- Site uses a cache buster for expiring .js, .css, and images
- JavaScript and CSS is minified and concatenated into logical groupings
- Images have been optimized by ImageOptim (
- Code does not contain inline JavaScript event listeners
- Code does not contain inline style attributes
- Code does not contain deprecated elements & attributese
- Page begins with a valid DTD (HTML5 doctype)
- Code is indented using hard tabs
- Tags and attributes are lowercase
- Tags are closed and nested properly
- Markup is semantic (e.g. class names do not denote presentation, Items in list form are housed in a UL, OL, or DL)
- Tables are only used to display tabular data
- Element IDs are unique
- Code validates against the W3C validator
- DOM nesting depth does not exceed 12 levels
- Total page weight does not exceed client requirements (e.g. 1000kb)
- TItle case is used for headers/titles and forced to all caps using the CSS declaration text-transform: uppercase;
- Where text is included via images, CSS image replacement is used.
- All user input is “sanitized”
- Form elements are paired with labels elements containing the for attribute
- Form label/input pairs are wrapped with a block level element (e.g.
) - Forms are logically arranged within fieldsets
- Page has a proper outline (H1-H6 order)
- Alt attributes exist on all
- Video is accompanied by a transcript and closed captioning
- Code validates against WCAG priority level 1 and 2
- Events and styles applied to :hover are also applied to :focus
- Tabindex order is logical and intuitive
- Style blocks are externalized to .css files
- Consistent naming conventions are used
- CSS validates against the W3C validator
- CSS selectors are only as specific as they need to be; grouped logically
- A print-friendly .css file is included in the page
- A reset.css file is included in the page
- CSS sprites are used to combine images
- CSS selectors gets more specific across files
- CSS shorthand is used for properties that support it
- CSS selectors are not tag qualified
- CSS properties are alphabetical (except for vendor-specific properties)
- Script blocks are externalized to .js files
- Consistent naming conventions are used
- Code adheres to the K&R style
- Core page features function with JavaScript disabled
- JavaScript belongs to a namespace (no globally scoped code)
- jQuery selectors are performant
- jQuery objects are cached
- Event delegation is used for binding events to 2 or more elements, or ajax'd elements
- Script blocks are placed before the closing tag
- Code has been run through JSLint ( or JSHint (
- Uses a valid <title> element with a valid text node
- Uses description meta data
- Uses visible header tags
Code Base Checks
- All code is checked into SVN or other source code repository
- Unused sections of code are removed
- Code is commented where appropriate
- Client-side code is free of any references to development and staging environments, URLs, or other development settings (e.g. dev Facebook application IDs)
- Any environmental defaults reference production.
- Any dependency definitions use exact versions.
Code Review Tools
- Markup: DOM Monster bookmarklet
- Markup: Diagnose Chrome Extension
- Markup: W3C HTML validator
- CSS: W3C CSS validator
- Performance: YSlow
- Performance: PageSpeed
- JavaScript: JSLint/JSHint
- Accessibility: SortSite
- Accessibility: JAWS/NVDA/VoiceOver
- Accessibility: CynthiaSays