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Created September 15, 2009 18:01
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import Language.Gator hiding (sequence, mapM)
import Data.FixedList
import qualified Data.FixedList
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM)
main :: IO ()
main = do
l <- compile logic
putStrLn "/* "
print l
putStrLn " */"
putStrLn $ mkDot l
logic :: StateT Logic IO ()
logic = do
inA <- mkNamedChannels newInputN "A"
inB <- mkNamedChannels newInputN "B"
cIn <- newInputN "Cin"
outS <- mkNamedChannels newOutputN "S"
outC <- newOutputN "Cout"
(s,c) <- adder inA inB cIn
sequence $ pure connect <*> s <*> outS
connect c outC
mkNamedChannels f name = mapM (f . (name ++) . show) busChannels
busChannels = fromFoldable' [0..] :: FixedList16 Int
--adder :: (MonadState Logic m, Traversable f, Applicative f, Out a, Out b, Out cIn) =>
-- f a -> f b -> cIn -> m (f XOrGate, Trace)
adder a b cIn = do
t <- newTrace
connect cIn t
runStateT (sequence $ fmap StateT $ pure fullAdder <*> a <*> b) t
- A Full Adder.
- See:
--fullAdder :: (Out a, Out b, Out cIn, MonadState Logic m) => a -> b -> cIn -> m (XOrGate, Trace)
fullAdder inA inB inC = do
xor0 <- doXOr inA inB
xor1 <- doXOr xor0 inC
and0 <- doAnd xor0 inC
and1 <- doAnd inA inB
or0 <- doOr and0 and1
-- Notice added trace here
t <- newTrace
connect or0 t
return (xor1,t)
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