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Last active April 8, 2018 15:49
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Preparation steps for ASB (Ansible Service Broker) Workshop

Prepare machine for ASB workshop

Tools to install

Single binary tools

Its convenient to extract below binaries to single directory in your $HOME, e.g. ~/bin/ and add this line to your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Command line tools to install:

  • Install the helm binary
  • Install the svcat binary
  • Install minishift
    • MacOS
      • brew cask install minishift
    • Other
      • Download package for your OS from minishift release page
      • Unpack the archive and copy binary minishift to any location in you $PATH
    • Either use default vm-driver for minishift or config minishift to alternative vm-driver, e.g. for kvm:
      • minishift config set vm-driver kvm
    • Make sure minishift start and minishift delete are working.
  • Install oc (v3.9.0) - kubectl like tool for Openshift
  • Install apb (Ansible Playbook Bundle) tool either with
    • Using Docker
      • git clone
      • YOUR_PATH_DIR=~/bin
      • cp ansible-playbook-bundle/scripts/ ${YOUR_PATH_DIR}/apb && chmod +x ${YOUR_PATH_DIR}/apb
    • Using RPM (Fedora 26/27)
      • sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
      • sudo dnf -y copr enable @ansible-service-broker/ansible-service-broker-latest
      • sudo dnf -y install apb
    • Using RPM (Centos 7)
      • sudo yum -y install
      • sudo yum -y install apb

Tools with installer

  • Install either kvm, virtualbox or hyperv (for minishift provisioning)
    • See the details for
  • Install apb (Ansible Playbook Bundle) tool either with
    • Using Docker
      • git clone
      • YOUR_PATH_DIR=~/bin
      • cp ansible-playbook-bundle/scripts/ ${YOUR_PATH_DIR}/apb && chmod +x ${YOUR_PATH_DIR}/apb
    • Using RPM (Fedora 26/27)
      • sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
      • sudo dnf -y copr enable @ansible-service-broker/ansible-service-broker-latest
      • sudo dnf -y install apb
    • Using RPM (Centos 7)
      • sudo yum -y install
      • sudo yum -y install apb

Start minishift to download ISO

Minishift downloads iso with ~400MB, run it first time so that we save some bootstrap time at workshop.

Run these commnads:

  • minishift config set openshift-version v3.9.0
  • minishift config set iso-url centos
  • minishift start
  • minishift delete
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