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Created July 20, 2010 14:21
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Threaded batch script
@echo off
set strVariable=[%1]
if %strVariable% NEQ [] goto :Thread
set intTotal=0
echo Start %date% %time%
for /F %%a in ('net view ^| find /i "\\"') do call :Parse %%a
echo Stop %date% %time%
echo Total %intTotal%
goto :eof
set strHost=%1
set strHost=%strHost:\=%
start threaded.bat %strHost%
set /a intTotal=%intTotal%+1
exit /b
ping %1 -n 1 >nul
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 exit
::Do some stuff to this host
::Save the data somehow if needed
::Could use sqlcmd, or flat files, or possibly save to system variables
Copy link

Would be a good way to do a threaded XCOPY .... sorta like RichCopy.exe .

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