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Created May 20, 2015 23:51
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python script to continuously sample ADC connected to raspberry pi via I2C
#!/usr/bin/env python
# read abelectronics ADC Pi V2 board inputs with repeating reading from each channel.
# # Requries Python 2.7
# Requires SMBus
# I2C API depends on I2C support in the kernel
# Version 1.0 - 06/02/2013
# Version History:
# 1.0 - Initial Release
# Usage: changechannel(address, hexvalue) to change to new channel on adc chips
# Usage: getadcreading(address, hexvalue) to return value in volts from selected channel.
# address = adc_address1 or adc_address2 - Hex address of I2C chips as configured by board header pins.
from smbus import SMBus
import re
adc_address1 = 0x68
adc_address2 = 0x69
# create byte array and fill with initial values to define size
adcreading = bytearray()
# LSB = 15.625 * 10**(-6) # uV
# LSB = 62.5 * 10**(-6) # uV
Vref = 2.048
LSB = (2 * Vref) / 2**12
# voltage_divider = (9.99 / (9.99 + 6.8))
voltage_divider = (6.8 / (9.99 + 6.8))
# detect i2C port number and assign to i2c_bus
# for line in open('/proc/cpuinfo').readlines():
# m = re.match('(.*?)\s*:\s*(.*)', line)
# if m:
# (name, value) = (,
# if name == "Revision":
# if value [-4:] in ('0002', '0003'):
# i2c_bus = 0
# else:
# i2c_bus = 1
# break
shunt_r = 54.7
bus = SMBus(1)
def changechannel(address, adcConfig):
tmp= bus.write_byte(address, adcConfig)
def quickadcreading(address, adcConfig):
adcreading = bus.read_i2c_block_data(address,adcConfig)
h = adcreading[0]
m = adcreading[1]
s = adcreading[2]
# shift bits to product result
t = ((h & 0b00111111) << 8) | (m)
# check if positive or negative number and invert if needed
if (h > 0b01000000):
t = ~(0x004000 - t)
return t
def getadcreading(address, adcConfig):
adcreading = bus.read_i2c_block_data(address,adcConfig)
h = adcreading[0]
m = adcreading[1]
s = adcreading[2]
# wait for new data
while (s & 128):
adcreading = bus.read_i2c_block_data(address,adcConfig)
h = adcreading[0]
m = adcreading[1]
s = adcreading[2]
# shift bits to product result
t = ((h & 0b00111111) << 8) | (m)
# check if positive or negative number and invert if needed
if (h > 0b01000000):
t = ~(0x004000 - t)
return t
while True:
v = getadcreading(adc_address1,0xB0) * LSB / voltage_divider
# getadcreading(adc_address1, 0x93)
for i in range(60):
shunt_v = getadcreading(adc_address1,0x93) * LSB/8
shunt_i = shunt_v / shunt_r
#print ("Channel 1: %0.2fuA, %0.2fuW, %0.2fV, %0.2fmV" % (shunt_i * 10**6, shunt_i*v* 10**6, v, shunt_v * 10**3))
my_i = (shunt_i * 10**6)
print (("%7.2fuA: " % (my_i)) + ("-" * int(my_i/ 14)))
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