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Last active December 16, 2017 07:52
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Stream prototype in swift
An Observable emits values to its subscribed observers.
A minimal implementation based upon the reactivex specification:
public class Observable<Value> {
/** Add a new observer. The provided instance will receive all values provided to onNext. */
public func subscribe(_ observer: @escaping (Value) -> Void) -> Observable<Value> {
return self
/** Sends a new value to all observers. */
public func onNext(value: Value) {
observers.forEach { observer in
private var observers: [(Value) -> Void] = []
extension Observable {
/** Transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item. */
public func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Value) -> T) -> Observable<T> {
let downstream = Observable<T>()
// Keep a strong reference to the parent (self), but a weak reference to the downstream. This
// ensures that a reference to a downstream node will keep the entire stream alive.
subscribe { [weak downstream] in
let _ = self
downstream?.onNext(value: transform($0))
return downstream
/** Emit only those items from an Observable that pass a test. */
public func filter(_ isIncluded: @escaping (Value) -> Bool) -> Observable<Value> {
let downstream = Observable<Value>()
// Keep a strong reference to the parent (self), but a weak reference to the downstream. This
// ensures that a reference to a downstream node will keep the entire stream alive.
subscribe { [weak downstream] in
let _ = self
if isIncluded($0) {
downstream?.onNext(value: $0)
return downstream
class VelocityObservable: Observable<(UIGestureRecognizerState, CGPoint)> {
init(listeningTo to: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
to.addTarget(self, action: #selector(panDidUpdate))
@objc private func panDidUpdate(gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
onNext(value: (gesture.state, gesture.velocity(in: gesture.view)))
let pan = UIPanGestureRecognizer()
stream = VelocityObservable(listeningTo: pan)
.filter { (state, _) in state == .ended }
.map { (_, value) in value }
.subscribe { print($0) }
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