Action: Someone follows a tag
What currently happens after the action:
They're taken to their subscriptions page and see an alert that says "You are now following tag
What to change and text to add/revise:
Add more text and links to the alert to suggest next steps. Ideally, the URLs would reflect the tag just followed, e.g., the link to the question editor includes the tag just followed as a pre-populated tag.
"You are now following foo
! To join the conversation on this topic 💬, you could try asking a question about foo
, or commenting on research notes about foo
Action: Someone publishes a comment/answer on a question post
What currently happens after the action:
A green pop-up alert appears at the top right saying "Comment added!" The alert then disappears after about 10 seconds.
What to change and text to add/revise:
Add more text and links to the alert to thank the commenter and suggest next steps related to the same topic. If the original question post has more than one tag, maybe the tailored suggestions can use the first tag that isn't `general`? I'm not sure if they're just listed alphabetically and would then always call on tags that appear first in the alphabet.
Also, let the alert stay up so people have time to read it.
"Thank you for responding to this question and contributing to the Public Lab community! ❤️ 🎉
Interested in seeing other questions on this topic?
[collapsible element]
- See related questions with the tag
- Get notified when new questions on
are posted by followingquestion:foo
Action: Someone posts a question
What currently happens after the action:
[I'm not totally sure what alert appears after someone publishes a question. Maybe look in the code to see?]
What to change and text to add/revise:
If there's an alert that appears after someone publishes a question post, add text and links to thank the poster and suggest a next step.
"Thanks for asking this question! ✨🚀 You've made an important contribution to the Public Lab community ❤️ Interested in helping to answer someone else's question? Find questions that still need answers here."