This is a work in progress - it may not work!
- node_ssl (with SSL support)
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on | |
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console |
This is a work in progress - it may not work!
#!/usr/bin/env sh | |
## | |
# This is script with usefull tips taken from: | |
# | |
# | |
# install it: | |
# curl -sL | sh | |
# |
var portrange = 45032 | |
function getPort (cb) { | |
var port = portrange | |
portrange += 1 | |
var server = net.createServer() | |
server.listen(port, function (err) { | |
server.once('close', function () { | |
cb(port) |
{ scopeName = 'text.html.basic'; | |
firstLineMatch = '<!DOCTYPE|<(?i:html)|<\?(?i:php)'; | |
fileTypes = ( 'html', 'htm', 'shtml', 'xhtml', 'phtml', 'php', 'inc', 'tmpl', 'tpl', 'ctp' ); | |
foldingStartMarker = '(?x) | |
(<(?i:head|body|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|tr|div|select|fieldset|style|script|ul|ol|li|form|dl)\b.*?> | |
|<!--(?!.*--\s*>) | |
|^<!--\ \#tminclude\ (?>.*?-->)$ | |
|<\?(?:php)?.*\b(if|for(each)?|while)\b.+: | |
|\{\{?(if|foreach|capture|literal|foreach|php|section|strip) | |
|\{\s*($|\?>\s*$|//|/\*(.*\*/\s*$|(?!.*?\*/))) |
node_modules |
# we should be running psql in dev since heroku does. | |
default: &DEFAULT | |
adapter: postgresql | |
encoding: utf8 | |
min_messages: warning | |
development: | |
<<: *DEFAULT | |
database: tedx_dev | |
test: | |
<<: *DEFAULT |
# CoffeeScript source | |
$.fn.forceScrollbars = -> | |
@css position: 'static' | |
@[0].offsetHeight if @length > 0 | |
@css position: 'relative' |
This is for Mac OS X and requires npm.
The shortened link is now in your clipboard. Paste the shortened link wherever you need to!
# Add this to more_web_steps.rb | |
# Selenium docs: today! | |
When /^I (accept|dismiss) the "([^"]*)" alert$/ do |action, text| | |
alert = page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert | |
alert.text.should eq(text) | |
alert.send(action) | |
end |