IPTVProvider's Xtreme API Credentials --> iptvproxy (converts xtreme api to .m3u file) --> xteve --> Plex Live TV
ScheduesDirect --> xteve (version from taylorbourne) runs a cronjob every hour to keep programming up to date
- xTeve from taylorbourne
- For live tv programming, sign up for Schedulesdirect
- Sign up for a basic membership with the IPTV Provider
- To convert the link you get from IPTV provider, use iptvproxy via github and the docker container
- Obtain username and password from iptv provider. Example
- Add add the username/password to the docker varible for iptvproxy docker container. Example
- Note: XTREAM_* variables you get from the iptv provider. USER and PASSWORD variables are your own proxied m3u file you use within xTeve.
- Your m3u file will be generated via the iptvproxy container, example: http://containerip:8080/get.php?username=USERNAME_YOU_GENERATED_FROM_IPTVPROXY_VARIABLE&password=PASSWORD_YOU_GENERATED_FROM_IPTVPROXY_VARIABLE&output=ts&type=m3u_plus
- In the xteve container, run
docker exec -it dockername nameofxtevecontainer -configure /guide2go/whateveryouwant.yaml
- Step 1 will generate a .yaml file which contains the XMLTV mapping from schedules direct.
- In the next step, it will ask for an XMLTV file. This will be located locally (when it asks, use the
within the xteve container. When you run step 1, it generates an XML file (which gets updated reguarly, which is your live TV programming from schedulesdirect. - Follow this (xTeve guide)[https://github.com/xteve-project/xTeVe-Documentation/blob/master/en/configuration.md#configuration-wizard] and put the m3u from step 3 in and XMLTV