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Last active March 5, 2020 11:52
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open Owl
open Algodiff.D
let rec desc ?(eta=F 0.01) ?(eps=1e-6) f x =
let g = (diff f) x in
if (unpack_flt g) < eps then x
else desc ~eta ~eps f Maths.(x - eta * g)
let _ =
let f = Maths.sin in
let y = desc f (F (Stats.std_uniform_rvs ())) in "argmin f(x) = %g" (unpack_flt y)
open Owl
open Algodiff.D
let rec newton ?(eta=F 0.01) ?(eps=1e-6) f x =
let g, h = (gradhessian f) x in
if (Maths.l2norm' g |> unpack_flt) < eps then x
else newton ~eta ~eps f Maths.(x - eta * g *@ (inv h))
let _ =
let f x = Maths.(cos x |> sum') in
let y = newton f (Mat.uniform 1 2) in
Mat.print y
let _, ys = Ode.odeint custom_solver f y0 tspec ()
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime as rt
sess = rt.InferenceSession("test.onnx")
input_name_x = sess.get_inputs()[0].name
input_name_shape = sess.get_inputs()[0].shape
input_x = np.ones(input_name_shape , dtype="float32")
pred_onx =, {input_name_x: input_x})[0]
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