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Created September 28, 2018 06:24
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highlight webpage links
javascript:(function(){;var%20goog=%22;var%20links=document.getElementsByTagName(%22a%22);for(i=0;i%3Clinks.length;i++){var%20link=links[i];if(link.href.match(%22^https%3F://%22)%26%26%20!link.href.match(host)){domain=link.href.split(%22/%22); url(%22+goog+domain[2]+%22)%20center%20left%20no-repeat%22;;;;;}}})();
// See original:
// Highlight External Links by Amit Agarwal
// Published on 06/09/2012
// Find the domain name of the current page
var host =;
// Use Google's Favicon Generator
var goog = "";
// Find all hyperlinks on a web page
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
var link = links[i];
// Skip all internal links where the href is the same as the domain host
// Also skip non HTTP links like FTP, MAILTO, etc.
if(link.href.match("^https?://") && !link.href.match(host)) {
var domain = link.href.split("/");
// Apply some CSS styles to the external hyperlinks = "yellow url(" + goog + domain[2] + ") center left no-repeat"; = "bold"; = "105%";"5px 5px 5px 20px";"underline";
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