = shape;

In this function, if a new shape type is introduced in the future, TypeScript ensures that we handle it explicitly by assigning it to a variable of type never. This guarantees exhaustive pattern matching.

Using never in Switch Statements

Similarly, we can achieve exhaustive pattern matching using never in switch statements:

function myFunction(coin:Coin): void {
    let value: number = 0
    switch (coin) {
        case "Penny":
        case "Nickel":
        case "Dime":
        case "Quarter":
            const exhaustiveCheck: never = coin;

    console.log(`we do stuff here`)

This will also return an error in case you forget a break.


While using never for exhaustive pattern matching is effective, there are alternative approaches available in the TypeScript ecosystem:

ts-pattern Library

The ts-pattern library provides a powerful pattern matching syntax for TypeScript:

import { match, _ } from 'ts-pattern';

type Result = "success" | "error";

const message = match<Result>('error')
    .with('success', () => 'Operation succeeded!')
    .with('error', () => 'An error occurred!')

ECMAScript Pattern Matching Proposal

The ECMAScript Pattern Matching proposal introduces native pattern matching syntax to JavaScript and TypeScript. While still a proposal, it shows promise for simplifying pattern matching in TypeScript in the future.


Exhaustive pattern matching is a valuable technique for writing reliable and maintainable code. By leveraging TypeScript's type system and features like never, developers can ensure that all possible cases are handled, leading to more robust software. Additionally, with libraries like ts-pattern and upcoming language features, pattern matching in TypeScript is becoming even more expressive and convenient.

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