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Last active February 28, 2017 07:35
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read contcar file, which is used to add CO mole to the slab
def read_contcar(contcar_path):
read data from contcar file
return coordiante_array and atom_list
Target: 需要读取 原子种类, 原子坐标, 晶胞参数
lattice (a. b. c)
atom, x, y, z, tf_x, tf_y, tf_z
with open(contcar_path, 'r') as f:
info = f.readlines()
# 获取晶胞参数信息
_lattice = info[2:5]
lattice = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float)
for i in range(3):
_abc = _lattice[i].strip()
_abc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', _abc)
lattice[i] = [float(_) for _ in _abc.split(' ')]
# 获取元素种类, 数目信息
atom_type = info[5].strip().split(" ")
atom_number = [int(_) for _ in info[6].strip().split(" ")]
total_number = sum(atom_number)
atom = dict(zip(atom_type, atom_number))
atom_array = [atom_type[0]] * atom[atom_type[0]] + \
[atom_type[1]] * atom[atom_type[1]]
mytype = np.dtype({
'names': ['atom', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'ftx', 'fty', 'ftz'],
'formats': ['S30', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'S30', 'S30', 'S30']}, align=True)
# 获取坐标信息
coordinate = np.zeros((total_number, 1), dtype=mytype)
_coordinates = info[9: 9 + total_number]
for i in range(total_number):
coorline = _coordinates[i].strip()
coorline = re.sub('\s+', ' ', coorline)
coorline_split = coorline.split(' ')
xyz, ft = [float(_)
for _ in coorline_split[0:3]], coorline_split[3:]
new_cor_line = [atom_array[i]]
new_cor_line = tuple(new_cor_line)
coordinate[i] = new_cor_line
return lattice, coordinate
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