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Created June 18, 2020 21:09
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open System
type private DataGridHelper =
static member inline IsValidRow (this: DataGrid<_,_,_>) row = row < this.rowInfo.Length && row >= 0
static member inline IsValidCol (this: DataGrid<_,_,_>) col = col < this.colInfo.Length && col >= 0
static member inline EnsureValidRow (this: DataGrid<_,_,_>) row = if not (DataGridHelper.IsValidRow this row) then raise (new IndexOutOfRangeException("row")) // TODO: F# vNext nameof(row)
static member inline EnsureValidCol (this: DataGrid<_,_,_>) col = if not (DataGridHelper.IsValidCol this col) then raise (new IndexOutOfRangeException("col")) // TODO: F# vNext nameof(col)
and DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement> =
private { rowInfo: 'TRowInfo[]; colInfo: 'TColInfo[]; elements: Map<int*int, 'TElement> }
member this.RowLength = this.rowInfo.Length
member this.ColLength = this.colInfo.Length
member this.Item (row,col) =
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidRow this row
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidCol this col
member this.TryItem (row,col) = this.elements.TryFind (row,col)
member this.RowInfo = this.rowInfo :> 'TRowInfo seq
member this.ColInfo = this.colInfo :> 'TColInfo seq
member this.RowInfoAt rowIndex = this.rowInfo.[rowIndex]
member this.ColInfoAt colIndex = this.colInfo.[colIndex]
member this.TryRowInfoAt rowIndex = this.rowInfo |> Array.tryItem rowIndex
member this.TryColInfoAt colIndex = this.colInfo |> Array.tryItem colIndex
member this.Add ((row,col), item) = { this with elements = Map.add (row, col) item this.elements }
member this.AddOrUpdate ((row,col), updater) =
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidRow this row
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidCol this col
let x = Map.tryFind (row,col) this.elements
let x' = updater x
{ this with elements = Map.add (row,col) x' this.elements }
member this.UpdateRowInfo (row, updater) =
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidRow this row
let rowInfo' = Array.copy this.rowInfo
let rowInfoItem = rowInfo'.[row]
rowInfo'.[row] <- updater rowInfoItem
{ this with rowInfo = rowInfo' }
member this.UpdateColInfo (col, updater) =
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidCol this col
let colInfo' = Array.copy this.colInfo
let colInfoItem = colInfo'.[col]
colInfo'.[col] <- updater colInfoItem
{ this with colInfo = colInfo' }
module DataGrid =
let empty = { rowInfo = [||]; colInfo = [||]; elements = Map.empty }
let rowLength (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.RowLength
let colLength (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.ColLength
// This doesn't feel right I can't think of a better way
let private adjustElementsForNewRowOrCol i useRowElseUseCol xs =
let mapping =
if useRowElseUseCol then
(fun ((row,col),x) -> ((if row < i then row else row + 1),col),x)
(fun ((row,col),x) -> (row,(if col < i then col else col + 1)),x)
xs |> Map.toSeq
|> mapping
|> Map.ofSeq
let insertRow rowIndex rowInfo (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) =
let prev, rest = Array.splitAt rowIndex grid.rowInfo
{ grid with
rowInfo = [| yield! prev; yield rowInfo; yield! rest |]
elements = adjustElementsForNewRowOrCol rowIndex true grid.elements
let insertCol colIndex rowInfo (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) =
let prev, rest = Array.splitAt colIndex grid.colInfo
{ grid with
colInfo = [| yield! prev; yield rowInfo; yield! rest |]
elements = adjustElementsForNewRowOrCol colIndex false grid.elements
let add (rowIndex, colIndex) (item: 'TElement) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) = { grid with elements = Map.add (rowIndex,colIndex) item grid.elements }
let item (row, col) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.[row,col]
let tryItem (row, col) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) = grid.TryItem (row, col)
let rowInfo (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.RowInfo
let colInfo (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.ColInfo
let rowInfoAt rowIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.RowInfoAt rowIndex
let colInfoAt colIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.ColInfoAt colIndex
let tryRowInfoAt rowIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.TryRowInfoAt rowIndex
let tryColInfoAt colIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.TryColInfoAt colIndex
let private uncheckedRowAt rowIndex grid = seq { for colIndex in 0..grid.colInfo.Length - 1 -> grid.TryItem (rowIndex, colIndex) }
let private uncheckedColAt colIndex grid = seq { for rowIndex in 0..grid.rowInfo.Length - 1 -> grid.TryItem (rowIndex, colIndex) }
let rowAt rowIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidRow grid rowIndex
uncheckedRowAt rowIndex grid
let tryRowAt rowIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
if DataGridHelper.IsValidRow grid rowIndex then Some (uncheckedRowAt rowIndex grid)
else None
let colAt colIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
DataGridHelper.EnsureValidCol grid colIndex
uncheckedColAt colIndex grid
let tryColAt colIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
if DataGridHelper.IsValidCol grid colIndex then Some (uncheckedColAt colIndex grid)
else None
let setRowInfo rowIndex rowInfo (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
{ grid with rowInfo = grid.rowInfo |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> if i = rowIndex then rowInfo else x) }
let setColInfo colIndex colInfo (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
{ grid with colInfo = grid.colInfo |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> if i = colIndex then colInfo else x) }
let remove (row,col) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
{ grid with elements = grid.elements |> Map.remove (row,col) }
let removeRow rowIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) =
let elements' = seq { for ((row,col),x) in Map.toSeq grid.elements do
if row < rowIndex then
yield (row,col),x
else if row > rowIndex then
yield (row - 1,col),x }
|> Map.ofSeq
{ grid with
rowInfo = [|
for i in 0 .. grid.rowInfo.Length - 1 do
if i <> rowIndex then yield grid.rowInfo.[i]
elements = elements'
let removeCol colIndex (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
let elements' = seq { for ((row,col),x) in Map.toSeq grid.elements do
if col < colIndex then
yield (row,col),x
else if col > colIndex then
yield (row,col - 1),x}
|> Map.ofSeq
{ grid with
colInfo = [|
for i in 0 .. grid.colInfo.Length - 1 do
if i <> colIndex then yield grid.colInfo.[i]
elements = elements'
let map (mapping: int*int -> 'a -> 'b) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) =
{ elements = grid.elements |> (fun k v -> mapping k v); rowInfo = grid.rowInfo; colInfo = grid.colInfo }
let mapRowInfo (mapping: int -> 'a -> 'b) (grid: DataGrid<'a, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) =
{ rowInfo = grid.rowInfo |> Array.mapi mapping; colInfo = grid.colInfo; elements = grid.elements }
let mapColInfo (mapping: int -> 'a -> 'b) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'a, 'TElement>) =
{ rowInfo = grid.rowInfo; colInfo = Array.mapi mapping grid.colInfo; elements = grid.elements }
let update (row,col) (updater: 'TElement option -> 'TElement) (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) = grid.AddOrUpdate ((row,col), updater)
let updateRowInfo row updater (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) = grid.UpdateRowInfo (row, updater)
let updateColInfo row updater (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'TElement>) = grid.UpdateColInfo (row, updater)
let toSeq (grid: DataGrid<'TRowInfo, 'TColInfo, 'a>) = grid.elements |> Map.toSeq
open System
open AsyncHack
open Fable.Mocha
open Fable.Mocha.Flip
open Expecto
open Expecto.Flip
open StageForge.Core
type RowInfo = { rowName: string }
type ColInfo = { colName: string }
module RowInfo =
let create rowName = { rowName = rowName }
module ColInfo =
let create colName = { colName = colName }
// FIXME: anonymous records
type AgeRange = { ageRange: string }
type FavFruit = { favoriteFruit: string }
let make2Row3ColTestGrid () =
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 "first row" |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 "second row"
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 "first col" |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 "second col" |> DataGrid.insertCol 2 "third col"
|> DataGrid.add (0,0) "element 0,0"
let tests =
testList "DataGrid" [
testCase "attempting to retrieve an item from an empty grid should throw an exception" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
(fun () -> grid.[0,0] |> ignore) |> Expect.throws ".Item"
testCase "insertRow and insertCol should create rows/columns on empty grids" (fun () ->
let grid1 = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" }
let grid2 = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" }
grid1 |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid1 rows" [{ rowName = "row 0" }]
grid1 |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid1 cols" Seq.empty
grid2 |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid2 rows" Seq.empty
grid2 |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid2 cols" [{ colName = "col a" }]
testCase "using insertRow and insertCol in the middle should perform a proper insert" (fun () ->
let grid1 = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 3" }
|> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 2" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
let grid2 = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col d" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col c" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b" }
grid1 |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid1 rows" ([for r in 0..3 -> { rowName = sprintf "row %d" r }])
grid2 |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid2 cols" ([for c in 'a'..'d' -> { colName = sprintf "col %c" c }])
testCase "inserting a 2nd row or col at the last index should append it" (fun () ->
let grid1 = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
let grid2 = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b" }
grid1 |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid1 rows" [{ rowName = "row 0" }; { rowName = "row 1" }]
grid2 |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "grid2 cols" [{ colName = "col a" }; { colName = "col b" }]
testCase "insertRow should ajust grid elements" (fun () ->
let grid =
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row a" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row b" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" }
|> DataGrid.add (0,0) "banana"
|> DataGrid.add (1,0) "apple"
let grid' = grid |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row between a and b" }
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (0,0) |> Expect.equal "banana" (Some "banana")
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (1,0) |> Expect.equal "newly empty item" None
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (2,0) |> Expect.equal "apple" (Some "apple")
testCase "insertCol should ajust grid elements" (fun () ->
let grid =
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row a" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b"}
|> DataGrid.add (0,0) "banana"
|> DataGrid.add (0,1) "apple"
let grid' = grid |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col between a and b" }
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (0,0) |> Expect.equal "banana" (Some "banana")
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (0,1) |> Expect.equal "newly empty item" None
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (0,2) |> Expect.equal "apple" (Some "apple")
testCase "adding items at an in-bounds locations should create retrievable elements" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" }
|> DataGrid.add (0, 0) "0a" |> DataGrid.add (1, 0) "1a"
grid |> DataGrid.item (0,0) |> Expect.equal "row 0 col a" "0a"
grid.[1,0] |> Expect.equal "row 1 col a" "1a"
testCase "adding items at locations that already have items should replace the old item" (fun () ->
make2Row3ColTestGrid ()
|> DataGrid.add (1,1) "element (1,1)"
|> DataGrid.add (1,1) "banana element (1,1)"
|> DataGrid.item (1,1) |> Expect.equal "add to existing location" "banana element (1,1)"
testCase "setRowInfo and setColInfo should return a new DataGrid with the given row or col info replaced" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row foo" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row bar" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col foo" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col bar" }
let grid' = grid |> DataGrid.setRowInfo 0 { rowName = "ROW FOO" } |> DataGrid.setColInfo 1 { colName = "COL BAR" }
grid' |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "change row 0" [{ rowName = "ROW FOO" }; { rowName = "row bar" }]
grid' |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "change col 1" [{ colName = "col foo" }; { colName = "COL BAR" }]
testCase "item should throw IndexOutOfRangeException for negative row or column indices" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b" }
(fun () -> grid.Item (-1,0) |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "negative row index"
(fun () -> grid.Item (0,-1) |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "negative col index"
(fun () -> grid.Item (-1,-1) |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "negative row and col index"
testCase "item should throw IndexOutOfRangeException for row or column indices that are too large" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col 1" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 2 { colName = "col 2" }
|> DataGrid.add (0, 0) "0a"
(fun () -> grid.Item (2,0) |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "too large row index"
(fun () -> grid.Item (0,3) |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "too large col index"
testCase "tryItem should return the element at the row/col index, or None when rol/col indices are out of range" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col 1" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 2 { colName = "col 2" }
|> DataGrid.add (0, 0) "0a"
grid |> DataGrid.tryItem (0,0) |> Expect.equal "0,0" (Some "0a")
grid |> DataGrid.tryItem (1,0) |> Expect.equal "1,0" None
grid |> DataGrid.tryItem (100,0) |> Expect.equal "100,0" None
testCase "tryRowInfo and tryColInfo should return None when the row/col is out of bounds" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" }
grid |> DataGrid.tryRowInfoAt -1 |> Expect.equal "nonexistent row -1" None
grid |> DataGrid.tryColInfoAt -1 |> Expect.equal "nonexistent col -1" None
grid |> DataGrid.tryRowInfoAt 2 |> Expect.equal "nonexistent row 2" None
grid |> DataGrid.tryColInfoAt 1 |> Expect.equal "nonexistent col 1" None
testCase "individual rows and columns should be retrievable" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { rowName = "row 1" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b" }
|> DataGrid.add (0,0) 'x' |> DataGrid.add (0,1) 'y'
|> DataGrid.add (1,0) 'z'
grid |> DataGrid.rowAt 0 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "row 0" [Some 'x'; Some 'y']
grid |> DataGrid.rowAt 1 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "row 1" [Some 'z'; None]
grid |> DataGrid.colAt 0 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "col a" [Some 'x'; Some 'z']
grid |> DataGrid.colAt 1 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "col b" [Some 'y'; None]
testCase "rowAt and colAt should throw exception for invalid row/col index" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b" }
(fun () -> grid |> DataGrid.rowAt -1 |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "negative row index"
(fun () -> grid |> DataGrid.rowAt 2 |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "out-of-bounds row index"
(fun () -> grid |> DataGrid.colAt -1 |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "negative col index"
(fun () -> grid |> DataGrid.colAt 3 |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "out-of-bounds col index"
testCase "tryRowAt and tryColAt should return None for invalid row/col index" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { colName = "col b" }
grid |> DataGrid.tryRowAt -1 |> Expect.equal "negative row index" None
grid |> DataGrid.tryRowAt 2 |> Expect.equal "out-of-bounds row index" None
grid |> DataGrid.tryColAt -1 |> Expect.equal "negative col index" None
testCase "removeRow and removeCol should remove rowInfo and elements" (fun () ->
let rows = [[(0,0),0; (0,1),1; (0,2),2]
[(1,0),10; (1,1),11; (1,2),12]
[(2,0),20; (2,1),21; (2,2),22]]
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { ageRange = "0-19" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { ageRange = "20-29" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 2 { ageRange = "30-39" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { favoriteFruit = "apple" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { favoriteFruit = "orange" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 2 { favoriteFruit = "banana" }
let grid = rows |> List.concat |> List.fold (fun acc (pos,elem) -> DataGrid.add pos elem acc) grid
let noTwentySomethings = grid |> DataGrid.removeRow 1
noTwentySomethings |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "remove twenty somethings" [{ ageRange = "0-19" }; { ageRange = "30-39" }]
// deleting a row affects the indices; rows to the right get shifted down an index
let row i = [for (_,_),x in rows.[i] -> Some x]
noTwentySomethings |> DataGrid.rowAt 0 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "first row" (row 0)
noTwentySomethings |> DataGrid.rowAt 1 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "second row" (row 2) // remember, shifted down an index!
noTwentySomethings |> DataGrid.tryRowAt 2 |> Expect.equal "third row" None
let noOrange = grid |> DataGrid.removeCol 1
noOrange |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "remove orange col" [{ favoriteFruit = "apple" }; { favoriteFruit = "banana" }]
// deleting a col also affects the indices; cols after the removed one get shifted down an index
noOrange |> DataGrid.colAt 0 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "first col" [Some 0; Some 10; Some 20]
noOrange |> DataGrid.colAt 1 |> Expect.sequenceEqual "second col" [Some 2; Some 12; Some 22]
noOrange |> DataGrid.tryColAt 2 |> Expect.equal "third col" None
testCase "remove should return a new grid with the element at the given row,col index removed" (fun () ->
let grid =
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 0" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { rowName = "row 1" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { colName = "col a" }
|> DataGrid.add (0,0) "0a" |> DataGrid.add (1,0) "1a"
let grid' = grid |> DataGrid.remove (0,0)
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (0,0) |> Expect.equal "0,0" None
grid' |> DataGrid.tryItem (1,0) |> Expect.equal "0,0" (Some "1a")
testCase "map should return a new DataGrid with all the elements transformed using the mapping function" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 () |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 () |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 () |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 ()
|> DataGrid.add (0,0) 10 |> DataGrid.add (0,1) 20 |> DataGrid.add (1,0) 30 |> DataGrid.add (1,1) 40
let grid' = grid |> (fun (row,col) x -> row + col + x + 1)
grid'.[0,0] |> Expect.equal "0,0" 11
grid'.[0,1] |> Expect.equal "0,1" 22
grid'.[1,0] |> Expect.equal "1,0" 32
grid'.[1,1] |> Expect.equal "1,1" 43
testCase "toSeq should return a sequence that enumerates all the existing elements along with their indices" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 { ageRange = "0-19" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 { ageRange = "20-29" } |> DataGrid.insertRow 2 { ageRange = "30-39" }
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 { favoriteFruit = "apple" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 { favoriteFruit = "orange" } |> DataGrid.insertCol 2 { favoriteFruit = "banana" }
let elements = [(0,0),10; (0,1),11; (0,2),12
(1,0),5; (1,1),9; (1,2),6
(2,0),15; (2,1),20 (* last elt purposefully omitted for testing purposes *) ]
let grid' = List.fold (fun grid ((row,col),x) -> DataGrid.add (row,col) x grid) grid elements
grid' |> DataGrid.toSeq
|> Expect.sequenceEqual "DataGrid.toSeq" elements
testCase "mapRowInfo and mapColInfo should return a new DataGrid with the rowInfo and colInfo transformed accordingly" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 "one fish" |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 "two fish"
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 "red fish" |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 "blue fish"
let grid' = grid |> DataGrid.mapRowInfo (fun rowI rowName -> { rowName = sprintf "%s (%d)" rowName rowI })
|> DataGrid.mapColInfo (fun colI colName -> { colName = sprintf "%s (%d)" colName colI })
grid' |> DataGrid.rowInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "mapped rowInfo" [{ rowName = "one fish (0)" }; { rowName = "two fish (1)" }]
grid' |> DataGrid.colInfo |> Expect.sequenceEqual "mapped colInfo" [{ colName = "red fish (0)" }; { colName = "blue fish (1)" }]
testCase "rowLength and colLength should return the number of rows and columns, respectively" (fun () ->
let grid = DataGrid.empty
|> DataGrid.insertRow 0 "first row" |> DataGrid.insertRow 1 "second row"
|> DataGrid.insertCol 0 "first col" |> DataGrid.insertCol 1 "second col" |> DataGrid.insertCol 2 "third col"
grid |> DataGrid.rowLength |> Expect.equal "rowLength" 2
grid |> DataGrid.colLength |> Expect.equal "colLength" 3
testCase "equality should work" (fun () ->
let grid1, grid1Copy = make2Row3ColTestGrid (), make2Row3ColTestGrid ()
grid1Copy |> Expect.equal "should be idential DataGrids" grid1
grid1 |> DataGrid.add (1,1) "element 1,1" |> Expect.notEqual "should be extra element" grid1
grid1 |> DataGrid.insertRow 0 "extra row" |> Expect.notEqual "should be inequal - extra row" grid1
grid1 |> DataGrid.insertCol 0 "extra col" |> Expect.notEqual "should be inequal - extra col" grid1
testCase "addOrUpdate should fail when called using an invalid index" (fun () ->
(fun () -> DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.update (0,0) (fun _ -> "i should not exist") |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "update item in empty grid should throw"
(fun () -> make2Row3ColTestGrid () |> DataGrid.update (3,0) (fun _ -> "i should not exist") |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "update out of bounds item should throw"
testCase "update, given coords that have no item, should add a new item created from evaluating updater with None" (fun () ->
make2Row3ColTestGrid ()
|> DataGrid.update (1,1) (function None -> "element (1,1)" | Some _ -> failwith "update() should not be passing Some() in this scenario")
|> DataGrid.item (1,1) |> Expect.equal "item should be added" "element (1,1)"
testCase "update, given coords that already have an item, should add a new item created from evaluating updater with the old element" (fun () ->
make2Row3ColTestGrid ()
|> DataGrid.add (1,1) "element (1,1)"
|> DataGrid.update (1,1) (function Some x -> "banana " + x | None -> failwith "update() should not be passing None in the scenario")
|> DataGrid.item (1,1) |> Expect.equal "item should be replaced" "banana element (1,1)"
testCase "updateRowInfo and updateColInfo should throw when given invalid indices" (fun () ->
(fun () -> DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.updateRowInfo 0 (fun _ -> "i should not exist") |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "updateRowInfo in empty grid should throw"
(fun () -> make2Row3ColTestGrid () |> DataGrid.updateRowInfo 2 (fun _ -> "i should not exist") |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "updateRowInfo with out of bounds row should throw"
(fun () -> DataGrid.empty |> DataGrid.updateColInfo 0 (fun _ -> "i should not exist") |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "updateColInfo in empty grid should throw"
(fun () -> make2Row3ColTestGrid () |> DataGrid.updateColInfo 3 (fun _ -> "i should not exist") |> ignore) |> Expect.throwsT<IndexOutOfRangeException> "udpateColInfo with out of bounds col should throw"
testCase "updateRow and updateCol should update the row info or col info (respectively) with new data from the given updater function" (fun () ->
make2Row3ColTestGrid ()
|> DataGrid.updateRowInfo 1 (fun x -> "banana " + x)
|> DataGrid.rowInfoAt 1 |> Expect.equal "row info index 1" "banana second row"
make2Row3ColTestGrid ()
|> DataGrid.updateColInfo 2 (fun x -> "cherry " + x)
|> DataGrid.colInfoAt 2 |> Expect.equal "col info index 2" "cherry third col"
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