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Created June 22, 2024 17:07
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async Task Main()
// Initialize settings
var transformFileSettings = new TransformFileSettings { BlobPath = "some/path", BusinessUnitId = 1 };
var uploadToBlobSettings = new UploadToBlobSettings { ContainerName = "some-container" };
var firstTask = new TransformFile(transformFileSettings, Guid.Empty);
var secondTask = new UploadToBlob(uploadToBlobSettings, firstTask.TaskId);
var tasks = new List<IJobExecutionTask> { firstTask, secondTask };
var context = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var jobExecution = new JobExecution(tasks, context);
jobExecution.OnTaskStarted += (sender, args) =>
Console.WriteLine($"[Event] Task {args.TaskType} has started.");
jobExecution.OnTaskCompleted += (sender, args) =>
Console.WriteLine($"[Event] Task {args.TaskType} has completed.");
if (!jobExecution.ValidateTaskTree())
Console.WriteLine("Invalid task tree. Exiting...");
await jobExecution.Run();
public class JobExecutionStateDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ExecutionStatus { get; set; }
public Guid Identifier { get; set; }
public string ContextSnapshotJson { get; set; }
public interface IJobExecutionTask
Guid TaskId { get; }
Guid ExecuteAfter { get; }
Task<Guid> ExecuteAsync(IJobExecution execution);
public class TransformFile : IJobExecutionTask
public Guid TaskId { get; }
public Guid ExecuteAfter { get; }
public TransformFileSettings Settings { get; }
public TransformFile(TransformFileSettings settings, Guid executeAfter)
TaskId = Guid.NewGuid();
ExecuteAfter = executeAfter;
Settings = settings;
public async Task<Guid> ExecuteAsync(IJobExecution execution)
// Simulate real work
Console.WriteLine("TransformFile. ExecuteAsync...");
await Task.Delay(1000);
return TaskId;
public class UploadToBlob : IJobExecutionTask
public Guid TaskId { get; }
public Guid ExecuteAfter { get; }
public UploadToBlobSettings Settings { get; }
public UploadToBlob(UploadToBlobSettings settings, Guid executeAfter)
TaskId = Guid.NewGuid();
ExecuteAfter = executeAfter;
Settings = settings;
public async Task<Guid> ExecuteAsync(IJobExecution execution)
// Simulate real work
Console.WriteLine("UploadToBlob. ExecuteAsync...");
await Task.Delay(1000);
return TaskId;
public class TransformFileSettings
public string BlobPath { get; set; }
public int BusinessUnitId { get; set; }
public class UploadToBlobSettings
public string ContainerName { get; set; }
public interface IJobExecution
Dictionary<string, string> Context { get; set; }
string Status { get; }
Task Run();
public class JobExecution : IJobExecution
public event EventHandler<TaskEventArgs> OnTaskStarted;
public event EventHandler<TaskEventArgs> OnTaskCompleted;
// Simulated in-memory database
private static readonly Dictionary<Guid, JobExecutionStateDto> _db = new Dictionary<Guid, JobExecutionStateDto>();
public Dictionary<string, string> Context { get; set; }
public string Status => ExecutionState.ExecutionStatus;
private readonly List<IJobExecutionTask> _tasks;
public JobExecutionStateDto ExecutionState { get; private set; }
public JobExecution(List<IJobExecutionTask> tasks, Dictionary<string, string> context)
ExecutionState = new JobExecutionStateDto
Identifier = Guid.NewGuid(),
ExecutionStatus = "Initialized"
_db[ExecutionState.Identifier] = ExecutionState;
Context = context;
_tasks = tasks;
public bool ValidateTaskTree()
// Storing all task IDs in a set for quick lookup
var taskIds = new HashSet<Guid>(_tasks.Select(t => t.TaskId));
// Checking for orphan tasks
foreach (var task in _tasks)
if (task.ExecuteAfter != Guid.Empty && !taskIds.Contains(task.ExecuteAfter))
Console.WriteLine($"Validation Failed: Task with ID {task.TaskId} has invalid ExecuteAfter value {task.ExecuteAfter}");
return false;
return true;
public async Task Run()
if (!ValidateTaskTree())
Console.WriteLine("Job aborted due to invalid task tree.");
Console.WriteLine($"Job started. Status: {Status}");
// Using a Dictionary to map task outcomes to the next task to be executed
var taskOutcomeMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();
foreach (var task in _tasks)
taskOutcomeMap[task.ExecuteAfter] = task.TaskId;
Guid currentTaskOutcome = Guid.Empty;
while (taskOutcomeMap.ContainsKey(currentTaskOutcome))
var nextTaskId = taskOutcomeMap[currentTaskOutcome];
var nextTask = _tasks.First(t => t.TaskId == nextTaskId);
// Trigger the OnTaskStarted event
OnTaskStarted?.Invoke(this, new TaskEventArgs(nextTask.GetType().Name));
currentTaskOutcome = await nextTask.ExecuteAsync(this);
// Trigger the OnTaskCompleted event
OnTaskCompleted?.Invoke(this, new TaskEventArgs(nextTask.GetType().Name));
// Update in-memory database
ExecutionState.ContextSnapshotJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Context);
ExecutionState.ExecutionStatus = "In Progress";
_db[ExecutionState.Identifier] = ExecutionState;
ExecutionState.ExecutionStatus = "Completed";
_db[ExecutionState.Identifier] = ExecutionState;
Console.WriteLine($"Job completed. Status: {Status}");
public class TaskEventArgs : EventArgs
public string TaskType { get; set; }
public TaskEventArgs(string taskType)
TaskType = taskType;
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