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Last active February 27, 2025 18:17
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Astro image component with zoom and astro-cloudinary
// This component is a wrapper around the Cloudinary Image component that adds a Photoswipe lightbox to the image.
// Only to be used for images in the documentation content to ensure good SEO results. Extend for other use cases as needed.
import { getCldOgImageUrl } from "astro-cloudinary/helpers";
import { CldImage } from "astro-cloudinary";
import "photoswipe/style.css";
export type Props = {
id: string;
type: keyof typeof mediaTypes;
alt: string;
const mediaTypes = {
screenshot: {
width: 3024,
height: 1964,
// 80vw should be 100vw on mobiles however, screenshots are useless on mobiles
sizes: "(max-width: 800px) 80vw, (max-width: 1152px) 66vw, 33vw",
const { id, type, alt } = Astro.props;
if (!id) {
throw new Error("Please provide an id for the image.");
if (!alt) {
throw new Error(
`The image ${id} is missing an alt attribute. This is important for SEO and people with disabilities.`,
if (mediaTypes[type] === undefined) {
throw new Error(
`This component currently only supports the following types: ${Object.keys(
).join(", ")}`,
const url = getCldOgImageUrl({
src: id,
width: mediaTypes[type].width,
height: mediaTypes[type].height,
<div class="psi [.sl-steps_&]:mt-2">
import pswpModule from "photoswipe";
import PhotoSwipeLightbox from "photoswipe/lightbox";
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
children: "a",
gallery: ".psi",
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