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Last active August 24, 2020 05:27
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Neural Style Transfer

Neural Style Transfer is the process of using Deep Neural Networks to migrate the semantic content of one image to different styles.


This gist implements NST in Owl, and provides a simple interfaces to use. Here is an example:

#zoo "6f28d54e69d1a19c1819f52c5b16c1a1" ~ckpt:50 ~src:"path/to/content_img.jpg" ~style:"path/to/style_img.jpg" ~dst:"path/to/output_img.png" 250.;;

The run function mainly takes one content image and one style image and output to a new image file, the name of which is designated by the user. The image chould be of any popular formats: jpeg, png, etc. This gist contains exemplar images for you to use, but feel free to be creative and use your own.

The final parameter specifies how many iterations the optimization algorithm runs. Normally 100 ~ 500 iterations is good enough. This module also supports saving the intermediate images to the same directory as output image every N iterations (e.g. path/to/output_img_N.png). N is specified by the ckpt parameter, and its default value is 50 iterations. If users are already happy with the intermediate results, they can terminate the program without waiting for the final output image.

The users can also specify how to initialize the output image before the optimization starts: from the content image (default), or randomly generated noise (by adding the ~init:false parameter).


This application relies on the tool ImageMagick to manipulate image format conversion and resizing. Please make sure it is installed. E.g. on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick


So far the implementation still runs relatively slow. We are currently working on improving its speed.

#!/usr/bin/env owl
open Owl
open Owl_types
open Optimise
open Neural.S
open Neural.S.Graph
open Neural.S.Algodiff
open Neural.S.Graph.Neuron
#zoo "86a1748bbc898f2e42538839edba00e1" (* ImageUtils *)
#zoo "da5cc7f771bc8d9699cedc491b23f856" (* Vgg19_short *)
let gist_id = "6f28d54e69d1a19c1819f52c5b16c1a1"
let vgg_img_size = 224
let init_target = Dense.Ndarray.S.zeros [|1|]
let learning_rate = 10.
let content_nodes = [|"activation_23"|]
let content_nodes_idx = [|23|]
let content_len = Array.length content_nodes_idx
let content_losses = Array.make content_len (F 0.)
let content_targets = Array.make content_len init_target
let alpha = F 5.
let style_nodes = [|"activation_2"; "activation_7"; "activation_12";
"activation_21"; "activation_30"|]
let style_nodes_idx = [|2; 7; 12; 21; 30|]
let style_len = Array.length style_nodes_idx
let style_losses = Array.make style_len (F 0.)
let style_targets = Array.make style_len init_target
let beta = F (500. /. (float_of_int style_len))
let expand_dir file =
if Sys.file_exists file then file
Sys.getenv "HOME" ^ "/.owl/zoo/" ^ gist_id ^ "/" ^ file
let weight_file = Owl_zoo_path.extend_zoo_path "vgg19_owl_short.weight"
let get_shape x =
let s = x |> primal' |> unpack_arr |> Dense.Ndarray.S.shape in
assert (Array.length s = 4);
assert (s.(0) = 1);
s.(0), s.(1), s.(2), s.(3)
let run' topo x =
let last_node_output = ref (F 0.) in
Array.iteri (fun i n ->
let input = if i = 0 then x else !last_node_output in
let output = run [|input|] n.neuron in
last_node_output := output;
) topo;
let gram x =
let _, h, w, feature = get_shape x in
let new_shape = [|h * w; feature|] in
let ff = Maths.(reshape x new_shape) in
let size = F (float_of_int (feature * h * w)) in
Maths.((transpose ff) *@ ff / size)
let c_loss response target =
let loss = Maths.((pow (response - target) (F 2.)) |> sum') in
let _, h, w, feature = get_shape target in
let c = float_of_int ( feature * h * w ) in
Maths.(loss / (F c))
let s_loss response_gram target_gram =
let loss = Maths.((pow (response_gram - target_gram) (F 2.)) |> sum') in
let s = Algodiff.shape target_gram in
let c = float_of_int ( s.(0) * s.(1)) in
Maths.(loss / (F c))
let fill_content_targets x net =
let nn = Neural.S.Graph.copy net in
let selected_topo = Array.sub nn.topo 0 (content_nodes_idx.(0) + 1) in
let t = run' selected_topo x |> unpack_arr in
Array.set content_targets 0 t
let fill_style_targets x net =
let nn = Neural.S.Graph.copy net in
let last_node_output = ref (F 0.) in
let j = ref 0 in
Array.iteri (fun i n ->
let input = if i = 0 then x else !last_node_output in
let output = run [|input|] n.neuron in
last_node_output := output;
if !j < style_len then (
if i = style_nodes_idx.(!j) then (
Array.set style_targets !j (output |> gram |> unpack_arr);
j := !j + 1
) nn.topo
(** Image utils *)
let _convert img_name =
let base = Filename.basename img_name in
let prefix = Filename.remove_extension base in
let temp_img = Filename.temp_file prefix ".ppm"in
let get_img_shape img_name =
let temp_img = _convert img_name in
let _ = Sys.command ("convert " ^ img_name ^ " " ^ temp_img) in
let _, w, h, _ = ImageUtils._read_ppm temp_img in
w, h
let convert_img_to_ppm w h img_name =
let temp_img = _convert img_name in
let _ = Sys.command ("convert -resize " ^ (string_of_int w) ^
"x" ^ (string_of_int h) ^"\\! " ^
img_name ^ " " ^ temp_img) in
let convert_arr_to_img d3array output_name =
let temp_img = _convert output_name in
let output = d3array |> ImageUtils.postprocess in
ImageUtils.save_ppm_from_arr output temp_img;
let _ = Sys.command ("convert " ^ temp_img ^ " " ^ output_name) in
(** main entry *)
let run ?(ckpt=50) ?(init=true)
~src:content_img ~style:style_img ~dst:output_img iter =
(* preprocess inputs *)
let w, h = get_img_shape content_img in
let content_img = convert_img_to_ppm w h content_img in
let style_img = convert_img_to_ppm w h style_img in
let content_img = ImageUtils.(load_ppm content_img |> extend_dim |> preprocess) in
let style_img = ImageUtils.(load_ppm style_img |> extend_dim |> preprocess) in
(* initialise image with content image or random noise *)
let input_img =
if (init = false) then
let input_shape = Dense.Ndarray.S.shape content_img in
Dense.Ndarray.S.(gaussian input_shape |> scalar_mul 0.256)
else content_img
(* create network *)
let nn = Vgg19_short.model h w in
Graph.load_weights nn weight_file;
(* precomputed the content and style targets *)
fill_content_targets (Arr content_img) nn;
fill_style_targets (Arr style_img) nn;
let fill_losses x =
Gc.compact ();
let ind_s = ref 0 in
let last_node_output = ref (F 0.) in
Array.iteri (fun i n ->
let input = if i = 0 then x else !last_node_output in
let output = run [|input|] n.neuron in
last_node_output := output;
if i = content_nodes_idx.(0) then (
let los = c_loss output (Arr content_targets.(0)) in
Array.set content_losses 0 los;
if !ind_s < style_len then (
if i = style_nodes_idx.(!ind_s) then (
let los = s_loss (gram output) (Arr style_targets.(!ind_s)) in
Array.set style_losses !ind_s Maths.(los * beta);
ind_s := !ind_s + 1;
) nn.topo
let g x =
fill_losses x;
Gc.compact ();
let content_loss = Maths.(content_losses.(0) * alpha) in
let style_loss = Array.fold_left Maths.(+) (F 0.) style_losses in
let loss = Maths.(content_loss + style_loss) in
(* define checkpoint function *)
let chkpt state =
let open Checkpoint in
if state.current_batch mod ckpt = 0 then (
state.stop <- true
(* optimisation parameters *)
let params = Params.config
~learning_rate:(Learning_Rate.Adam (learning_rate, 0.9, 0.999))
~checkpoint:(Checkpoint.Custom chkpt)
(* start gradient descent *)
let state, img = Optimise.minimise_fun params g (Arr input_img) in
let x' = ref img in
let cnt = ref 0 in
while Checkpoint.(state.current_batch < state.batches) do
(* print out intermediate image at checkpoint *)
cnt := !cnt + ckpt;
let file_base = Filename.remove_extension output_img in
let file_exte = Filename.extension output_img in
let file_name = Printf.sprintf "%s_%04d%s" file_base !cnt file_exte in "checkpoint => %s" file_name;
convert_arr_to_img (!x' |> unpack_arr) file_name;
(* continue optimisation *)
Checkpoint.(state.stop <- false);
let a, img = Optimise.minimise_fun ~state params g !x' in
x' := img
(* output final result to image file *)
let x_star = !x' in
convert_arr_to_img (x_star |> unpack_arr) output_img
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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Here are all the style images I used, some of them can generate really nice stuff. Sharing here.


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