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Jorge jvican

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johnynek / testrunner.scala
Last active January 30, 2020 03:54
A minimal example of a test runner for Any comments or reviews welcome.
* copyright 2020 P. Oscar Boykin <[email protected]>
* licensed under Apache V2 license:
* or, at your option, GPLv2 or later:
package testrunner
import io.github.classgraph._
non /
Created January 9, 2020 18:15
Script to delete all issues for a repo. This is different than just closing all of them. It uses the v4 GraphQL Github API.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# by Erik Osheim
# 0. install deps
# - pip install requests
# 1. generate personal access token
hofmannsven /
Created December 6, 2017 00:32
Increase key repeat rate on macOS

Increase key repeat rate on macOS

Settings: System Preferences » Keyboard » Key Repeat/Delay Until Repeat

Use the commands below to increase the key repeat rate on macOS beyond the possible settings via the user interface. The changes aren't applied until you restart your computer.


Revisiting Tagless Final Interpreters

Tageless Final interpreters are an alternative to the traditional Algebraic Data Type (and generalized ADT) based implementation of the interpreter pattern. This document presents the Tageless Final approach with Scala, and shows how Dotty with it's recently added implicits functions makes the approach even more appealing. All examples are direct translations of their Haskell version presented in the Typed Tagless Final Interpreters: Lecture Notes (section 2).

The interpreter pattern has recently received a lot of attention in the Scala community. A lot of efforts have been invested in trying to address the biggest shortcomings of ADT/GADT based solutions: extensibility. One can first look at cats' Inject typeclass for an implementation of [Data Type à la Carte](

kekru / Docker connect to remote
Last active January 1, 2025 10:31
Connect to another host with your docker client, without modifying your local Docker installation

Run commands on remote Docker host

This is how to connect to another host with your docker client, without modifying your local Docker installation or when you don't have a local Docker installation.

Enable Docker Remote API

First be sure to enable the Docker Remote API on the remote host.

This can easily be done with a container.
For HTTP connection use jarkt/docker-remote-api.

bufordtaylor / icloud-caldav.rb
Created October 27, 2016 16:51 — forked from ericboehs/icloud-caldav.rb
Interface with Apple's iCloud CalDav Calendars
require 'rexml/document'
require 'rexml/xpath'
require 'http'
require 'icalendar'
HTTP::Request::METHODS = HTTP::Request::METHODS + [:report]
module AppleCalDav
class Client
attr_accessor :username, :password
lenborje /
Created June 2, 2016 12:19
Minimal zip utility in java. It can process entries in parallel. Utilizes Java 8 parallel Streams combined with the ZIP FileSystem introduced in Java 7.
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.*;
import static*;
* This class creates zip archives. Instead of directly using {@link},
* this implementation uses the jar {@link FileSystem} available since Java 1.7.<p>
gkossakowski /
Last active June 19, 2018 18:27
Understand Scala's core typechecking rules

Scala's "type T in class C as seen from a prefix type S" with examples


Recently, I found myself in need to precisely understand Scala's core typechecking rules. I was particulary interested in understanding rules responsible for typechecking signatures of members defined in classes (and all types derived from them). Scala Language Specification (SLS) contains definition of the rules but lacks any examples. The definition of the rules uses mutual recursion and nested switch-like constructs that make it hard to follow. I've written down examples together with explanation how specific set of rules (grouped thematically) is applied. These notes helped me gain confidence that I fully understand Scala's core typechecking algorithm.

As Seen From

Let's quote the Scala spec for As Seen From (ASF) rules numbered for an easier reference:

abhijeetchopra /
Last active February 22, 2025 22:18
Creating automatic scheduled backup copies of your Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

How to "Schedule Automatic Backups" of your Google Sheets

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Google Apps Script to:

  • Create copies of the Google Sheet in the desired destination folder automatically at set intervals.

  • Append the time stamp with each backup file's name.

  • Adjust time trigger for backing up every day/hour/minute.

olafurpg / PrettyPrintHack.scala
Last active March 3, 2016 12:38
Pretty-print/reformat AST trees in Scala using clang-format
ollie-scalafmt@ import scala.sys.process._
import scala.sys.process._
ollie-scalafmt@ import
ollie-scalafmt@ formatMe
res28: String = """
Defn.Object(Nil, Term.Name("State"), Template(Nil, Seq(Ctor.Ref.Name("ScalaFmtLogger")), Term.Param(Nil, Name.Anonymous(), None, None), Some(Seq(Defn.Val(Nil, Seq(Pat.Var.Term(Term.Name("start"))), None, Term.Apply(Term.Name("State"), Seq(Lit(0), Term.Name("identity"), Term.ApplyType(Term.Select(Term.Name("Vector"), Term.Name("empty")), Seq(Type.Name("Split"))), Term.ApplyType(Term.Select(Term.Name("Vector"), Term.Name("empty")), Seq(Type.Name("State"))), Lit(0), Term.ApplyType(Term.Select(Term.Name("Vector"), Term.Name("empty")), Seq(Type.Apply(Type.Name("Indent"), Seq(Type.Name("Num"))))), Lit(0)))), Defn.Def(Nil, Term.Name("reconstructPath"), Nil, Seq(Seq(Term.Param(Nil, Term.Name("toks"), Some(Type.Apply(Type.Name("Array"), Seq(Type.Name("FormatToken")))), None), Term.Param(Nil, Term.Name("splits"), Some(T