- Ruby gem
- Domain-specific language (DSL)
- minimal effort Ruby library that makes HTTP access and simple web apps easy
- Much more light weight than rails so more suitable for smaller simpler applications.
- modular vs classic style
- Rack-compatible
- config.ru file
Mimics Rails organizational structure using MVC (Model, View, Controller)
- Sinatra project folder
- Server file
- Views folder
- erb files
- Contains routing with HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Client says GET me something from...
- example.com/ --> get '/'
- example.com/people --> get '/people'
- example.com/posts --> get '/posts'
- What you put in your server file determines what the client gets back.
get '/' do
#stuff to be done
erb :index # which erb file to render
get '/' do
@number = 8
erb :index
get '/' do
number = 8
erb(:index, locals => { :variable_in_view => variable_in_server })
# the key :variable_in_view is the name of the variable in the
# erb file the value it is pointing to is the actual variable you
# want to send.
- Server file specifies which view to send back to client
- Views are .erb files (Embedded RuBy)
- Interprets any ruby and sends back pure HTML to client
<% ruby_code_here %>
<%= ruby_code_here %>
<%= ruby_variable %>
<input type="text" name="firstname">
<input type="text" name="lastname">
<input type="submit" value="Click here!">
Data submitted by user in a form comes in as a hash called "params"
The input the user typed on line 2 can be accessed in your server file as params[:firstname]
The input the user typed on line 3 can be accessed in your server file as params["lastname"]
- notice that you can use strings or symbols for your key names
get '/dashboard' do
@name = params["firstname"]
erb :dashboard