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Created June 15, 2013 03:49
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Attempting to use zombie in node.js to load content into a dynamically created iframe. Doesn't seem to work. I am new to node.js — what am I doing wrong?
browser = require('zombie');
browser = new browser();
document = browser.document;
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function () {
console.log('loaded') // this does not happen
iframe.src = '';
// Trying the above commands in node I get:
// iframe.location.href --> ''
// iframe.contentDocument.readyState --> 'loading'
// iframe.contentDocument.body --> null
// Seems like it never loads
//I put some console.log calls in the compiled zombie code (in dom_iframe.js):
HTML.HTMLFrameElement.prototype._attrModified = function(name, value, oldValue) {
var onload, url,
_this = this;, name, value, oldValue);
if (name === "name") {
return this.ownerDocument.parentWindow.__defineGetter__(value, function() {
return _this.contentWindow;
} else if (name === "src" && value) {
console.log('HEY THERE') // I see this
url = HTML.resourceLoader.resolve(this.ownerDocument, value);
this.contentWindow.location = url;
onload = function() {
console.log('I AM LOADED') // I never see this
_this.contentWindow.removeEventListener("load", onload);
onload = _this.ownerDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
onload.initEvent("load", true, false);
return _this.dispatchEvent(onload);
return this.contentWindow.addEventListener("load", onload);
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Here's a better self-contained script:

browser = require('zombie');
browser = new browser();
browser.visit('', function () {
    console.log('page loaded, waiting for iframe to load...')
    waiting = true;
    document = browser.document;
    iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.onload = function () {
        console.log('iframe loaded!')
        waiting = false;
    iframe.src = '';
    while(waiting) {
        // waiting forever...

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If I set browser.debug to true, I get this output:

Zombie: Opened window 
Zombie: GET => 200
Zombie: Loaded document
Zombie: Event loop is empty
page loaded, waiting for iframe to load...
Zombie: Opened window about:blank 
Zombie: Loaded document about:blank
Zombie: Opened window

But then it just hangs. Is the "Event loop is empty" message indicating a problem? I see that although I get "Opened window" with the iframe src, there is no GET request, so it seems like it is never trying to load the resource.

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Oh dear, I've been working too much. Of course the while loop is blocking everything. Also the iframe content page is "frame.html" not "iframe.html". Alright, so now if I do:

browser = require('zombie');
browser = new browser();
browser.debug = true;
browser.visit('', function () {
    console.log('page loaded, waiting for iframe to load...')
    document = browser.document;
    iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.onload = function () {
        console.log('iframe loaded!')
    iframe.src = '';

I get:

Zombie: Opened window 
Zombie: GET => 200
Zombie: Loaded document
Zombie: Event loop is empty
page loaded, waiting for iframe to load...
Zombie: Opened window about:blank 
Zombie: Loaded document about:blank
Zombie: Opened window 
Zombie: GET => 200

But the onload doesn't fire. Using addEventListener('load'... also doesn't work.

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