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Created October 22, 2019 17:37
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dada/DADA/ fix for, " Undefined subroutine &DADA::MailingList::strip called at DADA/ line 81, <CONFIG> line 1."
package DADA::MailingList;
use lib qw(./ ../ ../DADA ../perllib);
use Carp qw(croak carp);
use DADA::Config qw(!:DEFAULT);
use DADA::App::Guts;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(Create Remove);
use strict;
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
sub Create {
# Init.
my ($args) = @_;
if ( !exists( $args->{ -list } )) {
croak("You must supply a list name in the '-list' parameter.");
if ( !exists( $args->{ -settings } )) {
croak("You must supply settings in the '-settings' parameter.");
if( ! exists($args->{-test})) {
$args->{-test} = 1;
require DADA::App::Guts;
if (
DADA::App::Guts::check_if_list_exists( -List => $args->{ -list } ) == 1
croak 'The list, ' . $args->{ -list } . ' already exists! ';
# One last check....
if(($args->{-test} == 1)) {
my ($errors, $flags) = DADA::App::Guts::check_list_setup(
-fields =>
list => $args->{-list},
retype_password => $args->{-settings}->{'password'},
if($errors >= 1){
my $e = '';
$e .= $_ . ', ' if $flags->{$_} == 1;
croak "Problems creating list: " . $e;
# /One last check....
require DADA::MailingList::Settings;
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Settings->new(
-list => $args->{ -list },
-new_list => 1,
unless ( $ls->isa('DADA::MailingList::Settings') ) {
'DADA::MailingList::Settings did not give back the right kind of object!';
my $consent = undef;
if(defined($args->{ -settings }->{consent})) {
$consent = $args->{ -settings }->{consent};
$consent = strip($consent);
delete( $args->{ -settings }->{consent} );
$args->{ -settings }->{list} = $args->{ -list };
if ( exists( $args->{ -clone } ) ) {
my $clone_ls =
DADA::MailingList::Settings->new( { -list => $args->{ -clone }, } );
my %to_clone = %{ $clone_ls->params };
if ( exists( $to_clone{$_} ) ) {
delete( $to_clone{$_} );
for(keys %to_clone){
if(! exists($DADA::Config::LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS{$_})){
warn "Skipping setting: $_ in clone.";
delete( $to_clone{$_} );
%{ $args->{ -settings } } = ( %to_clone, %{ $args->{ -settings } } );
$ls->save({ -settings => $args->{ -settings } });
&& length($consent) > 0
) {
# Consent!
require DADA::MailingList::Consents;
my $dmlc = DADA::MailingList::Consents->new;
my $consent_id = $dmlc->add({
-list => $args->{ -list },
-consent => $consent,
my $frozen_consent = $dmlc->freezish_for_saving([$consent_id]);
-settings => {
list_consent_ids => $frozen_consent,
# Privacy Policy!
require DADA::MailingList::PrivacyPolicyManager;
my $ppm = DADA::MailingList::PrivacyPolicyManager->new;
-list => $args->{-list},
-privacy_policy => $args->{ -settings }->{privacy_policy},
DADA::App::Guts::available_lists( -clear_cache => 1 );
return $ls;
sub Remove {
my ($args) = @_;
if ( !$args->{-name} ) {
croak("You must supply a list name in the '-name' parameter.");
require DADA::App::Guts;
if(DADA::App::Guts::check_if_list_exists(-List => $args->{-name}, -Dont_Die => 1) == 0){
croak 'The list, ' . $args->{-name} . ' does not exists! ';
my $list = $args->{-name};
require DADA::MailingList::Settings;
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Settings->new({-list => $list});
my $li = $ls->get;
# We have to remove mailouts, now.
require DADA::Mail::MailOut;
my @mailouts = DADA::Mail::MailOut::current_mailouts(
-list => $args->{-name},
for (@mailouts){
my $mailout = DADA::Mail::MailOut->new({ -list => $list });
$mailout->associate($_->{id}, $_->{type});
require DADA::MailingList::Archives;
my $la = DADA::MailingList::Archives->new({-list => $list});
require DADA::MailingList::Subscribers;
my $lh = DADA::MailingList::Subscribers->new({-list => $list});
#mostly for the SQL backends
for(keys %{$lh->get_list_types }){
$lh->remove_this_listtype({-type => $_});
# Nor this...
DADA::App::Guts::delete_list_info( -List => $list );
# Nor this...
DADA::App::Guts::delete_list_template({ -List => $list });
DADA::App::Guts::available_lists(-clear_cache => 1);
require DADA::Logging::Usage;
my $remote_host = exists($ENV{REMOTE_HOST}) ? $ENV{REMOTE_HOST} : '';
my $remote_addr = exists($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}) ? $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} : '';
my $log = new DADA::Logging::Usage;
'List Removed',
'remote_host: ' . $remote_host .
', ip_address: ' . $remote_addr,
if $DADA::Config::LOG{list_lives};
return 1;
=head1 NAME
DADA::MailingList - Creates and Removes Dada Mail Mailing Lists
=head1 VERSION
use DADA::MailingList;
my $list = 'foo';
# Create!
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Create(
-list => 'mylist',
-settings =>
# $ls is now a DADA::MailingList::Settings object.
# Remove!
DADA::MailingList::Remove({ -name => 'mylist' });
This module basically either creates, or removes a list.
=head2 Create
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Create(
-list => 'mylist',
-settings => {
# a bunch of settings!
or even,
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Create(
-list => 'mylist',
-settings => {
# a bunch of settings!
-clone => 'my_first_list',
Creates all the necessary files for a Dada Mailing List.
The B<-list> parameter should hold the
list shortname of your mailing list - which itself should be no more than 16
characters and should only include letters/numbers.
The, B<-settings> parameter should hold a hashref with the key/values that make
up your list settings. Only keys that are mentioned in the's C<%LIST_SETUP_DEFAULTS>
can be passed - trying to pass keys that aren't mentioned will cause an error.
The optional, B<-clone> variable will copy list settings from an already existing list,
to be used in this new list. Settings mentioned in the variable,
C<@LIST_SETUP_DONT_CLONE> will not be copied over.
This method returns a B<DADA::MailingList::Settings> object.
=head2 Remove
DADA::MailingList::Remove({ -name => 'mylist'});
Removes a Mailing List. the B<-name> parameter is required.
=head1 AUTHOR
Justin Simoni -
Copyright (c) 1999 - 2019 Justin Simoni All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
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