This is day 5 in the Silicon Valley for me, it is Sunday evening for me here and I am sitting outside, looking at the sky, stars, sitting in a Hängematte. Once your eyes get used to seeing possibilities there are so many opportunities. Once you get used to work at big scale you stop thinking about small problems on the way and concentrate on what is actually important and, assuming it works out, what might be the issues with the initial idea.
Thinking in opportunities is the default here in the Silicon Valley. When pitching a few ideas to people back in Europe I sometimes got the reaction of “wow, but you know what’s a lot of work to be done” - creating a sort of negative response and making me less certain about the idea. What happens if you pitch the same idea to someone in the Silicon Valley? “Yes, I believe you can do this and it will yield a nice paper, but here is the problem with this because I have done something similar already”.
With that, what’s my closing of the “first (half) week” in “The Valle