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Last active April 29, 2021 23:13
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Parsing JSON with Ansible ...

Recently, Everyday Hero has been doing a heap of work around the automation and provisioning of resources with AWS cloud services. This entails working frequently with the AWS API.

A useful filter we have been using in Ansible is taking output from a shell action and turning it into something we can consume via variables.

An example playbook is below:

- shell: |
    lib/ --list --refresh-cache
  register: output

- set_fact:
    ec2_output: "{{ output.stdout|from_json }}"

- shell: "rm addresses.txt"

- shell: "echo '{{ item.value['ec2_private_ip_address'] }}' >> addresses.txt"
  when: item.value["ec2_tag_Name"] is defined and item.value["ec2_tag_Name"] == "deis-{{ environment_unique_id }}"
  with_dict: ec2_output._meta.hostvars

- shell: "cat addresses.txt"
  register: output

- add_host:
    hostname: "{{ output.stdout_lines.0 }}"
    groupname: "deis_node"

- debug: var={{ groups['deis_node'].0 }}

This example uses an Ansible plugin script to retrieve a list of instances running in an AWS account. It then filters out the ones that we want via the ec2_tag_Name key and adds the private IP address to a file.

After running the following shell action, output holds a heap of information about what the commands did and the output from stdout and stderr (if there was any.)

- shell: |
    lib/ --list --refresh-cache
  register: output

The Ansible output for the registered variable output looks something like this:

TASK: [debug var=output] ****************************************************** 
ok: [localhost] => {
    "output": {
        "changed": true, 
        "cmd": "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY \nexport AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_KEY \nlib/ --list --refresh-cache", 
        "delta": "0:00:05.268682", 
        "end": "2014-10-05 11:43:05.235594", 
        "invocation": {
            "module_args": "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY \nexport AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_KEY \nlib/ --list --refresh-cache", 
            "module_name": "shell"
        "rc": 0, 
        "start": "2013-10-05 11:42:59.966912", 
        "stderr": "", 
        "stdout": "<suppressed to keep it short>",
        "stdout_lines": [
            "  \"_meta\": {", 
            "    \"hostvars\": {", 
            "      \"\": {", 
            "        \"ec2__in_monitoring_element\": false, ", 
            "        \"ec2_ami_launch_index\": \"0\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_architecture\": \"x86_64\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_client_token\": \"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c55977fc0029_us-east-1a_1\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_dns_name\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_ebs_optimized\": false, ", 
            "        \"ec2_eventsSet\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_group_name\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_hypervisor\": \"xen\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_id\": \"i-xxxxxx\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_image_id\": \"ami-xxxxxx\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_instance_profile\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_instance_type\": \"m1.large\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_ip_address\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_item\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_kernel\": \"aki-xxxxxxxx\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_key_name\": \"ambari\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_launch_time\": \"2013-10-01T04:53:00.000Z\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_monitored\": true, ", 
            "        \"ec2_monitoring\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_monitoring_state\": \"enabled\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_persistent\": false, ", 
            "        \"ec2_placement\": \"us-east-1a\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_platform\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_previous_state\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_previous_state_code\": 0, ", 
            "        \"ec2_private_dns_name\": \"ip-xx-xx-x-xxx.ec2.internal\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_private_ip_address\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_public_dns_name\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_ramdisk\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_reason\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_region\": \"us-east-1\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_requester_id\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_root_device_name\": \"/dev/sda1\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_root_device_type\": \"ebs\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_security_group_ids\": \"sg-xxxxxxxx\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_security_group_names\": \"ambari\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_sourceDestCheck\": \"true\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_spot_instance_request_id\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_state\": \"running\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_state_code\": 16, ", 
            "        \"ec2_state_reason\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_subnet_id\": \"subnet-xxxxxxxx\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_tag_Name\": \"hdpmaster1\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_tag_aws_autoscaling_groupName\": \"ambari-LargeClusterGroup-148W3OVR9LSSE\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_tag_aws_cloudformation_logical-id\": \"LargeClusterGroup\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_tag_aws_cloudformation_stack-id\": \"arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:167609138788:stack/ambari/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-50fa526be49c\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_tag_aws_cloudformation_stack-name\": \"ambari\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_tag_long_hostname\": \"\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_virtualization_type\": \"paravirtual\", ", 
            "        \"ec2_vpc_id\": \"vpc-xxxxxxxx\"", 
            "      }, ", 

As you can see stdout and stdout_lines aren't in a great format to do much with, here enters from_json:

- set_fact:
    ec2_output: "{{ output.stdout|from_json }}"

This then allows us to do the following and ec2_output is now in a standard JSON format that Ansible can then use to iterate over like so:

- shell: "echo '{{ item.value['ec2_private_ip_address'] }}' >> addresses.txt"
  when: item.value["ec2_tag_Name"] is defined and item.value["ec2_tag_Name"] == "deis-{{ environment_unique_id }}"
  with_dict: ec2_output._meta.hostvars

This Ansible task creates a file that contains all of the private IP addresses of ec2 instances that match the ec2_tag_Name criteria.

We could then take the first of these IP addresses and use it later in our playbook:

- shell: "cat addresses.txt"
  register: output

- debug: var={{ output.stdout_lines.0 }}

This becomes a very powerful pattern when you mix in RESTful APIs, calls to them and processing output from them.

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Thanks, this just saved me a bunch of time.

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terrano commented Jan 23, 2020

Thanks! That's really helpful.

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jarek-o commented Apr 29, 2021

thank you! even tho my problem was completely different, syntax that you used was what I needed!

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no problems. :) im glad it helped.

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