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  • Save just-ero/5113900aea2e76da8efa55596bdbd940 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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double X : 0x6F65C48, 0x1B8, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2D8, 0x1A0, 0x128;
double Y : 0x6F65C48, 0x1B8, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2D8, 0x1A0, 0x130;
double Z : 0x6F65C48, 0x1B8, 0x38, 0x0, 0x30, 0x2D8, 0x1A0, 0x138;
int Timer : 0x6F65C48, 0x158, 0x320;
vars.Splits = new Dictionary<string, double[]>
{ "Underworld (73m)", new[] { 48169.700, -6670.38, 10415.32, 1600 } },
{ "- First Ladder", new[] { 57607.000, 57647.00, -4686.00, -4602 } },
{ "Hell Cliffs (196m)", new[] { 58518.040, -5896.68, 22762.73, 600 } },
{ "- Hell Cliffs Drone (258m)", new[] { 63361.970, -7714.82, 28700.00, 85 } },
{ "The Car Race (313m)", new[] { 60736.000, -5806.00, 34473.00, 2000 } },
{ "- Rotating Cube (372m)", new[] { 57840.650, -4092.85, 40061.93, 550 } },
{ "The Whispering Vault (446m)", new[] { 47380.000 } },
{ "- Open The Door (515m)", new[] { 70099.820, -12091.44, 54309.28, 1000 } },
{ "The Aqua Maze (582m)", new[] { 56175.000, -9616.00, 61161.00, 1900 } },
{ "The Subway Station (634m)", new[] { 61164.220, -16430.15, 66112.40, 875 } },
{ "- Station Drone (688m)", new[] { 43285.670, -19387.02, 71659.89, 85 } },
{ "- Red Elevator to City (830m)", new[] { 55934.050, -7474.58, 85888.98, 360 } },
{ "The City (1115m)", new[] { 114310.000 } },
{ "- City Crane (1167m)", new[] { 64600.000, -5950.00, 119450.00, 2340 } },
{ "- Double Crane Platforms (1228m)", new[] { 54706.000, -8769.00, 125606.00, 2350 } },
{ "- Elevator to Buildings (1305m)", new[] { 59656.000, -7845.00, 133400.00, 1050 } },
{ "Over The Buildings (1370m)", new[] { 139850.000 } },
{ "- Buildings Helicopter (1462m)", new[] { 61241.000, -7060.00, 149050.00, 150 } },
{ "The Warehouse (1532m)", new[] { 155996.000 } },
{ "The Harbor (1647m)", new[] { 58833.190, -10168.21, 167476.00, 4100 } },
{ "- Blue Railing Chariot (1726m)", new[] { 55267.000, -9424.00, 175450.00, 2200 } },
{ "- Elevator to stairs (1773m)", new[] { 60015.000, -5540.00, 180200.00, 1550 } },
{ "- Helicopter to Temple (2008m)", new[] { 63676.359, -12937.55, 203690.00, 150 } },
{ "The Temple (2105m)", new[] { 209230.000 } },
{ "- Elevator to Asian Shrine (2301m)", new[] { 60844.000, -13114.00, 233000.00, 1800 } },
{ "The Asian Shrine (2414m)", new[] { 244140.000 } },
{ "- Wooden Horse Wagon (2678m)", new[] { 57636.000, -9231.00, 270700.00, 1300 } },
{ "The Deities (2757m)", new[] { 40703.730, -1902.68, 278480.62, 2270 } },
{ "- Wooden Boat (2819m)", new[] { 52432.000, -1512.00, 284710.00, 1600 } },
{ "- Zeus Lightning (2989m)", new[] { 81930.000, -23160.00, 301710.00, 610 } },
{ "- Air Balloon Pump (3044m)", new[] { 45515.000, -11171.00, 307250.00, 100 } },
{ "The Garden (3282m)", new[] { 47610.460, -11083.54, 334514.26, 4200 } },
{ "The Final Trials (3352m)", new[] { 56907.000, -32509.00, 337997.00, 940 } },
{ "- Kiosk (3485m)", new[] { 56351.000, -23282.00, 351400.00, 650 } },
{ "- Carriage (3547m)", new[] { 60435.000, -27560.00, 357470.00, 450 } },
{ "The Sun (3658m)", new[] { 89000.000, -4500.00, 373000.00, 8500 } },
foreach (var key in vars.Splits.Key)
settings.Add(key, key[0] != '-');
vars.GetDistance = (Func<double, double, double, double, double, double, double>)((x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) => {
double dx = x2 - x1;
double dy = y2 - y1;
double dz = z2 - z1;
return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
vars.CompletedSplits = new HashSet<string>();
timer.StartTime = TimeStamp.Now - (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(-1));
return old.Timer == 0 && current.Timer == 1;
return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(current.Timer);
return old.Timer > 0 && current.Timer == 0;
foreach (var entry in vars.Splits)
var key = entry.Key;
var values = entry.Value;
if (!settings[key] || vars.CompletedSplits.Contains(key))
switch (values.Length)
case 0:
return current.X == 0 && current.Y == 0 && current.Z == 0;
case 1:
return current.Z >= values[0];
double d = vars.GetDistance(current.X, current.Y, current.Z, values[0], values[1], values[2]);
double r = values[3];
if (key == "The Harbor (1647m)")
return d <= r && current.Z >= values[2];
else if (key == "- First Ladder")
return values[0] <= current.X && current.X <= values[1] && values[2] <= current.Y && current.Y <= values[3];
return d <= r;
vars.currSplit = 0;
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