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Created February 27, 2010 22:45
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import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
-- maybe make this an operator?
getField :: (Bits a) => a -> a -> a
getField value mask = flip evalState (mask, value, 0) $ do
sequence $ replicate (bitSize value) (get >>= setMaskBit)
(_, _, result) <- get
return result
setMaskBit :: (Bits a) => (a, a, a) -> State (a, a, a) ()
setMaskBit (mask, value, result) = put (shiftL mask 1, shiftL value 1, case testBit mask highestBit of
True -> assignBit lowerestBit (shiftL result 1) (testBit value highestBit)
False -> result )
highestBit = (bitSize value - 1)
lowerestBit = 0
assignBit :: (Bits a) => Int -> a -> Bool -> a
assignBit n a True = setBit a n
assignBit n a False = clearBit a n
upper = bin 1111111100000000
lower = bin 0000000011111111
test :: Word16
test = 14382 `getField` upper
bin :: (Num a) => Integer -> a
bin x = case x `divMod` 10 of
(0, 0) -> 0
(d, 0) -> 2 * (bin d)
(d, 1) -> 1 + 2 * (bin d)
(d, _) -> error (show x ++ ", is not a binary number")
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