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Last active February 19, 2025 12:40
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Every python rate-limiting library (that I can find) is broken, at least a little.
# I was looking for a rate limiting library to call rate limited apis as closely
# as possible to their enforced limits. I looked at the first few python libraries
# that I found, and when I glanced at the source, they were all clearly broken.
# Curious how this could be, I took all the top google and pip search results for: python rate limiting
# and tried to get them to do the wrong thing and fail to rate limit in situations that could come up
# in normal use (though in some cases very specific use)
# Where broken:
# Result: you will often exceed the rate, sometimes by as much as 2x
# Rating: 0/5 stars, this library is fundementally broken, do not use it
# example breakage
from threading import Thread
from ratelimit import limits
from ratelimit import sleep_and_retry
from time import sleep
from time import time
started = time()
def main():
threads = [Thread(target=action, daemon=True) for _ in range(10)]
start = time()
for thread in threads:
for count in range(20):
if time() - start < 12:
calls = []
def action():
while True:
@limits(calls=10, period=TEN_SECONDS)
def call_api():
# this code should be rate limited to 10 calls in any 10 second period
# it will be called 20 times in less than 1 second.
print(time() - started, sum(calls))
if __name__ == '__main__':
9.006941556930542 1
9.007139444351196 2
9.00729751586914 4
9.00724458694458 3
9.007545471191406 6
9.007737636566162 7
9.007864713668823 8
9.0074622631073 5
9.00792121887207 9
9.00809097290039 10
10.001093864440918 11
10.001198291778564 12
10.001333236694336 14
10.001388311386108 15
10.001487493515015 17
10.001596450805664 19
10.001261949539185 13
10.001437902450562 16
10.001664876937866 20
10.001538276672363 18
python 0.04s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 11.042 total
# Where broken:
# Result: you can arbitrarily exceed the rate limit
# Rating: 0/5 stars, this library is fundementally broken to an absurd degree,
# do not use it
# example breakage
from threading import Thread
from ratelimiter import RateLimiter
from time import sleep
from time import time
started = time()
def main():
threads = [Thread(target=action, daemon=True) for _ in range(50)]
start = time()
for thread in threads:
for count in range(40):
calls = []
def action():
while True:
rl = RateLimiter(10, 1)
def call_api():
with rl:
print(time() - started, sum(calls))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Output
'''0.0005972385406494141 1
0.0008141994476318359 2
0.001020669937133789 3
0.0012218952178955078 4
0.001392364501953125 5
0.0015513896942138672 6
0.0016713142395019531 7
0.0018002986907958984 8
0.0020058155059814453 9
0.0022101402282714844 10
0.0024023056030273438 11
0.002510547637939453 12
0.002669811248779297 13
0.002866506576538086 14
0.0030846595764160156 15
0.0033309459686279297 16
0.0035207271575927734 17
0.0037696361541748047 18
0.0039501190185546875 19
0.0042018890380859375 20
0.00445556640625 21
0.004648447036743164 22
0.004866838455200195 23
0.0050928592681884766 24
0.0053119659423828125 25
0.0054950714111328125 26
0.005700588226318359 27
0.0059320926666259766 28
0.0061359405517578125 29
0.006322622299194336 30
0.006501436233520508 31
0.00665736198425293 32
0.0068204402923583984 33
0.00705265998840332 34
0.007256984710693359 35
0.007478237152099609 36
0.007687568664550781 37
0.007866144180297852 38
0.00804591178894043 39
0.008222103118896484 40
0.008393526077270508 41
0.008669376373291016 42
0.008849859237670898 43
0.009053468704223633 44
0.009227514266967773 45
0.009397029876708984 46
0.009583473205566406 47
0.00977182388305664 48
0.009982109069824219 49
0.010182380676269531 50
0.010230064392089844 51
# Where broken:
# Not fundementally broken when run in single thread, does not work at all
# in threaded environment
# Note: There is a 'threaded' version in the comments, this sleeps inside a
# lock and therefore makes no sense. It will rate limit calls but it will
# also serialize them, so it's basically pointless. Then there are
# progressively more complex riffs on the idea which are not evaluated here
# Result: correct as far as it can be used
# Rating: 3/5 stars, not broken but lack of threading limits usefulness
# Where broken:
# I didn't bother to test this, it doesn't even attempt to be thread safe,
# it appears to be written by a beginner and it's a fine little learning
# project.
# Rating: 0/5, don't use this for any purpose.
# Where broken:
# This was a google result about python and rate-limiting, but it just shows a
# niave exponential backoff implementation. Never use exponential backoff
# without some kind of reasonable maximum backoff value, exponential functions
# grow very quickly. If an API goes down for a bit, you don't need
# to wait twice as long as it was down before you try it again. It never
# makes any sense.
# Where broken:
# Only counts within pre-defined intervals, has same issue as ratelimit above.
# Where broken:
# Doesn't schedule the resources to be made available again until after the
# limited function runs. This one almost had me convinced that it worked,
# and it has the critical attribute of actually keeping you below your
# requested rate limit no matter what, and in a threadsafe way.
# Rating: 2/5, you probably don't want to be kept arbitrarily below the rate
# you specify. Good work on actually rate limiting though.
# example breakage:
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from time import time
from limit import limit
started = time()
def main():
threads = [Thread(target=action, daemon=True) for _ in range(50)]
# let it build up some steam
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
calls = []
def action():
while True:
@limit(10, 1) # 10 per second
def call_api():
print(time() - started, sum(calls))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Output: (should allow 10 per second)
0.0006387233734130859 1
0.0008552074432373047 2
0.0010530948638916016 3
0.0012822151184082031 4
0.0014865398406982422 5
0.0016107559204101562 6
0.0018110275268554688 7
0.00199127197265625 8
0.0022041797637939453 9
0.0023641586303710938 10
11.006683111190796 11
11.010920763015747 12
11.011091947555542 13
11.011242866516113 14
11.011475563049316 15
11.01183557510376 16
11.012040853500366 17
11.012373208999634 18
11.013072729110718 19
11.013236045837402 20
# Where broken:
# Seems to work! Complex to set up, documentation isn't great, but
# seems flexible and I don't see how it would break.
# Rating: 4.5/5, seems like a good library to me, although I didn't
# evaluate the Redis or Memcached backends.
# I wouldn't be very sporting if I didn't offer my own implementation.
# My goal here was to have something correct, relatively efficient,
# but that also didn't cluster calls in bursts, and which would hug the
# rate limit set as closely as possible. Please feel free to embarass me
# with examples of how it fails!
from functools import wraps
from time import monotonic
from time import sleep
from threading import RLock
class RateLimiter:
def __init__(self, rate_limit, replenish_seconds):
self.capacity = rate_limit
self._tokens = 0
self.replenish_seconds = replenish_seconds
self.refill_per_second = rate_limit / replenish_seconds
self.last_update = monotonic()
self._lock = RLock()
def go_or_fail(self):
with self._lock:
if 1 <= self.tokens:
self._tokens -= 1
return True
return False
def expected_wait(self):
with self._lock:
tokens = self.tokens
if tokens >= 1:
return 0
expected_wait = (1 - tokens) / self.refill_per_second
return expected_wait
def wait(self):
while not self.go_or_fail():
def __call__(self, wrapee):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
return wrapee(*args, **kw)
return wrapper
def tokens(self):
with self._lock:
now = monotonic()
delta = self.refill_per_second * (now - self.last_update)
self._tokens = min(self.capacity, self._tokens + delta)
self.last_update = now
return self._tokens
# Example of use
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from time import time
from rate_limiter import RateLimiter
rl = RateLimiter(10, 1)
started = time()
def main():
threads = [Thread(target=action, daemon=True) for _ in range(100)]
# let it build up some steam
for thread in threads:
for thread in threads:
calls = []
def action():
while True:
def call_api():
print(time() - started, sum(calls))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Output:
0.10018634796142578 1
0.20020723342895508 2
0.30017566680908203 3
0.40017271041870117 4
0.5002062320709229 5
0.6002218723297119 6
0.7001841068267822 7
0.8001668453216553 8
0.9001715183258057 9
1.0001983642578125 10
1.1002120971679688 11
1.2002060413360596 12
1.3002047538757324 13
1.4002130031585693 14
1.5002012252807617 15
1.6002020835876465 16
1.7002291679382324 17
1.8001976013183594 18
1.9002094268798828 19
2.0001697540283203 20
2.100170373916626 21
2.2001984119415283 22
2.300184488296509 23
2.4002139568328857 24
2.5002031326293945 25
2.600311517715454 26
2.700232982635498 27
2.800203800201416 28
2.9001505374908447 29
3.000216007232666 30
3.1002166271209717 31
3.200213670730591 32
3.300201416015625 33
3.4001760482788086 34
3.5001845359802246 35
3.600203037261963 36
3.7001852989196777 37
3.800187110900879 38
3.9002015590667725 39
4.000197410583496 40
4.1002280712127686 41
4.200199365615845 42
4.300195932388306 43
4.4001991748809814 44
4.500220537185669 45
4.600196838378906 46
4.700223684310913 47
4.800203323364258 48
4.9001946449279785 49
5.000195026397705 50
5.1001951694488525 51
5.200188398361206 52
5.3001954555511475 53
5.400208473205566 54
5.500195741653442 55
5.600203990936279 56
5.700193405151367 57
5.8002028465271 58
5.900341987609863 59
6.000202178955078 60
6.100194215774536 61
6.2001917362213135 62
6.300190448760986 63
6.400193214416504 64
6.500201463699341 65
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ssheldonpg commented Jan 18, 2022

Hi, thanks for this, but I think I found a bug in your algorithm. It spikes immediately to 2x the rate limit. I think this might be because the last_update is set when the class is initialized and not when the first call happens, so if you don't immediately use it, it has time to build up tokens to capacity, and then also refills so you get 2x.

I think the problem really goes deeper than that though, this can still happen at later times if the work pauses temporarily, the problem is really with allowing it to have tokens to burst in general. The burst overshoots whenever it happens.

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i stumbled across this library and noticed it wasn't on your list, might be worth a look

(found in this thread tomasbasham/ratelimit#51 discussing maintained alternatives)

ps: i've been using tomasbasham/ratelimit for a couple of years and didn't realise it can surpass rate limits, thanks for pointing it out!

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"Seems to work" from this survey is high praise!

But am I missing something in limits?

I can't figure out how to make it block until the limiter has capacity.

I opened an issue on the repo to get more info: alisaifee/limits#221

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JWCook commented Jul 31, 2024

(found in this thread tomasbasham/ratelimit#51 discussing maintained alternatives)

Oh hey that was me! I pretty much went through the same steps as this gist (and possibly all 7 stages of grief) while trying to find something that worked. FWIW, I am still using pyrate-limiter, added some features to it, and made requests-ratelimiter based on that.

One gotcha I'd add is that the latest "complete" version is pyrate-limiter v2.10. The current v3.x releases are a WIP rewrite that's missing some features I personally need (but may or may not apply to you).

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