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Created June 8, 2010 22:32
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(ns org.whitlark.fc
(:import [org.apache.camel.impl DefaultCamelContext])
(:import [org.apache.camel.builder RouteBuilder])
(defn -main [& args]
(let [context (DefaultCamelContext.)]
(.addRoutes context (proxy [RouteBuilder] []
(configure []
(.. this (from "file:/home/jw/scratch/inbox?noop=true")
(to "file:/home/jw/scratch/outbox")))))
(.start context)))
public class FileCopierWithCamel {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() {
(defmacro defroute [context & body]
`(.addRoutes ~context (proxy [RouteBuilder] []
(configure []
(.. ~'this ~@body)))))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [context (DefaultCamelContext.)]
(defroute context
(from "file:/home/jw/scratch/inbox?noop=true")
(to "file:/home/jw/scratch/outbox"))
(.start context)))
(defproject camelFileCopy "0.1.0"
:description "Apache Camel File Copy example in clojure."
:main org.whitlark.fc
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0"]
[org.apache.camel/camel-core "2.3.0"]
[org.springframework/spring "2.5"]
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