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Last active December 11, 2015 02:29
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Julia functions for MTH 229. These functions are used to illustrate some basic algorithms used for numerical approximations to calculus.
function bisection_method (f::Function, a::Number, b::Number)
## redefine to be self-contained
close_enough(x, y) = abs( x - y ) < sqrt(eps())
close_enough(x) = close_enough(x, 0)
## check endpoints
if f(a) * f(b) > 0
error("Function values at endpoints must have different signs")
## endpoints aren't already zeroes?
if close_enough(f(a))
elseif close_enough(f(b))
## begin
update_mid(a, b) = (a + b)/2
mid = update_mid(a, b)
ctr = 1
while ( !close_enough(f(mid)) )
## update a or b and then mid
f(a) * f(mid) < 0 ? (b = mid) : (a = mid)
mid = update_mid(a, b)
ctr += 1
println("Converged to $mid in $ctr steps")
## Code to take a derivative of a real valued function using 4th central difference
central_4th_difference(f, x, h) = (-f(x + 2h) + 8f(x+h) - 8f(x-h) + f(x-2h))/(12h)
Dc4(f, h) = begin g(x::Real) = central_4th_difference(f, x, h); g end
Dc4(f) = Dc4(f, 0.001)
## introducd f'(x) notation:
import Base.ctranspose
ctranspose(f::Function) = Dc4(f)
module ADiff
## Code to take automatic derivative modeled after
## Numeric
## derivatives via finite differences have errors due to the
## mathematical approximation and the floating point approximation,
## that latter can be large as most compuations end with a difference
## of similar-sized values. Automatic derivatives avoid this, by
## adding information to each step of a function evaluation to also
## evalute the derivative. Errors are due to floating point
## approximation.
## This is a asic implementation of (forward) automatic differenctiation using
## operator overloading. See!topic/julia-dev/tXBR04t31vI for
## a better implementation.
## This illustrates how julia's type notation makes such things straighforward.
## The idea of automatic differentiation is to
## carry along the information needed to make the derivative (using
## the chain rule) with each operation so while a function is being
## defined, the derivative is also. Compared to symbolic derivatives
## it is much faster (and not a comparison for julia which has no
## symbolic derivative). Compared to numeric approximations, there is
## no issue with round-off error from taking finite differences.
## The simplest usage is the D operator:
## julia> f(x) = x^2
## julia> D(f)(3)
## 6.0
## plot([f, D(f)], 0, 4) ## using Gadfly, say
## julia> Dc4(f)(3) ## less roundoff than numeric
## 5.9999999999994875
## More generally, the D operator can have a second argument indicating the order of the derivative:
## julia> D(sin, 2)(pi/2)
## -1.0
## For second derivatives, we also provide a D2 operator. You can
## not get this by D(D(f)), it won't work. (As D only works for functions
## which are written as compositions of elementary functions, of which D is
## not one.)
## This may not always work. For example, as `airy` is not overloaded
## we have an error:
## julia> f(x) = airy(x)
## julia> D(f)(2)
## no method airy(Int64,ADiff)
## julia> Dc4(f)(2) ## this works though
## -0.05309038443370347
## For lower level use, one declares x to be of ADiff type Then when
## you create an expression with x, the derivative gets carried along:
## julia> x = Ad(1, 1) ## or ad(1)
## Ad(1,1)
## julia> sin(cos(x))
## Ad(0.5143952585235492,-0.7216061490634433)
## You can make functions too:
## f(x) = x^2 - sin(x)
## g(x) = (f*ad)(x)
## can plot with Gadfly, say
## plot([f,ADiff.val*f*ad], 0, 1) ## same plot
## but, it would be easiest to just do
## plot([f, D(f)], 0, 1)
export Ad, ad, D, D2, taylor, taylor_coefs
type Ad
## constructors
ad(a::Real) = Ad(a, 1)
ad(a::Ad) = Ad(a, 1)
## Need to extract
function ad_order(a::Ad)
local b = a
ctr = 1
while isa(b.val, Ad)
ctr += 1
b = b.val
## accessors
val(a::Ad) = a.val
val(a::Real) = a
der(a::Ad) = a.der
der(a::Real) = 0
importall Base
## compare
isless(a::Ad, y::Real) = isless(a.val, y)
isless(x::Real, b::Ad) = isless(x, b.val)
isless(a::Ad, b::Ad) = isless(a.val, b.val)
## compose with *
*(f::Function, g::Function) = x -> f(g(x))
## compute f^(k)(a)
function diff(a::Ad, k::Integer)
if k == 0 return(a) end
n = ad_order(a)
if k > n
error("Can only take upto $n derivatives for this value of a")
if k == n
## Operator for derivatives
## @param f some function of a real variable
## @param k degree of derivative, defaults to 1
function D(f::Function, k::Integer)
if k == 0
x -> f(x)
elseif k > 0
x -> diff(f((ad^k)(x)), k)
stop("Can't handle negative k")
D(f::Function) = D(f, 1)
D2(f::Function) = D(f, 2)
## Taylor series expansion
## return polynomial object
## @param f real-valued function
## @param n, degree
## @param c, expansion point. Defaults to 0
function taylor(f::Function, n::Integer, c::Real)
## sum f^k(c)(x-c)^k
coefs = taylor_coefs(f, n, c)
x -> sum(float( [ coefs[k + 1] * (x - c)^k for k in 0:n] ))
## default Maclurin
taylor(f::Function, n::Integer) = taylor(f, n, 0)
## function to (most) efficiently compute coefficients.
## The compuations can be really costly when n gets bigger than 10
## @param f a function for which ADiff is valid (e.g., not an ADiff generated object!)
## @param n up to order n f^(n)(c)/n!
## @param c point to expand around
## @example
## Using Polynomial
## a = ( taylor(sin, 10, 0) | reverse )
## p = Poly(a)
function taylor_coefs(f::Function, n::Integer, c::Real)
x = (ad^n)(c)
y = f(x)
[(val^(n-k))((der^k)(y))/factorial(k) for k in 0:n] | float
## math operations
+(x::Ad, y::Ad) = Ad(x.val + y.val, x.der + y.der)
+(x::Ad, y::Real) = Ad(x.val + y, x.der)
+(x::Real, y::Ad) = y + x
+(x::Ad, y::Vector) = [x + i for in in y]
+(x::Vector, y::Ad) = y + x
-(x::Ad) = Ad(-x.val, -x.der)
-(x::Ad, y::Ad) = x + (-y)
-(x::Ad, y::Real) = Ad(x.val - y, x.der)
-(x::Real, y::Ad) = -y + x
-(x::Ad, y::Vector) = [ x - i for i in y]
-(x::Vector, y::Ad) = -(y-x)
*(x::Ad, y::Ad) = Ad(x.val * y.val, x.val * y.der + x.der * y.val)
*(x::Ad, y::Real) = Ad(y * x.val, y * x.der)
*(x::Real, y::Ad) = y * x
*(x::Ad, y::Vector) = [x*i for i in y]
*(x::Vector, y::Ad) = y*x
/(x::Ad, y::Ad) = Ad(x.val/y.val, (x.der * y.val - x.val * y.der)/(y.val^2))
/(x::Ad, y::Real) = Ad(x.val/y, x.der/y)
/(x::Real, y::Ad) = Ad(x/y.val, -x*y.der/(y.val)^2)
/(x::Ad, y::Vector) = [x/i for i in y]
/(x::Vector, y::Ad) = [i/y for i in x]
one(x::Ad) = Ad(1, 0) ## multiplicative identity
function ^(x::Ad, y::Integer)
if y == 0
elseif y < 0
Ad(x.val ^ y, y * (x.val) ^ (y-1) * x.der)
^(x::Ad, y::Real) = Ad(x.val ^ y, y * (x.val) ^ (y-1) * x.der)
^(x::Ad, y::Ad) = exp(y * log(x))
^(x::Real, y::Ad) = exp(y * log(x))
^(x::Ad, y::Vector) = [x^i for i in y]
^(x::Vector, y::Ad) = [i^y for i in x]
for k in (:<, :<=, :>=, :>, :(==))
@eval begin
($k)(x::Ad, y::Ad) = ($k)(x.val, y.val)
for k in (:max, :min)
@eval begin
($k)(x::Ad, y::Ad) = ($k)(x.val, y.val)
## functions
for (k,v) in ((:exp, exp),
(:log, u -> 1/u),
(:log10, u-> 1/u/log(10)),
(:log2, u -> 1/u/log(2)),
(:sin, cos),
(:cos, u -> -sin(u)),
(:tan, u -> sec(u)^2),
(:csc, u -> -csc(u) * cot(u)),
(:sec, u -> sec(u) * tan(u)),
(:cot, u -> -csc(u)^2),
(:asin, u -> (1-u^2)^(-1/2)),
(:acos, u -> -(1-u^2)^(-1/2)),
(:atan, u -> 1/(1+u ^ 2)),
(:acsc, u -> -1/(abs(u) * sqrt(u^2 - 1))),
(:asec, u -> 1/(abs(u) * sqrt(u^2 - 1))),
(:acot, u -> -1/(1+u^2)),
(:sinh, cosh),
(:cosh, u -> -sinh(u)),
(:tanh, u -> 1 - tanh(u)^2),
(:csch, u -> -coth(u) * csch(u)),
(:sech, u -> -tanh(u) * sech(u)),
(:coth, u -> 1 - coth(u)^2),
(:abs, u -> u > 0 ? 1 : (u < 0 ? -1 : NaN)),
(:sign, u -> u == 0 ? NaN : 0),
(:sqrt, u -> 1/2/sqrt(u)),
(:cbrt, u -> (1/3)/(cbrt(u)^2))
@eval begin
($k)(x::Ad) = Ad($(k)(x.val), (($v))(x.val) * x.der)
using ADiff
## A nieve implementation of Gauss quadrature to compute \int_{-1}^1 f(x) dx
## Due to how the Legendre Polynomials are recursively defined, this will
## be real slow for n larger than a given value. Of course, in practice one
## could compute the nodes and weights and store in a table.
using Polynomial
## Bonnets recursion. Slow and repeats! Should memoize at least!
function lgp(n::Integer)
if n == 0 return Poly([1]) end
if n == 1 return Poly([1, 0]) end
(2*(n-1) + 1) / n * lgp(1) * lgp(n-1) - (n-1)/n * lgp(n-2)
## nodes are roots of the legendre polynomials
gauss_nodes(n) = sort(roots(lgp(n)))
## Weights are computed from nodes, derivative of polynomials
function gauss_weights(n)
x = gauss_nodes(n)
w = similar(x)
p = lgp(n)
p = p/polyval(p, 1)
weights(x) = 2 / (1 - x^2) / (polyval(polydir(p), x))^2
map(weights, x) , x
## integral f over -1, 1 with n terms
function gauss_quadrature(f::Function, n::Integer)
w, x = gauss_weights(n)
sum(w .* map(f, x))
function golden_section(f::Function, x1, x2, x3)
## we must have f(x2) >= max(f(x1), f(x3)) *and* f is unimodal
if f(x2) < max(f(x1), f(x3))
error("Need a triple of points")
tol = sqrt(eps())
a = 2 - (1 + sqrt(5))/2 ## 2 - golden ratio
## pick point in bigger of two subintervals return point and indicate which side
pick_point(x1,x2,x3) = x2 - x1 > x3 - x2 ? (x2 - a*(x2-x1), true) : (x2 + a*(x3-x2), false)
## update triple if point is new max or not.
function update_triple(x1, x2, x3)
(x, left_side) = pick_point(x1, x2, x3)
if f(x) > f(x2)
left_side ? (x1, x, x2) : (x2, x, x3)
left_side ? (x,x2,x3) : (x1, x2, x)
## now loop until the gap between left and right is within tolerance.
## the distance shrinks by 1 - gr = .618 each trip through so this converges in about
## `(8 + log10(x3 - x1))/log10(1/.618) | ceil` trips
while x3 - x1 > tol
(x1, x2, x3) = update_triple(x1, x2, x3)
## return argmax and max
(x2, f(x2))
function integrate(f::Function, a::Real, b::Real, n::Integer, approx_area::Function)
x = linspace(float(a), b, n+1) ## n + 1 points for n subintervals
sum( [ approx_area(f, x[i], x[i+1]) for i in 1:n ] )
left_riemann(f::Function, a, b) = f(a)*(b-a)
right_riemann(f::Function, a::Real, b::Real) = f(b)*(b-a)
trapezoid(f::Function, a::Real, b::Real) = (f(a) + f(b))/2 * (b-a)
function simpsons(f::Function, a::Real, b::Real)
c = (a+b)/2
(f(a) + 4f(c) + f(b)) * (b-a)/6
function integrate(f::Function, a::Real, b::Real, n::Integer)
integrate(f, a, b, n, left_riemann)
## from the `area` function in the MASS package of R
function adapt(f::Function, a::Real, b::Real, limit::Integer)
close_enough(x, y) = abs(x - y) < 1e-3
println("adapt called with a=$a, b=$b, limit=$limit")
h = b-a
c = (a + b)/2
a1 = (f(a) + f(b)) * h/2 ## trapezoid
a2 = (f(a) + 4f(c) + f(b)) * h/6 ## Simpson's parabola
if close_enough(a1, a2)
if limit == 0
println("limit reached for this interval [$a, $b]")21
adapt(f, a, c, limit - 1) + adapt(f, c, b, limit-1)
function nm(f::Function, fp::Function, x0::Real)
## redefine to be self contained
close_enough(x) = abs(x) < sqrt(eps())
max_steps = 100
ctr = 0
update_guess(x) = x - f(x)/fp(x)
x = update_guess(x0)
while !close_enough(f(x)) && ctr < max_steps
ctr += 1
x = update_guess(x)
## all done
if ctr >= max_steps
error("Method did not converge")
return (x, ctr)
## using automatic derivative here
findzero(f::Function, x0::Real) = nm(f, D(f), x0)[1]
findcritical(f::Function, x0::Real) = nm(D(f), D(f,2), x0)[1]
## generalized iteration method to find fixed point
## Iterate x = F(f,x) until we converge to a fixed point as determined by tol
function iterate(f::Function, x0::Number, F::Function, tol::Real)
x = F(f, x0)
ctr = 1
while abs(f(x)) > tol && ctr < 200
x = F(f, x)
ctr += 1
ctr >= 200 ? stop("Method did not converge in 200 steps") : (x, ctr)
iterate(f::Function, x0::Number, F::Function) = iterate(f, x0, F, 1e-14)
## various update functions using automatic derivative:
newton_update(f::Function, x0::Number) = x0 - f(x0)/D(f)(x0)
function halley_update(f::Function, x0::Number)
a = f(x0); b = D(f)(x0); c = D(f,2)(x0)
x0 - 2*a*b/(2*b^2 - a*c)
householder_update(f::Function, x0, p::Integer) = x0 - (p+1)*D(u -> 1/f(u), p)(x0)/D(u -> 1/f(u), p+1)(x0)
householder_update0(f::Function, x0) = householder_update(f, x0, 0) ## Newton: quadratic
householder_update1(f::Function, x0) = householder_update(f, x0, 1) ## halley: cubic
householder_update2(f::Function, x0) = householder_update(f, x0, 2) ## higher order of degree d + 2 ...
householder_update3(f::Function, x0) = householder_update(f, x0, 3)
householder_update4(f::Function, x0) = householder_update(f, x0, 4)
## to use: iterate(f, x0, householder_update0)
## Rajinder Thukral
## very fast (8th order) root finder like newton
thukral = function(f::Function, xo::Real)
function update(f::Function, xn::Real, tol::Real)
i,j,k,l = 1,1 ,1 ,1 ## in {1,2}
beta = 1/i
fxn = f(xn)
wn = xn + (1/beta)*fxn
fwn = f(wn)
if abs(fwn) < tol return(wn) end
yn = xn - fxn^2/(fwn - fxn)
fyn = f(yn)
if abs(fyn) < tol return(yn) end
phi = ((1 - fyn/fwn)^(-1), (1 + fyn/fwn))
zn = yn - phi[j]*( (xn-yn)/(fxn - fyn) ) * fyn
fzn = f(zn)
if abs(fzn) < tol return(zn) end
omega = ( (1- fzn/fwn)^(-1), 1 + fzn/fwn + (fzn/fwn)^2)
psi = (1 - 2*fyn^3/(fwn^2*fxn), (1 + 2*fyn^3/(fwn^2*fxn))^(-1) )
zn - omega[k]*psi[l]*((fzn - fyn)/(zn-yn) - (fyn - fxn)/(yn - xn) + (fzn - fxn)/(zn-xn))^(-1)*fzn
update(f::Function, x::Ad, tol::Real) = update(f, x.val, tol)
xn = xo
tol = 1e-14
ctr = 1
while (abs(f(xn)) > tol) & (ctr < 20)
xn = update(f, xn, tol)
ctr += 1
(xn, ctr)
## some tests
## julia> thukral(x -> (x-2)*(x^10 + x + 1)*exp(-x-1), 1.9)
## (2.0,4)
## julia> thukral(x -> x^11 + x + 1, -1)
## (-0.844397528792023,4)
## julia> thukral(u -> sin(u)^2 - u^2 + 1, 1)
## (1.4044916482153413,3)
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