A task represents something to do. The task's service can CRUD tasks. Tasks can belong to other tasks and a single owner. Tasks have a belongs to and has many relationship with assignees.
Creates a task in the database.
POST /services/create
- name :STRING
name: "Dishes"
The name of the todo
- ownerId :INT?
ownerId: 5
The ownerId of the issue. If the current user is a manager, an ownerId can be provided to assign the task to someone else. Otherwise, ownerId is set as the current session owner.
- assignees :Array?
assignees: [3,4,5]
Assigns this task to multiple people.
- dueDate :INT
dueDate: 1403801116649
When the task is due as a julian timestamp.
name: "Dishes",
dueDate: 1403801116649 // Jun 26, 2014
id: "354325-4354-23"
The unique id of the todo
"id": "354325-4354-23"