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Created January 27, 2012 03:34
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Supporting multiple database connections & Reflecting Tables in pyramid with sqlalchemy .7
sections of code taken from :
- Mike Orr's package 'sqlahelper'
- Mike Bayer's blog post 'Django-style Database Routers in SQLAlchemy'
originally based on findmeon's pylons based opensocialnetwork library
The challenge is to provide for both:
1. Reflecting Tables ( ie, not authoring a bunch of python class information for dozens of existing database tables )
2. Supporting multiple database connections ( read, write, log, etc )
Support for Declared Tables happened in v0.3
1. -- this is really ugly , it's patched together from a few different projects that work under sqlalchemy .4/.5
-- this does work in .6/.7, but it doesn't integrate anything new
2. ------- we don't use the new zope transaction stuff, which most of the pyramid app developers seem to like.
3. ------- the way initialization works is wonky. init_engine calls a bunch of orm.sessionmaker things that should be configurable
4. ------- there are two registries - engine and session. sigh.
5. still playing with reflected tables , both the __sa_stash__ storage and how they're autoloaded
6. -- there's a bunch of legacy stuff that hasn't been used/integrated. ie: under pylons i had middleware that would kill all the dbsessions on exit. the supporting functions are here, but not used
in your env.ini you specify multiple sqlalchemy urls, which might be to different dbs , or the same db but with different permissions
sqlalchemy_reader.url = postgres://myapp_reader:myapp@localhost/myapp
sqlalchemy_writer.url = postgres://myapp_writer:myapp@localhost/myapp
import sqlassist
def initialize_database(settings):
engine_reader = sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="sqlalchemy_reader.")
sqlassist.init_engine('reader',engine_reader,default=True,reflect=myapp.models, use_zope=True)
engine_writer = sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="sqlalchemy_writer.")
sqlassist.init_engine('writer',engine_writer,default=False,reflect=myapp.models, use_zope=True)
from actual_models import *
from sqlassist import ReflectedTable
class TestTable(ReflectedTable):
__tablename__ = "test_table"
in your handlers, you have this ( sqlalchemy is only imported to grab that error ):
import myapp.lib.sqlassist as sqlassist
import sqlalchemy
def index(self):
dbSession_reader = sqlassist.dbSession("reader")
dbSession_writer = sqlassist.dbSession("writer")
print dbSession_reader.query(models.actual_models.TestTable).all()
#this should fail , assuming reader can't write
dbTestTable= models.actual_models.TestTable() 'Test Case 1'
except sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError:
print "DENIED!"
#but this should work , assuming writer can write
dbTestTable= models.actual_models.TestTable() 'Test Case 2'
here's the caveats...
if you're using zope & transaction modules :
- you need to call "transaction.commit"
if you're not using zope & transaction modules
- you need to call "dbession_writer.commit()"
you want to call rollback on the specific dbSessions to control what is in each one
catching errors if you're trying to support both transaction.commit() and dbsession.commit()
let's say you do this:
except AssertionError , e:
print "Should fail because zope wants this"
# add to writer
# commit
in this event, both object1 and object2 will be committed by transaction.commit()
you must explicitly call a rollback after the Assertion Error
in case you want to use declared tables...
in your
from sqlassist import DeclaredTable
import sqlalchemy as sa
class Group(DeclaredTable):
__tablename__ = 'groups'
id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = sa.Column(sa.Unicode(255), nullable=False)
description = sa.Column(sa.Text, nullable=False)
and if you need a setup routine...
import sqlassist
dbSession_writer = sqlassist.dbSession("writer")
def callback():
model = models.TestModel()
the initialize_sql wraps a bunch of code for you
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import types
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import sqlalchemy.orm as sqlalchemy_orm
import transaction
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension
except ImportError:
ZopeTransactionExtension= None
transaction= None
__metadata= sqlalchemy.MetaData()
# define an engine registry
__engine_registry= { '!default':None , 'engines':{} }
# used for inheritance
DeclaredTable= declarative_base()
class EngineWrapper( object ):
"""wraps the SA engine object with mindless kruft"""
def __init__( self, engine_name , sa_engine=None , sa_sessionmaker=None , sa_scoped_session=None ):
log.debug("sqlassist#EngineWrapper.init()" )
self.engine_name= engine_name
self.sa_engine= sa_engine
self.sa_sessionmaker= sa_sessionmaker
self.sa_sessionmaker_params= None
self.sa_scoped_session= sa_scoped_session
def init_session( self , sa_sessionmaker_params ):
if sa_sessionmaker_params:
self.sa_sessionmaker_params= sa_sessionmaker_params
self.sa_sessionmaker= sqlalchemy_orm.sessionmaker( **self.sa_sessionmaker_params )
self.sa_scoped_session= sqlalchemy_orm.scoped_session( self.sa_sessionmaker )
def get_engine(name='!default'):
"""retrieves an engine from the registry"""
log.debug("sqlassist#get_engine()" )
if name == '!default':
name = __engine_registry['!default']
return __engine_registry['engines'][name]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("No engine '%s' was configured" % name)
def __dbSessionRemove( engine_name ):
Legacy Function.
Probably not needed.
removes a session from the stash. this is the heavy lifter.
_engine= get_engine(engine_name)
def dbSessionRemoveAll():
Legacy Function.
Probably not needed.
removes all our sessions from the stash.
this was a cleanup activity once-upon-a-time
log.debug("sqlassist#dbSessionRemoveAll()" )
for engine_name in __engine_registry['engines'].keys():
__dbSessionRemove( engine_name )
def dbSessionInit():
Legacy Function.
Probably not needed.
removes all our sessions from the stash if they exist. they shouldn't
log.debug("sqlassist#dbSessionInit()" )
for engine_name in __engine_registry['engines'].keys():
__dbSessionRemove( engine_type )
def init_engine( engine_name , sa_engine , default=False , reflect=False , use_zope=False , sa_sessionmaker_params=None ):
Creates new engines in the meta object and init the tables for each package
log.debug("sqlassist#init_engine()" )"Initializing Engine : %s" % (engine_name) )
# configure the engine around a wrapper
wrapped = EngineWrapper( engine_name , sa_engine=sa_engine )
# these are some defaults that i once used for writers
# loggers would autocommit as true
# not sure this is needed with zope
if sa_sessionmaker_params is None:
sa_sessionmaker_params= {}
_sa_sessionmaker_params= { 'autoflush':True, 'autocommit':False , 'bind':sa_engine }
for i in _sa_sessionmaker_params.keys():
if i not in sa_sessionmaker_params:
sa_sessionmaker_params[i]= _sa_sessionmaker_params[i]
if use_zope:
if ZopeTransactionExtension is None:
raise ImportError('ZopeTransactionExtension was not imported earlier')
if 'extension' in sa_sessionmaker_params:
raise ValueError('I raise an error when you call init_engine() with `use_zope=True` and an `extension` in sa_sessionmaker_params. Sorry.')
sa_sessionmaker_params['extension']= ZopeTransactionExtension()
# stash the wrapper
__engine_registry['engines'][engine_name]= wrapped
if default:
__engine_registry['default']= engine_name
# finally, reflect if needed
if reflect:
reflect_tables( reflect , primary=default , metadata=__metadata , engine_name=engine_name , sa_engine=sa_engine )
def dbSession( engine_name ):
"""dbSession(engine_name): wraps get_engine and returns the sa_scoped_session"""
log.debug("sqlassist#dbSession(%s)" % engine_name )
session= get_engine(engine_name).sa_scoped_session
return session
class UtilityObject(object):
__table_pkey__= None
def get__by__id( self, dbSession, id , id_column='id' ):
"""gets an item by an id column named 'id'. id column can be overriden"""
if not hasattr( self.__class__ , id_column ) and hasattr( self, '__table_pkey__' ) :
id_column= self.__table_pkey__
id_col= getattr( self.__class__ , id_column )
if type(id) == type([]):
return dbSession.query(self.__class__).filter( id_col.in_(id) ).all()
else :
id_dict= { id_column : id }
return dbSession.query(self.__class__).filter_by( **id_dict ).first()
def get__by__column__lower( self, dbSession, column , search , allow_many=False ):
"""gets items from the database based on a lowercase version of the column. useful for situations where you have a function index on a table, such as indexing on the lower version of an email addresses."""
items= dbSession.query(self.__class__).filter( sqlalchemy.sql.func.lower( getattr( self.__class__ , column ) ) == search.lower() ).all()
if items:
if not allow_many:
if len(items) > 1 :
raise ValueError("get__by__column__lower should return 1 and only 1 item")
elif len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
return items
return None
def get__by__column__similar( self, dbSession , column , seed , prefix_only=True):
"""seaches for a name column entry with the submitted seed prefix"""
search_template= "%s%%"
if not prefix_only:
search_template= "%%%s%%"
return dbSession.query(self.__class__).filter( (getattr( self.__class__ , column)).ilike( search_template % seed ) ).order_by( getattr( self.__class__ , column ) ).all()
def get__by__column__exact_then_ilike( self, dbSession, column, seed ):
""" seaches for an exact, then case-insensitive version of the name column"""
item= dbSession.query(self.__class__).filter( getattr( self.__class__ , column ) == seed ).first()
if not item:
item= dbSession.query(self.__class__).filter( getattr( self.__class__ , column ).ilike(seed) ).first()
return item
class ReflectedTable(UtilityObject):
"""Base class for database objects that are mapped to tables by reflection.
Have your various model classes inherit from this class. If class.__tablename__ is defined, it will reflect
class Useraccount(ReflectedTable):
__tablename__ = "useraccount"
__tablename__ = None
__sa_stash__ = {}
def reflect_tables( app_model , primary=False , metadata=None , sa_engine=None , engine_name=None ):
"""this reflects tables via sqlalchemy. recursively goes through the application's model package looking for classes that inherit from ReflectedTable
app_model- the package you want to reflect. pass in a package, not a string
reflect_tables( myapp.models , primary=True )
Bad - this won't work at all:
reflect_tables( 'myapp.models' , primary=True )
log.debug("sqlassist#reflect_tables(%s)" % app_model )
to_reflect = []
for content in dir( app_model ):
module = getattr( app_model , content )
if not isinstance( module , types.ModuleType ):
for module_element in dir( module ):
module_element = getattr( module, module_element )
if not isinstance( module_element , types.TypeType ):
if issubclass( module_element , ReflectedTable ):
to_reflect.append( module_element )
for _class in to_reflect:
table_name = _class.__tablename__
if table_name:"Reflecting : %s (table: %s)" % (_class , table_name) )
# turn off SQL Query logging in sqlAlchemey for a moment , it's just makes a mess of things
_level= logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine').getEffectiveLevel()
if _level < logging.WARN :
table= sqlalchemy.Table( table_name, metadata, autoload=True , autoload_with=sa_engine )
_class.__sa_stash__[engine_name]= table
if primary:
sqlalchemy_orm.mapper( _class , table )
sqlalchemy_orm.mapper( _class , table , non_primary=True )
# return logging to it's former state
def initialize_sql(engine_name,population_callback):
_dbSession= dbSession(engine_name)
_sa_engine= get_engine(engine_name).sa_engine
_dbSession.configure( bind = _sa_engine )
DeclaredTable.metadata.bind = _sa_engine
except IntegrityError:
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