This error is somewhat ambiguious because there is seemingly no indication which resource is exhausted.
Triton chooses compute nodes with a subcomponent called sdc-designation (also refered to as , DAPI). The full DAPI log for a provision job is embedded in the CNAPI log file and can be extracted with the workflow job uuid and the following script.
if [[ -n "$TRACE" ]]; then
export PS4='[\D{%FT%TZ}] ${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
set -o xtrace
set -o errexit
req_id=$(sdc-workflow "/jobs/$job_id" | json -Ha params.x-request-id)
cnapi=$(sdc-vmname cnapi)
zlogin "$cnapi" "source ~/.profile
bunyan -c this.snapshot -o bunyan --strict -c 'this.req_id==\"$req_id\"' \
\$(svcs -L cnapi) /var/log/sdc/upload/cnapi_* | json -ga snapshot \
| base64 -d | gunzip - | json steps"