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Last active September 21, 2019 19:55
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Asp.Net Core CheatSheet - PDF Download Cheatsheet


Start a new project
Configuration files
Environment Variables
How to access Config data and Environmental Variables
Tag Helpers
Create a Model
Create Razor Pages and EntityFramework
Dependency Injection
Controllers - ActionResult
Building an Api

Start a new project

Task CLI Command
Create new console application dotnet new webapp -o aspnetcoreapp
Run the app cd aspnetcoreapp
dotnet run
Create local Certificate dotnet dev-certs https --trust

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Configuration files


  1. Appsettings.json - Development Non-Private
  2. Manage User Secrets - Development Private

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Environment Variables

  1. project => projectName properties => Debug

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How to access Config data and Environmental Variables

1. @inject Microsoft.Extensions.Cionfiguration.IConfiguration configuration
  1. Use @configuration["KEY"]

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Tag Helpers

1. To switch them on add ``` @addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers ``` to _ViewImports.cshtml.

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Create a Model

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the RazorPagesMovie project > Add > New Folder. Name the folder Models.

  2. Right click the Models folder. Select Add > Class. Name the class Movie and replace the contents of the Movie class with the following code:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;

namespace RazorPagesMovie.Models
    public class Movie
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Title { get; set; }
        public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
        public string Genre { get; set; }
        public decimal Price { get; set; }

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Create Razor Pages and EntityFramework

In Solution Explorer, right click on the Pages folder > Add > New Folder. Name the folder Movies

  1. In Solution Explorer, right click on the Pages/Movies folder > Add > New Scaffolded Item.

  2. In the Add Scaffold dialog, select Razor Pages using Entity Framework (CRUD) > Add.

  3. Complete the Add Razor Pages using Entity Framework (CRUD) dialog:

“In the Model class drop down, select Movie (RazorPagesMovie.Models). In the Data context class row, select the + (plus) sign and accept the generated name RazorPagesMovie.Models.RazorPagesMovieContext. Select Add.”

The scaffold process creates and updates the following files:

Files created
Pages/Movies: Create, Delete, Details, Edit, Index.

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Dependency Injection

  1. The scaffolding tool automatically created a DB context and registered it with the dependency injection container. In the Startup.ConfigureServices
services.AddDbContext<RazorPagesMovieContext>(options =>

The main page which coordinates Entity framework is the DbContext class

Here it's called RazorPagesMovieContext

Entity set created DbSet<Movie> which corresponds with a database table.

The connection string comes from DbContextOptions this is read from a config file for example appsettings.json

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ActionResult Reference

Types Helper Methods
ViewResult view()
PartialViewResult PartialView()
ContentResult Content()
RedirectResult Redirect()
RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction()
JsonResult Json()
FileResult File()
HttpNotFoundResult HttpNotFound()

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Building an API

public IHttpActionResult GetCustomers() {} 

public IHttpActionResult CreateCustomer(CustomerDto customer) {} 

public IHttpActionResult UpdateCustomer(int id, CustomerDto customer) {} 

public IHttpActionResult DeleteCustomer(int id) {} 
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jwill9999 commented Dec 4, 2018

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