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Created January 21, 2016 01:15
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C# 6.0 new features in a fairly simple C# file.
// C#6 feature: Auto-property Initializer
public Guid Id { get; private set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
// C#6 feature: Auto-property Initializer (Getter only)
public Guid Id { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();
// C#6 feature: String Interpolation
string test = $"{this.FirstName} {this.LastName} ({this.Id})";
FormattableString test2 = $"{this.FirstName} {this.LastName} ({this.Id})";
Console.WriteLine(test2.ArgumentCount + " " + test2.Format);
// C#6 feature: Using Static
using static System.Console;
class Program
static void Main()
// C#6 feature: Expression Bodied Member (property)
public string FullName
return $"{this.FirstName} {this.LastName}";
// ...can now be...
public string FullName => $"{this.FirstName} {this.LastName}";
// This only works for one liners!
// C#6 feature: Expression Bodied Member (void method)
public void Echo(string message) => Console.WriteLine($"This message is: {message}");
// This only works for one liners!
// C#6 feature: Expression Bodied Member (method that returns)
public string Yell(string message) => message.ToUpper();
// This only works for one liners!
// C#6 feature: Dictionary Initializer
var contacts = new Dictionary<int, Contact>
[1] = new Contact { FirstName = "Justin", LastName = "Aurand" },
[2] = new Contact { FirstName = "Jerk", LastName = "Face" }
// C#6 features: Add Extension (for collection initiatlizer)
public static Contact Add(this ContactsCollection list, Contact contact)
return list.Insert(contact);
// Now you can use inline initialization for your ContactsCollection class!
// C#6 feature: Null Conditional Access
public static bool IsMaxLengthValid(this Contact contact)
var length = contact?.LastName?.Length ?? 0;
return length <= 20;
// C#6 feature: nameof Operator
public static string GetFirstName(this Contact contact)
if (contact == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contact));
return contact.FirstName;
// C#6 feature: Await Inside Catch Block (works for finally, too!)
private static async void ReadFileAsync()
var filename = "test.txt";
var result = await FileUtil.ReadFileAsync(filename);
catch (Exception)
await FileUtil.LogAsync("Unknown Error.");
// C#6 feature: Exception Filter
private static async void ReadFileAsync()
var filename = "test.txt";
var result = await FileUtil.ReadFileAsync(filename);
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) when (ex.FileName.EndsWith(".txt"))
await FileUtil.LogAsync($"File not found: {ex.FileName}");
catch (Exception)
await FileUtil.LogAsync("Unknown Error.");
// You can download the Rosyln C# compiler as a Nuget package.
static void RoslynDemo()
var code = File.ReadAllText("Person.cs");
var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(code);
// Create compilation
var options = new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary);
var reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(object).Assembly.Location);
var compilation = CSharpCompliation.Create("test")
// Show Diagnostics
var diagnostics = compilation.GetDiagnostics();
foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
// Execute Code
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
var assembly = Assembly.Load(stream.GetBuffer());
var type = assembly.GetType("CS60Demo.Person");
dynamic Person = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
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