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This gist provides the updates required for updating the [U7 Data Type Grid] ( These updates add two new column types for ReadOnly and AutoIncrement values. The ReadOnly is ideal for values that are set on the server side during events. The AutoIncrement is useful when you need an auto incrementing integer column.

<div ng-controller="u7dtg.prevaluesController">
<table class="table table-striped table-responsive table-hover prevalusTable">
<tr ng-repeat="column in model.value.columns">
<td><input type="text" ng-model="column.title" /></td>
<td><input type="text" ng-model="column.alias" /></td>
<div class="clearfix">
<select ng-model="column.type">
<option value="textbox">Textbox</option>
<option value="textarea">Textarea</option>
<option value="rte">Rich text editor</option>
<option value="datepicker">Date picker</option>
<option value="mediapicker">Media picker</option>
<option value="contentpicker">Content picker</option>
<option value="checkbox">Checkbox</option>
<option value="dropdown">Drop down</option>
<option value="numeric">Numeric</option>
<option value="readonly">Read Only</option>
<option value="autoincrement">Auto Increment</option>
<ng-include src="'/app_plugins/u7dtg/propertiesPrevalues/'+column.type+'.html'"></ng-include>
<td class="actions">
<span ng-click="moveUp($index)" class="btn btn-default icon icon-arrow-up"></span>
<span ng-click="moveDown($index)" class="btn btn-default icon icon-arrow-down"></span>
<span ng-click="removeColumn($index)" class="btn btn-danger icon icon-trash"></span>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="addColumn()">Add coulmn</button>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<!-- Placeholder file must exist -->
<!-- Placeholder file must exist -->
<label ng-bind="row[property]" />
<div ng-bind="row[property]" ></div>
function ($scope) {
if (!$scope.model.value) {
$scope.model.value = [
var dtgContentPicker = {
alias: 'u7dtgContentPicker',
label: '',
description: '',
view: 'contentpicker',
var dtgMediaPicker = {
alias: 'u7dtgMediaPicker',
label: '',
description: '',
view: 'mediapicker',
config: {
multiPicker: '0'
var dtgDatePicker = {
alias: 'u7dtgDatePicker',
label: '',
description: '',
view: 'datepicker',
config: {
format: 'yyyy-MM-dd',
pickTime: false
var dtgEditor = {
alias: 'u7dtgRichtexteditor',
label: '',
description: '',
view: 'rte',
config: {
editor: {
toolbar: ["code", "undo", "redo", "cut", "bold", "italic", "alignleft", "aligncenter", "alignright", "bullist", "numlist", "link", "umbmediapicker", "umbmacro", "table", "umbembeddialog"],
stylesheets: [],
dimensions: { height: 400 }
var maxRows = parseInt($scope.model.config.rows.rows) || 0; 0;
var propertiesEditorswatchers = [];
var rowObject = {};
var resetProertiesEditors = function () {
$scope.contentpickers = {};
$scope.mediapickers = {};
$scope.datepickers = {};
$scope.rtEditors = [];
rowObject = {};
$scope.propertiesOrder = [];
// clean watchers before set again.
for (index = 0; index < propertiesEditorswatchers.length; ++index) {
angular.forEach($scope.model.config.columns.columns, function (value, key) {
rowObject[value.alias] = "";
var columnKey = key;
var editorProperyAlias = value.alias;
if (value.type == "rte") {
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
var rtEditor = angular.copy(dtgEditor);
rtEditor.alias = rtEditor.alias + $scope.model.alias + columnKey + key;
if (row[editorProperyAlias]) {
rtEditor.value = row[editorProperyAlias];
} else {
rtEditor.value = "";
if (value.type == "mediapicker") {
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
var currentRow = row;
var mediapicker = angular.copy(dtgMediaPicker);
mediapicker.alias = mediapicker.alias + columnKey + key;
if (row[editorProperyAlias]) {
mediapicker.value = row[editorProperyAlias];
} else {
mediapicker.value = "";
if (value.props.multiple) {
mediapicker.config.multiPicker = '1';
$scope.mediapickers["c" + columnKey + "r" + key] = mediapicker;
var pickerWatch = $scope.$watch('mediapickers["c' + columnKey + 'r' + key + '"].value', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal || newVal != oldVal) {
$scope.model.value[key][editorProperyAlias] = newVal;
if (value.type == "autoincrement") {
// Find the max value for the column
var maxValue = 1;
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
var currentRow = row;
var columnValue = row[editorProperyAlias];
if (columnValue && columnValue > maxValue) {
maxValue = columnValue;
// Now update the value of the column to use the max id
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
var currentRow = row;
if (!row[editorProperyAlias]) {
row[editorProperyAlias] = maxValue;
if (value.type == "contentpicker") {
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
var contentpicker = angular.copy(dtgContentPicker);
contentpicker.alias = contentpicker.alias + columnKey + key;
if (row[editorProperyAlias]) {
contentpicker.value = row[editorProperyAlias];
} else {
contentpicker.value = "";
$scope.contentpickers["c" + columnKey + "r" + key] = contentpicker;
var pickerWatch = $scope.$watch('contentpickers["c' + columnKey + 'r' + key + '"].value', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal || newVal != oldVal) {
$scope.model.value[key][editorProperyAlias] = newVal;
if (value.type == "datepicker") {
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
var currentRow = row;
var datepicker = angular.copy(dtgDatePicker);
datepicker.alias = datepicker.alias + $scope.model.alias + columnKey + key;
if (row[editorProperyAlias]) {
datepicker.value = row[editorProperyAlias];
} else {
datepicker.value = "";
if (value.props.format) {
datepicker.config.format = value.props.format;
if (value.props.time) {
datepicker.config.pickTime = true;
if (!value.props.format) {
datepicker.config.format = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
$scope.datepickers["c" + columnKey + "r" + key] = datepicker;
var pickerWatch = $scope.$watch('datepickers["c' + columnKey + 'r' + key + '"].value', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal || newVal != oldVal) {
$scope.model.value[key][editorProperyAlias] = newVal;
// Check for deleted columns
angular.forEach($scope.model.value, function (row, key) {
angular.forEach(row, function (value, alias) {
if ($scope.propertiesOrder.indexOf(alias) == -1) {
delete row[alias];
$scope.addRow = function () {
if (maxRows == 0 || $scope.model.value.length < maxRows) {
else {
alert("Max rows is - " + maxRows);
$scope.removeRow = function (index) {
$scope.model.value.splice(index, 1);
$scope.moveUp = function (index) {
if (index != 0) {
$scope.model.value[index] = $scope.model.value.splice(index - 1, 1, $scope.model.value[index])[0];
$scope.moveDown = function (index) {
if (index != $scope.model.value.length - 1) {
$scope.model.value[index] = $scope.model.value.splice(index + 1, 1, $scope.model.value[index])[0];
$scope.selectedEditorIndex = null;
$scope.selectedEditorRow = null;
$scope.selectedEditorProperty = null;
$scope.selectedEditorTitle = "";
$scope.editorOpen = function (row, property) {
var selectedEditorRowIndex = $scope.model.value.indexOf(row);
var selectedEditorColumnIndex = $scope.propertiesOrder.indexOf(property);
$scope.selectedEditorTitle = $scope.model.config.columns.columns[selectedEditorColumnIndex].title
angular.forEach($scope.rtEditors, function (value, key) {
if (value.alias == 'u7dtgRichtexteditor' + $scope.model.alias + selectedEditorColumnIndex + selectedEditorRowIndex) {
$scope.selectedEditorIndex = key;
$scope.selectedEditorRow = row;
$scope.selectedEditorProperty = property;
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