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Created February 27, 2010 15:05
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, RankNTypes, RecursiveDo #-}
module ContextRefHidden
( ContextRef
, Context
, runContext
, newRef
, readRef
, writeRef
, refKey
, attempt
, save
) where
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import System.Mem.Weak
data ContextRef s a = ContextRef Int (IORef a)
deriving (Eq)
instance Ord (ContextRef s a) where
compare (ContextRef a _) (ContextRef b _) = compare a b
data ContextData s = ContextData [Int] (Map Int (IO (IO ())))
newtype Context s a = Context { unContext :: (StateT (IORef (ContextData s)) (ST s) a)}
deriving (Monad, MonadFix)
runContext :: (forall s. Context s a) -> a
runContext s = runST $ do
initialData <- newSTIORef $ ContextData [0..] empty
(a, _) <- runStateT (unContext s) initialData
return a
newRef :: a -> Context s (ContextRef s a)
newRef x = Context $ mdo
ref <- lift $ newSTIORef x
dataRef <- get
key <- lift $ unsafeIOToST $ atomicModifyIORef dataRef $
\(ContextData (nextKey:availableKeys) saveMap) -> (ContextData availableKeys (insert nextKey (saveIORef weakRef) saveMap), nextKey)
weakRef <- lift $ mkWeakSTIORef key dataRef ref
return $ ContextRef key ref
readRef :: ContextRef s a -> Context s a
readRef (ContextRef _ ref) = Context $ lift $ readSTIORef ref
writeRef :: ContextRef s a -> a -> Context s ()
writeRef (ContextRef _ ref) x = Context $ lift $ writeSTIORef ref x
refKey :: ContextRef s a -> Int
refKey (ContextRef key _) = key
-- any references made during the attempt will not get altered by the restore
attempt :: Context s (Either a b) -> Context s (Either a b)
attempt m = do
restore <- save
result <- m
when (isLeft result) restore
return result
save :: Context s (Context s ())
save = Context $ do
dataRef <- get
ContextData _ saveMap <- lift $ readSTIORef dataRef
restoreActions <- lift $ unsafeIOToST $ sequence $ elems saveMap
return ((Context $ lift $ unsafeIOToST $ sequence $ restoreActions) >> return ())
saveIORef :: Weak (IORef a) -> IO (IO ())
saveIORef weakRef = do
maybeRef <- deRefWeak weakRef
case maybeRef of
Just ref -> do
x <- readIORef ref
return (writeIORef ref x)
Nothing -> return (return ())
readSTIORef :: IORef a -> ST s a
readSTIORef x = unsafeIOToST $ readIORef x
newSTIORef :: a -> ST s (IORef a)
newSTIORef x = unsafeIOToST $ newIORef x
writeSTIORef :: IORef a -> a -> ST s ()
writeSTIORef ref x = unsafeIOToST $ writeIORef ref x
mkWeakSTIORef :: Int -> IORef (ContextData s) -> IORef a -> ST s (Weak (IORef a))
mkWeakSTIORef i dataRef ref = unsafeIOToST $ mkWeakIORef ref (atomicModifyIORef dataRef cleanUpRef)
cleanUpRef (ContextData is saveMap) = (ContextData (i:is) (delete i saveMap), ())
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
isLeft (Left _) = True
isLeft _ = False
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