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Last active December 19, 2015 01:39
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Save jvlahos/5877700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cols(x) mixin adapted off of Upstatement's ui-block mixin.
@mixin cols($col-num: 2, $width-1: 0, $width-2: 0, $width-3: 0, $width-4: 0, $width-last: 0, $margin-r:5% ) {
@include pie-clearfix;
$var-list: $col-num, $width-1, $width-2, $width-3, $width-4, $width-last, $margin-r;
//Discovers margin option
@for $num from 1 through length($var-list) {
$value: nth($var-list, $num);
@if $num == ($col-num + 2){
@if $num < length($var-list) {
@if type_of($value) == number {
@if unit($value) == "%" {
$margin-r: $value;
//Flip functionality
$flip: false;
@each $var in $var-list {
@if $var == flip {
$flip: true;
@if $col-num == flip { $col-num: 2; }
@if $margin-r == flip { $margin-r: 5%; }
@if $width-1 == flip { $width-1: 0; }
@if $width-2 == flip { $width-2: 0; }
@if $width-3 == flip { $width-3: 0; }
@if $width-4 == flip { $width-4: 0; }
//eo flip functionality
//Default values given no supplied values
@if $width-1 == 0 { $width-1: 100% / $col-num; }
@if $width-2 == 0 { $width-2: 100% / $col-num; }
@if $width-3 == 0 { $width-3: 100% / $col-num; }
@if $width-4 == 0 { $width-4: 100% / $col-num; }
@if $width-last == 0 { $width-last: 100% / $col-num; }
//width-last needs to be determined no matter what, in case it's not supplied
@if $col-num == 5 { $width-last: 100% - $width-4 - $width-3 - $width-2 - $width-1; }
@if $col-num == 4 { $width-last: 100% - $width-3 - $width-2 - $width-1; }
@if $col-num == 3 { $width-last: 100% - $width-2 - $width-1; }
@if $col-num == 2 { $width-last: 100% - $width-1; }
//Needed to reset var-list for some reason
$var-list: $col-num, $width-1, $width-2, $width-3, $width-4, $width-last, $margin-r;
$name-list: first, second, third, fourth, fifth;
//First col - second-to-last col
@for $num from 2 through $col-num {
$width: nth($var-list, $num);
$name: nth($name-list, ($num - 1));
$col: $num - 1;
> .col-#{$col},
> .col.#{$name} {
margin-right: $margin-r/($col-num - 1);
width: $width - ($margin-r/$col-num);
@include float-left;
@if $flip == true {
@include float-right;
//Last col
> .col-#{$col-num},
> .col.#{nth($name-list, $col-num)},
> .col.last {
width: $width-last - ($margin-r/$col-num);
@include float-left;
margin-right: 0;
.examples {
@include cols;
@include cols(2);
@include cols(flip);
@include cols(2, 60%, 40%);
@include cols(2, 60%, 40%, flip);
@include cols(2, 60%, 40%, 2.5%);
@include cols(2, 60%, 40%, 2.5%, flip);
@include cols(3);
@include cols(3, 20%, 60%, 20%);
@include cols(3, 20%, 60%, 20%, 2.5%);
@include cols(4);
@include cols(4, 10%, 40%, 25%, 25%);
@include cols(4, 10%, 40%, 25%, 25%, 2.5%);
@include cols(5);
@include cols(5, 20%, 40%, 10%, 10%, 20%);
@include cols(5, 20%, 40%, 10%, 10%, 20%, 2.5%);
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