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Created August 22, 2022 17:42
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Quick fix allowing Google Sheets to use Ctrl+Shift+[n/p/b/f]
-- Emacs Hammerspoon Script
-- Author: Justin Tanner
-- Email: [email protected]
-- License: MIT
-- What does this script do?
-- Allows you to have *most* Emacs keybindings in other apps.
-- Ctrl-Space space be used to mark and cut text just like Emacs. Also enables Emacs prefix keys such as Ctrl-xs (save).
-- Installation
-- 1) Download and hammerspoon
-- 3) Start Hammerspoon
-- 2) Copy emacs_hammerspoon.lua to ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua (or import emacs_hammerspoon.lua into your exisiting inti.lua)
-- Customization
-- To customize the keybindings modfiy the global "keys" below.
-- Namespaces
-- This script uses namespaces to send different commands to different apps.
-- "globalOverride" contains keybindings that override all other apps (including Emacs)
-- "globalEmacs" brings Emacs style keybindings to all other apps
-- "Google Chrome" (and other app names) creates app specific keybindings that take precendence over "globalEmacs"
-- Syntax Example
-- ['globalEmacs'] = { ["ctrl"] = { ['f'] = {nil, 'right', true, nil} } }
-- This keybinding states, for all apps other than Emacs map Ctrl+f to the right arrow key. true maintains the current mark (if set).
-- ['globalEmacs'] = { ["ctrl"] = { ['x'] = {nil, nil, false, 'macroStartCtrlX'} } }
-- This keybinding states, for all apps other than Emacs map Ctrl+x to a macro called "macroStartCtrlX" and unset any previous mark.
local keys = {
['globalEmacs'] = {
['ctrl'] = {
['a'] = {'ctrl', 'a', true, nil},
['b'] = {nil, 'left', true, nil},
['d'] = {'ctrl', 'd', false, nil},
['e'] = {'ctrl', 'e', true, nil},
['f'] = {nil, 'right', true, nil},
['g'] = {nil, 'escape', false, nil},
['h'] = {nil, nil, false, nil},
['k'] = {'ctrl', 'k', false, nil},
['n'] = {nil, 'down', true, nil},
['o'] = {nil, 'return', false, nil},
['p'] = {nil, 'up', true, nil},
['r'] = {'cmd', 'f', false, nil},
['s'] = {'cmd', 'f', false, nil},
['v'] = {nil, 'pagedown', true, nil},
['w'] = {'cmd', 'x', false, nil},
['y'] = {'cmd', 'v', false, nil},
['/'] = {'cmd', 'z', false, nil},
['space'] = {nil, nil, true, 'macroCtrlSpace'},
['delete'] = {nil, nil, false, 'macroBackwardsKillWord'},
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['c'] = {'cmd', 'q', false, nil},
['f'] = {'cmd', 'o', false, nil},
['g'] = {'cmd', 'f', false, nil},
['h'] = {'cmd', 'a', false, nil},
['k'] = {'cmd', 'w', false, nil},
['r'] = {'cmd', 'r', false, nil},
['s'] = {'cmd', 's', false, nil},
['u'] = {'cmd', 'z', false, nil},
['w'] = {{'shift', 'cmd'}, 's', false, nil},
['alt'] = {
['f'] = {'alt', 'right', true, nil},
['n'] = {'cmd', 'n', false, nil},
['v'] = {nil, 'pageup', true, nil},
['w'] = {'cmd', 'c', false, nil},
['y'] = {'cmd', 'v', false, nil},
['delete'] = {'cmd', 'z', false, nil},
['altShift'] = {
['.'] = {'cmd', 'down', true, nil},
[','] = {'cmd', 'up', true, nil},
['Safari'] = {
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['b'] = {'cmd', 'b', false, nil},
['d'] = {{'cmd', 'alt'}, 'j', false, nil},
['f'] = {'cmd', 'l', false, nil},
['k'] = {'cmd', 'w', false, nil},
[']'] = {'cmd', 'right', false, nil},
['['] = {'cmd', 'left', false, nil},
['alt'] = {
['n'] = {'cmd', 't', false, nil},
['Google Chrome'] = {
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['b'] = {'cmd', 'b', false, nil},
['d'] = {{'cmd', 'alt'}, 'j', false, nil},
['f'] = {'cmd', 'l', false, nil},
['k'] = {'cmd', 'w', false, nil},
[']'] = {'cmd', 'right', false, nil},
['['] = {'cmd', 'left', false, nil},
['ctrlShift'] = {
['n'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'down', true, nil},
['p'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'up', true, nil},
['f'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'right', true, nil},
['b'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'left', true, nil},
['alt'] = {
['n'] = {'cmd', 't', false, nil},
['Brave Browser'] = {
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['b'] = {'cmd', 'b', false, nil},
['d'] = {{'cmd', 'alt'}, 'j', false, nil},
['f'] = {'cmd', 'l', false, nil},
['k'] = {'cmd', 'w', false, nil},
[']'] = {'cmd', 'right', false, nil},
['['] = {'cmd', 'left', false, nil},
['ctrlShift'] = {
['n'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'down', true, nil},
['p'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'up', true, nil},
['f'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'right', true, nil},
['b'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'left', true, nil},
['alt'] = {
['n'] = {'cmd', 't', false, nil},
['Firefox'] = {
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['b'] = {{'cmd', 'shift'}, 'o', false, nil},
['d'] = {{'cmd', 'alt'}, 'k', false, nil},
['f'] = {'cmd', 'l', false, nil},
['k'] = {'cmd', 'w', false, nil},
[']'] = {'cmd', 'right', false, nil},
['['] = {'cmd', 'left', false, nil},
['alt'] = {
['n'] = {'cmd', 't', false, nil},
['p'] = {'cmd', '\\', false, nil},
['Terminal'] = {
['ctrl'] = {
['y'] = {nil, nil, false, 'terminalPasteHack'},
['Evernote'] = {
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['g'] = {{'alt','cmd'}, 'f', false, nil},
['Anki'] = {
['ctrl'] = {
['a'] = {nil, 'home', false, nil},
['e'] = {nil, 'end', false, nil},
['globalOverride'] = {
['ctrl'] = {
['x'] = {nil, nil, false, 'macroStartCtrlX'},
['ctrlXPrefix'] = {
['j'] = {'cmd', 'space', false, nil},
['t'] = {'alt', 'tab', false, nil},
['alt'] = {
['s'] = {{'shift', 'cmd'}, '5', false, nil},
local appsWithNativeEmacsKeybindings = {
local ctrlXActive = false
local ctrlSpaceActive = false
local hotkeyModal =
--- Entry point for processing keystrokes and taking the appropriate action.
-- @param mods String modifiers such as: ctrl or alt
-- @param key String keys such as: a, b, c, etc
function processKeystrokes(originalMods, originalKey)
return function()
-- My lack of understand of lua and closures probably requires this assignment.
mods = originalMods
key = originalKey
if ctrlXActive and mods == 'ctrl' then
mods = 'ctrlXPrefix'
namespace = currentNamespace(mods, key)
if translationNeeded(namespace, mods, key) then
lookupAndTranslate(namespace, mods, key)
print('Sending *un-translated* keystrokes: mods: ' .. mods .. ' keys: ' .. key)
tapKey(mods, key)
--- Looks up a keybinding in the global keybindings table and translates that keybinding or runs a macro.
-- @param namespace String the namespace to lookup a key (eg Google Chrome or GlobalEmacs)
-- @param mods String modifiers key such as ctrl or alt.
-- @param key String keys such as: a, b or c
function lookupAndTranslate(namespace, mods, key)
config = keys[namespace][mods][key]
toMods = config[1]
toKey = config[2]
ctrlSpaceSensitive = config[3]
toMacro = config[4]
if toMacro ~= nil then
print('Executing macro: ' .. toMacro)
toMods = addShift(toMods, ctrlSpaceSensitive)
logTranslation(mods, key, toMods, toKey)
tapKey(toMods, toKey)
if not ctrlSpaceSensitive then
ctrlSpaceActive = false
if toMacro ~= 'macroStartCtrlX' then
ctrlXActive = false
--- Logs a keybinding translation to the Hammerspoon console
-- @param fromMods String original modifiers
-- @param fromKey String original key
-- @param toMods String or Table destination modifiers
-- @param toKey String destionation key
function logTranslation(fromMods, fromKey, toMods, toKey)
message = 'Translating: ' .. fromMods .. '+' .. fromKey .. ' to '
if type(toMods) == 'string' then
message = message .. toMods
elseif type(toMods) == 'table' then
for index, mods in pairs(toMods) do
message = message .. mods .. '+'
print(message .. '+' .. (toKey or ''))
--- Checks the global keys table for a keybinding
-- @param namespace String namespace of the keybinding (eg globalEmacs, Google Chrome, etc)
-- @param mods String modifier keys such as alt, ctrl, ctrlXPrefix, etc
-- @param key String key such as a, b, c, etc
function keybindingExists(namespace, mods, key)
return (
keys[namespace] ~= nil and
keys[namespace][mods] ~= nil and
keys[namespace][mods][key] ~= nil)
--- Determines if a keystroke translation is needed
-- @param namespace String namespace of the keybinding (eg globalEmacs, Google Chrome, etc)
-- @param mods String modifier keys such as alt, ctrl, ctrlXPrefix, etc
-- @param key String key such as a, b, c, etc
function translationNeeded(namespace, mods, key)
return (
keybindingExists('globalOverride', mods, key) or
(keybindingExists(currentApp(), mods, key) and (namespace == currentApp())) or
(not currentAppIsEmacs() and keybindingExists(namespace, mods, key)))
--- Checks the global keys table for a keybinding
-- @param namespace String namespace of the keybinding (eg globalEmacs, Google Chrome, etc)
-- @param mods String modifier keys such as alt, ctrl, ctrlXPrefix, etc
-- @param key String key such as a, b, c, etc
function currentNamespace(mods, key)
if keybindingExists('globalOverride', mods, key) then
return 'globalOverride'
elseif currentApp() ~= nil and keybindingExists(currentApp(), mods, key) then
return currentApp()
return 'globalEmacs'
--- Presses and releases a keystroke with modifiers (faster than hs.eventtap.keystroke)
-- @param mods String modifier keys such as alt, ctrl, shift
-- @param key String key such as a, b, c, etc
function tapKey(mods, key)
if key == nil then return end
hs.eventtap.event.newKeyEvent(mods, key, true):post()
hs.eventtap.event.newKeyEvent(mods, key, false):post()
--- Appends a shift modifier key (if needed) to the existing mods.
-- @param mods String modifier keys such as alt, ctrl, ctrlXPrefix, etc
-- @param ctrlSpaceSensitive Boolean current keybinding is amenable to holding shift
function addShift(mods, ctrlSpaceSensitive)
if ctrlSpaceSensitive and ctrlSpaceActive then
if mods == nil then
return 'shift'
elseif type(mods) == 'string' then
return {'shift', mods}
elseif type(mods) == 'table' then
table.insert(mods, 1, 'shift')
return mods
return mods
--- Does the current app already have Emacs keybinings
-- @return Boolean true if Emacs
function currentAppIsEmacs()
for index, value in ipairs(appsWithNativeEmacsKeybindings) do
if value:lower() == currentApp():lower() then
return true
return false
--- Currently running application
function currentApp()
app = hs.application.frontmostApplication()
if app ~= nil then
return app:title()
--- Assign all keybindings based on the entries in the global keys
function assignKeys()
for namespace, modTable in pairs(keys) do
for mod, keyTable in pairs(modTable) do
for key, keyConfig in pairs(keyTable) do
assignKey(mod, key)
--- Assigns a single keystroke to the global modal, which allows this script to intercept keys
-- @param mod String modifier key such as alt, ctrl, shift
-- @param key String key such as a, b, c, etc
function assignKey(mod, key)
if mod == 'altShift' then
hotkeyModal:bind({'alt', 'shift'}, key, processKeystrokes('altShift', key), nil, nil)
elseif mod == 'ctrlShift' then
hotkeyModal:bind({'ctrl', 'shift'}, key, processKeystrokes('ctrlShift', key), nil, nil)
elseif mod:match('alt') then
hotkeyModal:bind('alt', key, processKeystrokes('alt', key), nil, nil)
elseif mod:match('ctrl') then
hotkeyModal:bind('ctrl', key, processKeystrokes('ctrl', key), nil, nil)
-- Start a selection mark in a non Emacs app
function macroCtrlSpace()
ctrlSpaceActive = not ctrlSpaceActive
tapKey({}, 'shift')
-- Activate the Ctrl-x prefix key
function macroStartCtrlX()
ctrlXActive = true
hs.timer.doAfter(1, function() print 'End CtrlX'; ctrlXActive = false end)
if currentAppIsEmacs() then
print('Passingthrough C-x to Emacs')
tapKey('ctrl', 'x')
function terminalPasteHack()
local focusedWindow = hs.window.focusedWindow()
if focusedWindow:title():find('emacs') then
tapKey('ctrl', 'y')
tapKey('cmd', 'v')
-- Kill a word behind the cursor and put it in the clipboard
function macroBackwardsKillWord()
tapKey({'shift', 'alt'}, 'left')
tapKey('cmd', 'x')
function macroLaunchFinder()
print('Starting Emacs Hammerspoon Script')
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Justin, I figured this out. Adding 'cmd' to the binding was causing the selection functionality to select the entire row or column. I figured out that Chrome (and maybe other apps) use Shift + [left, right, up, down] arrows, so removing 'cmd' achieved the functionality I was looking for.

Here's a sample of what I updated in the Chrome settings in the script:

['ctrlShift'] = { ['n'] = {{'shift'}, 'down', true, nil},

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ericdodds commented Aug 24, 2022

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