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Last active October 7, 2020 12:54
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  • Save k-barton/98b7148ad91e77808128ebb90687318e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save k-barton/98b7148ad91e77808128ebb90687318e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Produce violin-plot using base graphics.
# The syntax is very much as in `boxplot` (a large portion of the code is taken
# from graphics::boxplot.default and graphics::bxp).
# The argument `density.args` should be a named list and is used to pass arguments to `density`.
violplot <-
function (x, ...)
registerS3method("violplot", "formula",
function (formula, data = NULL, ..., subset, na.action = NULL,
xlab = mklab(horizontal), ylab = mklab(!horizontal),
add = FALSE, ann = !add, horizontal = FALSE,
drop = FALSE, sep = ".", lex.order = FALSE
) {
if (missing(formula) || (length(formula) != 3L))
stop("'formula' missing or incorrect")
if (missing(xlab) || missing(ylab))
mklab <- function(y_var) if (y_var) names(mf)[response] else
paste(names(mf)[-response], collapse = " : ")
m <- = FALSE)
if (is.matrix(eval(m$data, parent.frame())))
m$data <-
m$... <- m$drop <- m$sep <- m$lex.order <- NULL
m$xlab <- m$ylab <- m$add <- m$ann <- m$horizontal <- NULL
m$na.action <- na.action
m[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame.default)
mf <- eval(m, parent.frame())
response <- attr(attr(mf, "terms"), "response")
violplot(split(mf[[response]], mf[-response], drop = drop,
sep = sep, lex.order = lex.order), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
add = add, ann = ann, horizontal = horizontal, ...)
registerS3method("violplot", "default",
function (x, ..., width = NULL, varwidth = FALSE,
density.args = list(),
border = par("fg"), col = "lightgray",
pars = list(),
ann = !add, axes = !add, horizontal = FALSE, add = FALSE, at = NULL) {
.names <- function(x) attr(x, "names")
`.names<-` <- function(x, value) `attr<-`(x, "names", value)
groups <- if (is.list(x)) x else {
args <- list(x, ...)
if(!is.null(.names(args))) {
args[!.names(args) != ""]
} else args
pars <- as.list(pars)
if (...length()) {
argnames <- .names(args <- list(...))
if (!is.null(argnames)) {
args <- args[namedargs <- argnames != ""]
argnames <- argnames[namedargs]
if (anyDuplicated(argnames)) {
dup <- duplicated(argnames)
warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(dup), "Duplicated argument %s is disregarded",
"Duplicated arguments %s are disregarded"), sub("^list\\((.*)\\)",
"\\1", deparse(args[dup]))), domain = NA)
argnames <- .names(args <- args[!dup])
pars[argnames] <- args
if (0L == (n <- length(groups))) stop("invalid first argument")
if (length(class(groups))) groups <- unclass(groups)
if (!missing(names))
.names(groups) <- names else {
if (is.null(.names(groups)))
.names(groups) <- 1L:n
names <- .names(groups)
if (is.null(at)) at <- seq_len(n) else if (length(at) != n)
stop(gettextf("'at' must have a length of 'n', i.e. %d", n), domain = NA)
range <- range(unlist(lapply(groups, range, na.rm = TRUE)))
pcycle <- function(p, d1, d2 = NULL)
rep_len(if (length(p)) p else if (length(d1)) d1 else d2,
length.out = n)
p <- function(sym) pars[[sym, exact = TRUE]]
boxlty <- pcycle(pars$boxlty, p("lty"), par("lty"))
boxlwd <- pcycle(pars$boxlwd, p("lwd"), par("lwd"))
boxcol <- pcycle(pars$boxcol, border, par("fg"))
boxfill <- pcycle(pars$boxfill, col, par("bg"))
boxangle <- pcycle(pars$boxangle, p("angle"), 45)
boxdensity <- pcycle(pars$boxdensity, p("density"), NA)
argdflt <- function(a, b) if(length(a)) a else b
density.args <- as.list(density.args)
density.args <- density.args[.names(density.args) != ""]
density.args$from <- argdflt(density.args$from, range[1L])
density.args$to <- argdflt(density.args$to, range[2L])
density.args$n <- dn <-
argdflt(density.args$n[1L], eval(formals(stats::density.default)$n))
density.args$na.rm <- TRUE
dens <-"lapply", c(list(groups, "density"), density.args))
px <- dens[[1L]]$x
py <- sapply(dens, "[[", "y")
py <- py / max(py)
#xlog <- (par("ylog") && horizontal) || (par("xlog") && !horizontal)
log <- ""
ng <- vapply(groups, length, 0L)
boxwex <- pcycle(pars$boxwex, 0.45 * {
if (n <= 1) 1 else min(diff(sort(at)))
width <- if (!is.null(width)) {
if (length(width) != n | anyNA(width) | any(width <= 0))
stop("invalid boxplot widths")
boxwex * width / max(width)
} else if (varwidth) {
boxwex * sqrt(ng / max(ng))
} else boxwex
if (!add) {
ylim <- if (is.null(pars$ylim)) range else pars$ylim
xlim <- if (is.null(pars$xlim))
base::range(at, finite = TRUE) + c(-0.5, 0.5) else pars$xlim
if (horizontal)
plot.window(ylim = xlim, xlim = ylim, log = log, xaxs = pars$yaxs)
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, yaxs = pars$yaxs)
xy <- matrix(0, ncol = 2L, nrow = dn * 2L)
idx <- if(horizontal) c(1L, 2L) else c(2L, 1L)
for(i in {
xy[, idx[1L]] <- c(px, rev(px))
xy[, idx[2L]] <- at[i] + (width[i] * c(py[, i], rev(-py[, i])))
col = boxfill[i], border = boxcol[i],
lwd = boxlwd[i], lty = boxlty[i],
angle = boxangle[i], density = boxdensity[i])
if (axes) { <- pars[.names(pars) %in% c("xaxt", "yaxt", "xaxp",
"yaxp", "las", "cex.axis", "col.axis", "format")]
if (n > 1)"axis", c(list(side = 1L + horizontal, at = at,
labels = names),"Axis", c(list(x = py, side = 2L - horizontal),
if (ann), pars[.names(pars) %in% c("main", "cex.main",
"col.main", "sub", "cex.sub", "col.sub", "xlab",
"ylab", "cex.lab", "col.lab")])
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k-barton commented Oct 7, 2020


z <- data.frame(y = NA, f = gl(5, 20))
z$y <- rnorm(nrow(z),[z$f], 2)

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
# formula interface:
violplot(y ~ f, z, col = 1:3, lwd = 1,
         density = c(35, NA), angle = c(45, 90, 180),
         horizontal = TRUE)
violplot(y ~ f, z, col = "#8e9db0", border = "gray10",
         density.args = list(bw = .25),
         horizontal = FALSE)

# pass group vectors directly as unnamed arguments:
violplot(rnorm(100, 1), rpois(100, 2), runif(1000, 0, 10),
         names = c("normal", "Poisson", "uniform"))


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