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Coding on Halmak

Josh Wulf jwulf

Coding on Halmak
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Camunda 8 Spring SDK Configuration Properties

Documentation generated from source code.

Name Description Default Value Deprecated Replacement
"groups": [
"name": "camunda.client",
"type": "",
"sourceType": ""
"name": "camunda.client.auth",
"type": "",
jwulf / test.ts
Created September 24, 2024 11:18
A difference in behavior between Node 22's strip types and TypeScript transpilation.
* This code behaves differently when run with:
* node --experimental-strip-types test.ts
* tsc --lib es2017,dom test.ts && node test.js
* This is an edge-case where mixing dynamic programming and static typing reveals a difference in behavior.
Future Scenarios leading into the Golden Age
September 2024 Edition
Turning *Future Scenarios* into a near-future science fiction novel could be an exciting project that brings the speculative aspects of these scenarios to life. Here’s a potential framework for the novel, based on the scenarios outlined in *Future Scenarios*. The novel would explore how global forces, hidden technologies, and AI are reshaping human society, and how a small group of individuals rooted in spirituality, self-sufficiency, and resilience fight against the tide.
### Working Title: **"The Golden Edge"**
### Plot Overview:
The story is set in a near-future world where the global order is collapsing under the weight of overlapping crises—economic instability, AI-driven governance, healthcare collapse, civil unrest, and the public revelation of undisclosed technologies. In the chaos, governments and corporate elites use these crises to impose a new world order—an AI-driven technocratic regime where personal freedoms are sacrificed for the illusion of security. However, not everything goes according t
jwulf / future-scenarios-2024
Last active September 13, 2024 04:04
Future Scenarios 2024 in progress
Future Scenarios leading into the Golden Age
September 2024 Edition
Preface to the 2024 Edition of Future Scenarios Leading Into the Golden Age
jwulf / github-notification-cleanup-camunda-community-hub
Created November 30, 2023 19:13
Remove the Camunda Community Hub Organization prefix from the GitHub Notifications list
// ==UserScript==
// @name Camunda Community Hub - remove moniker in GitHub Notifications
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Remove the 'camunda-community-hub/' organization from the notification title
// @author You
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
jwulf / write.ts
Created May 31, 2021 01:01
A Magikcraft spell that writes words by transforming blocks
const magik =;
Fonts are bitmaps.
Each number is the decimal equivalent of the binary
bitmap of the line, for example: 00011000 = 24
Here is a bitmapped 'A':
00011000 = 24
00111100 = 60
00100100 = 36
jwulf / nact-mre.ts
Last active February 15, 2021 06:13
A minimal attempt to strongly type a query response
import { dispatch, spawn, query, Ref, start } from "nact";
type Result = { success: boolean };
type DoLoadMessage = {
type: "LOAD";
filename: string;
sender: Ref<Result>;
jwulf / naive-ratio-rate-limiter.ts
Created December 1, 2020 03:05
A naive functional rate limiter that prevents queue starvation
interface QueuedTask<T> {
task: () => T;
promise: {
resolve: (res: any) => void;
reject: (err: any) => void;
interface RateLimitedTask<T> {
task: () => T;