#!/usr/bin/env bash |
# Run global DNS queries for a domain, in parallel! 🦄 |
# |
# This script is useful for testing DNS propagation and performance. |
# |
# Setup |
# This script requires the 'dig' command to be installed. |
# On macOS, you can install dig with 'brew install bind'. |
# On Ubuntu/Debian, you can install dig with 'sudo apt-get install dnsutils'. |
# |
# Usage: |
# ./dns_global_check.sh <domain> [<record type>] |
# |
# Examples: |
# ./dns_global_check.sh danlevy.net # defaults to A record |
# ./dns_global_check.sh danlevy.net MX # queries MX records |
# |
# Author: Dan Levy / https://danlevy.net / @justsml |
# |
# License: Yolo 🫶 |
# |
# Note: Public DNS resolvers are subject to frequent changes, blocks or rate-limits on foreign IPs. |
# Initialize parameters |
TYPE="" |
# Process all arguments |
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do |
case "$1" in |
--verbose|-v) |
;; |
*) |
if [ -z "$DOMAIN" ]; then |
DOMAIN="$1" |
elif [ -z "$TYPE" ]; then |
TYPE="$1" |
elif [ -z "$TIMEOUT" ]; then |
TIMEOUT="$1" |
elif [ -z "$MAX_CONCURRENT" ]; then |
fi |
;; |
esac |
shift |
done |
if [ -z "$DOMAIN" ]; then |
echo "Usage: $0 [--verbose|-v] <domain> [<record type>] [<timeout>] [<max concurrent>]" |
echo "Example: $0 danlevy.net" |
echo "Example: $0 danlevy.net MX" |
echo "Example: $0 --verbose danlevy.net TXT 20 10" |
echo "Example: $0 danlevy.net A --verbose" |
echo "Example: MAX_CONCURRENT=20 $0 danlevy.net A" |
exit 1 |
fi |
# Default record type to 'A' if none provided |
if [ -z "$TYPE" ]; then |
TYPE="A" |
fi |
# Timeout in seconds for each DNS query |
# Limit of concurrent lookups |
# Function to load DNS servers from file |
load_dns_servers() { |
local custom_file="$HOME/.dns-resolvers.txt" |
if [ -f "$custom_file" ] && [ -r "$custom_file" ]; then |
if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then |
printf "Loading DNS servers from %s\n" "$custom_file" |
fi |
# Read custom servers, skip empty lines and comments |
while IFS= read -r line; do |
line=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/#.*//;s/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//') |
if [ ! -z "$line" ]; then |
SERVERS+=("$line") |
fi |
done < "$custom_file" |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
# Before defining default SERVERS array, try loading custom file |
if ! load_dns_servers; then |
# Default list of DNS servers and labels (IP (Label)) |
# Public DNS resolvers are subject to frequent changes, blocks or rate-limits on foreign IPs. |
# Feel free to add or remove servers as needed. |
" (Cloudflare 1)" |
" (Cloudflare 2)" |
" (Google DNS 1)" |
" (Google DNS 2)" |
" (AdGuard 1)" |
" (AdGuard 2)" |
" (Digitalcourage - Germany 1)" |
" (OVH - Germany 2)" |
" (Deutsche Telekom - Germany 3)" |
" (AliDNS - China 1)" |
" (AliDNS - China 2)" |
" (AliDNS - China 3)" |
" (Digiweb - Ireland 1)" |
" (Digiweb - Ireland 2)" |
" (Verizon - London 1)" |
" (GTT - London 2)" |
" (Swisscom - Switzerland 1)" |
" (Swisscom - Switzerland 2)" |
" (OVH - France 1)" |
" (OVH - France 2)" |
" (Telecom Italia - Italy 1)" |
# " (Fastweb - Italy 2)" |
" (Liquid Teleco - Kenya 1)" |
# " (Safaricom - Kenya 2)" |
# " (Mainone - Nigeria 1)" |
# " (Telkom SA - South Africa 1)" |
# " (Telkom SA - South Africa 2)" |
" (BSNL - India 1)" |
" (Hathway - India 2)" |
" (M1 - Singapore 1)" |
" (M1 - Singapore 2)" |
" (Akamai - Japan 1)" |
" (NTT - Japan 2)" |
" (NTT - Japan 3)" |
" (KT - South Korea 1)" |
" (KT - South Korea 2)" |
) |
fi |
# Function to get current time in milliseconds |
get_time() { |
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then |
# On macOS, use perl since date doesn't support nanoseconds |
perl -MTime::HiRes -e 'printf("%.0f\n", Time::HiRes::time() * 1000)' |
else |
# On Linux, use date with millisecond precision |
date +%s%3N |
fi |
} |
current_jobs=0 |
total_servers=${#SERVERS[@]} |
script_start_time=$(get_time) |
# Initialize counters |
successful_queries=0 |
failed_queries=0 |
# Function to get safe filename from domain |
get_safe_filename() { |
echo "$1" | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' |
} |
# Function to perform a DNS lookup |
dns_query() { |
local server_ip="$1" |
local server_label="$2" |
local domain="$3" |
local record_type="$4" |
local timeout="$5" |
local start_time |
local end_time |
local query_status |
local resolved_ips |
local first_resolved |
local safe_domain=$(get_safe_filename "$domain") |
local tmp_prefix="/tmp/dns_check_${safe_domain}_${record_type}_$$" |
start_time=$(get_time) |
resolved_ips=$(dig +tries=1 +short +time="$timeout" @"$server_ip" "$domain" "$record_type" 2>/dev/null) |
query_status=$? |
end_time=$(get_time) |
local duration_ms=$((end_time - start_time)) |
if [ $query_status -eq 0 ] && [ ! -z "$resolved_ips" ]; then |
if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then |
printf " ✅ %d ms @ %s - %s\n" "$duration_ms" "$server_label" "$server_ip" |
printf " └─ Resolved: %s\n" "$(echo "$resolved_ips" | tr '\n' ' ')" |
fi |
echo "success" > "${tmp_prefix}_${server_ip}" |
echo "$resolved_ips" > "${tmp_prefix}_${server_ip}.resolved" |
else |
printf " ❌ %s [%s] - %d ms\n" "$server_label" "$server_ip" "$duration_ms" |
echo "fail" > "${tmp_prefix}_${server_ip}" |
fi |
} |
# Loop through each DNS server and run lookups in parallel |
for entry in "${SERVERS[@]}"; do |
IP=$(echo "$entry" | awk '{print $1}') |
LABEL=$(echo "$entry" | sed 's/^[^ ]* //') |
dns_query "$IP" "$LABEL" "$DOMAIN" "$TYPE" "$TIMEOUT" & |
((current_jobs++)) |
if [ "$current_jobs" -ge "$MAX_CONCURRENT" ]; then |
# Wait until at least one finishes before starting a new one |
wait -n |
((current_jobs--)) |
fi |
done |
# Wait for any remaining jobs to complete |
wait |
# After wait, before counting results |
declare -A resolved_values |
declare -A answer_counts |
first_success="" |
consensus_answer="" |
max_count=0 |
# Function to normalize results for comparison |
normalize_results() { |
echo "$1" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//' |
} |
# Count results |
for entry in "${SERVERS[@]}"; do |
IP=$(echo "$entry" | awk '{print $1}') |
LABEL=$(echo "$entry" | sed 's/^[^ ]* //') |
safe_domain=$(get_safe_filename "$DOMAIN") |
tmp_prefix="/tmp/dns_check_${safe_domain}_${TYPE}_$$" |
if [ -f "${tmp_prefix}_${IP}" ]; then |
if [ "$(cat "${tmp_prefix}_${IP}")" = "success" ]; then |
((successful_queries++)) |
if [ -f "${tmp_prefix}_${IP}.resolved" ]; then |
resolved=$(normalize_results "$(cat "${tmp_prefix}_${IP}.resolved")") |
[ -z "$first_success" ] && first_success="$resolved" |
# Track answer frequencies |
count="${answer_counts[$resolved]:-0}" |
((count++)) |
answer_counts[$resolved]=$count |
# Update consensus if this answer has higher count |
if [ "$count" -gt "$max_count" ]; then |
max_count=$count |
consensus_answer=$resolved |
fi |
if [ "$resolved" != "$first_success" ] && [ "$VERBOSE" != "1" ]; then |
printf " ⚠️ %s returned different result:\n └─ %s\n" "$LABEL" "$resolved" |
fi |
fi |
else |
((failed_queries++)) |
fi |
rm -f "${tmp_prefix}_${IP}" "${tmp_prefix}_${IP}.resolved" |
fi |
done |
end_time=$(get_time) |
duration=$((end_time - script_start_time)) |
if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then |
printf "\nDone! 🏁 🏎️ %s servers in %s ms\n" "$total_servers" "$duration" |
printf "Successful: %d, Failed: %d, Total: %d\n" "$successful_queries" "$failed_queries" "$total_servers" |
else |
printf "\n%d/%d succeeded in %dms" "$successful_queries" "$total_servers" "$duration" |
[ "$failed_queries" -gt 0 ] && printf " (%d failed)" "$failed_queries" |
echo |
fi |
# Function to print sorted answers |
print_sorted_answers() { |
local -n answers=$1 |
local indent="$2" |
# Create array of "count answer" pairs |
local pairs=() |
for answer in "${!answers[@]}"; do |
pairs+=("${answers[$answer]} $answer") |
done |
# Sort numerically in reverse order |
printf '%s\n' "${pairs[@]}" | sort -rn | while read -r count answer; do |
local percent=$(( (count * 100) / total_servers )) |
printf "${indent}%d%% (%d servers): %s\n" "$percent" "$count" "$answer" |
done |
} |
# Before exit, show consensus and all answers |
if [ ! -z "$consensus_answer" ]; then |
if [ "$VERBOSE" = "1" ]; then |
printf "\n📊 DNS Results:\n" |
print_sorted_answers answer_counts " " |
else |
consensus_percent=$(( (max_count * 100) / total_servers )) |
printf "✅ Winning Answer: %s (%d%%)\n" "$consensus_answer" "$consensus_percent" |
if [ "${#answer_counts[@]}" -gt 1 ]; then |
printf "📊 Other answers found:\n" |
print_sorted_answers answer_counts " " |
fi |
fi |
fi |
[ "$failed_queries" -gt 0 ] && exit 1 || exit 0 |
Results Preview