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Created December 4, 2017 18:05
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Count IP addresses from the Kuma papertrail log, to analyze downtimes
#!/usr/bin/env python
Parse a Kuma papertrail log, mostly to count IP addresses to find the scrapers.
To get some log entries, use command line papertrail, like:
papertrail --min-time '2017-11-12 4:00 AM' --max-time '2017-11-12 5:00 AM' -g portland -- mdn-prod_web '-"GET /readiness"' '-"GET /healthz"' '-"- - HTTP/1.0"' > trouble.log
A simplier version can be used to just count IP addresses, but I was being bolder,
so I could parse on other elements.
To do:
- Split logs by pod, so that multi-line logs (like backtraces) can be handled as
a single event.
- Write a simplier version that just does the IP address bucketing.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
from collections import Counter
import datetime
import json
import re
import pprint
from dateutil.parser import parse
line_re = re.compile(r"""(?x)^ # Be verbose
(?P<log_month>[A-Z][a-z][a-z])\s # Month (Jan, Feb, Mar)
(?P<log_day>\d+)\s # Day (1, 2, 31)
(?P<log_hour>\d+): # Hour
(?P<log_min>\d+): # Minute
(?P<log_sec>\d+)\s+ # Second
(?P<machine>ip-[\d-]+)\s+ # Machine (ip-172-20-59-215)
(?P<log_path>[^ :]+):\s # Log path
(?P<payload>{.*) # JSON payload
log_re = re.compile(r"""(?x)^ # Be verbose
(?P<ip>[^ ]+)\s # IP address
(?P<dash1>[^ ]+)\s # First dash -
(?P<dash2>[^ ]+)\s # Second dash -
\[(?P<time>[^]]+)\]\s # Request time [12/Nov/2017:12:59:58 -0800]
"(?P<method>(GET|POST|HEAD|OPTIONS))\s # Method
(?P<path>.*)\s # Request path
(?P<http>HTTP/[^"]+)"\s # HTTP protocol
(?P<status_code>[^ ]+)\s # Status code
(?P<length>[^ ]+)\s # Content length
"(?P<referrer>[^"]+)"\s # Referrer
"(?P<agent>[^"]+)" # User Agent
\s+ # End garbage
months = {
'Jan': 1,
'Feb': 2,
'Mar': 3,
'Apr': 4,
'May': 5,
'Jun': 6,
'Jul': 7,
'Aug': 8,
'Sep': 9,
'Oct': 10,
'Nov': 11,
'Dec': 12,
today =
papertrail_ok = [
" detected rotation",
' following tail of',
'fluent.warn: /var/log/containers',
def extract_papertrail_log(papertrail_line):
match = line_re.match(papertrail_line)
if not match:
is_ok = any(ok in papertrail_line for ok in papertrail_ok)
if is_ok:
return {}
raise ValueError(papertrail_line)
items = match.groupdict()
month = months[items['log_month']]
day = int(items['log_day'])
year = today.year
hour = int(items['log_hour'])
minute = int(items['log_min'])
second = int(items['log_sec'])
log_date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
log = {
'pt_ts': log_date,
'pt_machine': items['machine'],
'pt_path': items['log_path']
payload = json.loads(items['payload'])
for key, value in payload.items():
if key == 'time':
log['time'] = parse(value)
elif key == 'log':
for lkey, lvalue in extract_log(value).items():
log['log_%s' % lkey] = lvalue
log[key] = value
return log
def extract_log(log_line):
match = log_re.match(log_line)
if match:
return match.groupdict()
return {'raw': log_line}
test_lines = [
('Nov 12 15:00:00 ip-172-20-59-215'
' kubernetes.var.log.containers.web-2866707077-4hflx_mdn-prod_web-:'
' {"log":" - - [12/Nov/2017:12:59:58 -0800]'
' \\"GET /en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Transitions/Using_CSS_transitions'
' HTTP/1.1\\"'
' 200 1814'
' \\"'
' \\"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36'
' (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36\\"\\n",'
('Nov 12 15:00:14 ip-172-20-37-202'
' kubernetes.var.log.containers.web-2866707077-pdmtl_mdn-prod_web-:'
' {"log":" - - [12/Nov/2017:13:00:14 -0800]'
' \\"GET /en-US/docs/tag/Firefox 3.6 HTTP/1.1\\"'
' 200 22867'
' \\"'
' \\"Wget/1.19.1 (linux-gnu)\\"\\n",'
def test():
for test_line in test_lines:
m = line_re.match(test_line)
assert m
print("Raw line:", test_line)
print("Extract line:")
log = extract_papertrail_log(test_line)
print("Extract log:")
assert 'log_raw' not in log
# Log lines that aren't web requests but OK
default_ignore_strings = [
'[ERROR] IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe', # User hung up
'[ERROR] Traceback ', # Kuma threw up
'[INFO] Booting worker with pid: ', # Kuma restarted
'newrelic.core.', # New Relic booting up
'[CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT', # gunicorn hung up?
'[info]: detected rotation of ', # fluentd fell behind
'[info]: following tail of ', # fluentd caught up
'[INFO] Handling signal: term', # kubernetes is killing gunicorn
'[INFO] Worker exiting', # gunicorn is exiting
'newrelic.config INFO - ', # newrelic is reading config
'[INFO] Starting gunicorn ', # gunicorn is starting
'[INFO] Listening at: ', # gunicorn is starting
'[INFO] Using worker: meinheld', # gunicorn is starting
'[INFO] Shutting down: Master', # gunicorn is stopping
def process_lines(logfile, process_func, process_context=None,
ignore_strings=None, fail_limit=20, report_fails=False):
num = 0
raws = 0
if ignore_strings is None:
ignore_strings = default_ignore_strings
for line in logfile:
num += 1
log = extract_papertrail_log(line)
if 'log_raw' in log:
log_raw = log['log_raw']
if log_raw == '\n':
uline = line.decode('utf8')
is_ok = any(ignore in uline for ignore in ignore_strings)
if not is_ok:
raws += 1
if report_fails:
print("line %d: raw log on line %s" % (num, repr(line)))
if fail_limit and raws >= fail_limit:
print("Aborting, too many missed logs.")
elif log:
process_context = process_func(log, process_context)
return process_context, num, raws
def collect_ips(log, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {
'count': 0,
'ips': Counter()
if context.get('debug'):
out = "%(log_ip)s: %(log_method)s %(log_path)s" % log
context['count'] += 1
context['ips'][log['log_ip']] += 1
return context
def usage(name):
%(name)s <filename.log>: Process a papertrail log, counting IP addresses.
Logs are generated using the papertrail command line app:
papertrail --min-time '2017-11-12 4:00 AM' --max-time '2017-11-12 5:00 AM'\
-g portland -- mdn-prod_web '-"GET /readiness"' '-"GET /healthz"'\
'-"- - HTTP/1.0"' > trouble.log
To run tests: %(name)s --test
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename == '--test':
with open(filename, 'r') as logfile:
result, lines, unprocessed = process_lines(logfile, collect_ips,
processed = lines - unprocessed
print("Done, processed %d of %d lines. Top IP addresses:" %
(processed, lines))
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