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Created July 2, 2013 15:54
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MyProject.Domain;
using EO.Pdf;
using EO.Pdf.Acm;
namespace MyProject.Services
public class EoAssessmentPrinter
private bool isTwoColumn;
private string title;
private const string Space = " ";
public Stream CreateAssessmentPdf(AssessmentTestVersion assessment, bool isTwoColumn)
this.isTwoColumn = isTwoColumn;
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
AcmPageLayout layout = GetLayout(isTwoColumn);
AcmRender renderer = new AcmRender(pdf, layout);
renderer.BeforeRenderPage += new AcmPageEventHandler(BeforeRenderPage);
foreach (AssessmentTestQuestion question in assessment.Questions.OrderBy(t => t.AssessmentSectionItem.OrderNumber))
AcmParagraph paragraph = AddQuestion(question);
pdf.Save("C:\\dev\\testcols" + (isTwoColumn ? 2 : 1) + ".pdf"); // just save the PDF for now
return null;
private void SetTitle(string title)
this.title = title;
private AcmParagraph AddQuestion(Question question)
AcmParagraph paragraph = new AcmParagraph();
int? questionNumber = ((AssessmentTestQuestion)question).AssessmentSectionItem.OrderNumber;
AcmText questionText = new AcmText(questionNumber + "." + Space + question.ItemBody);
paragraph.Children.Add(new AcmLineBreak());
for (int i = 0; i < question.QuestionResponses.Count; i++)
AssessmentItemResponse answer = question.QuestionResponses[i];
AcmText answerText = AddAnswer(answer);
answerText.Style.Margin.Left = 0.5f;
if (i < question.QuestionResponses.Count - 1)
paragraph.Children.Add(new AcmLineBreak());
return paragraph;
private AcmText AddAnswer(AssessmentItemResponse answer)
AcmText answerText = new AcmText(answer.Label + "." + Space + answer.Answer);
return answerText;
private void BeforeRenderPage(object sender, AcmPageEventArgs e)
PdfPage page = e.Page;
AcmRender renderer = new AcmRender(page, 0, new AcmPageLayout(new AcmPadding(1, 0, 1, 0)));
if (null != title)
AcmBlock header = new AcmBlock(new AcmText(title));
header.Style.Border.Bottom = new AcmLineInfo(AcmLineStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 0.01f);
header.Style.Top = 0.1f;
header.Style.HorizontalAlign = AcmHorizontalAlign.Center;
AcmBlock footer = new AcmBlock(new AcmText(string.Format("{0}", page.Index)));
footer.Style.Border.Top = new AcmLineInfo(AcmLineStyle.Solid, Color.Black, 0.01f);
footer.Style.Top = 10.6f;
footer.Style.HorizontalAlign = AcmHorizontalAlign.Right;
private static AcmPageLayout GetLayout(bool isTwoColumn)
return isTwoColumn
? new AcmPageLayout(new AcmPadding(0.5f), new AcmColumn(0.5f, 3f), new AcmColumn(4.5f, 3f))
: new AcmPageLayout(new AcmPadding(0.5f));
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