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Last active July 13, 2016 03:00
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Blueprints as circuit network signals
Signals to/from "digitizer" device placed next to blueprint printer running "edit-blueprint" recipe
Reading a print leaves it in the input inventory
in blueprint: Read print
out blueprint: =1 successfully read, loaded print for editing / =-1 no print loaded =-2 wrong recipe/no adjacent printer
Writing a print destroys the input print and creates a new print in the output based on the edits made
in deconstruction-planner: Write print (move input->output inventory)
out deconstruction-planner: =1 print written / =-1 output full =-2 other print fail
Writing to a print
in ?: Write content (combine with Report message)
in S: =1 Request stats
out S: Report print stats: S=1 0=#entities, 1=#tiles, 2=#icons
in I: Request icon: I=icon number
out I: Report icon: I=icon number, $iconsignal=1
in T: Request tile: T=tile number
out T: Report tile: T=tile number, X,Y, $tilesignal=1
in E: Request entity: E=entity number
out E: Report entities: E=enity number, X,Y, $entitysignal=1, R=hasrecipe, C=#connections, F=#filters?, modules as count, ???
in C: Request entity-connections: C=entity number,0=connection number
out C: Report entity-connections: C=entity number,0=connection number,1=remote entity,2=remote connection port
in R: Request recipe: R=entity number
out R: Report recipe: R=entity number,X,Y $inputs=1, $output=2 (if something is both, =3)
in ?: Request control behaviror: ?=entity number
out ?: Report control behavior: ?= entity number, $type=1,type-specific data.
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