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Created February 17, 2021 11:03
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Generate a Multistate Correlated Random Walk path (preliminary version)
#' @return a two-column matrix of turning angles `"ta"` and step lengths `"len"`.
#' @param Nstates the number of movement states.
#' @param tp a vector of transition probabilities for `Nstates == 2` or a
#' square transition matrix `[Nstates, Nstates]`. Ignored if `Nstates == 1`
#' @param mu,rho wrapped Cauchy distribution parameters for the turning angles. Should have a length of `Nstates`.
#' @param wscale,wshape Weibull distribution parameters for step length
# TODO: starting position and initial direction. Currently all are set to 0.
mscrwpath <-
function(N, Nstates = 2, tp = c(.05, .1),
mu = c(0, 0), rho = c(.5, .99),
wscale = c(10, 5), wshape = c(2, 1)) {
if(is.matrix(tp)) {
stopifnot(nrow(tp) == ncol(tp))
stopifnot(tp >= 0 & tp <=1)
TP <- tp
} else {
TP <- matrix(NA, ncol = Nstates, nrow = Nstates)
if(Nstates == 1) {
TP[1L] <- 1
} else if(Nstates == 2L) {
TP[c(3L,2L,1L,4L)] <- c(tp[c(1L, 2L)], 1 - tp[c(1L, 2L)])
# TODO: check lengths of mu,rho,wscale,wshape
ang <- numeric(N)
state <- integer(N)
state[1L] <- 1L
for(i in, N))
state[i] <-, 1L, prob = TP[state[i - 1L], ])
rval <- matrix(NA, N, 2L, dimnames = list(NULL, c("ta", "len")))
rval[, 1L] <- rwrpcauchy(N, location = mu[state], rho = rho[state])
rval[, 2L] <- rweibull(N, scale = wscale[state], shape = wshape[state])
structure(rval, state = state, Nstates = Nstates, TP = TP,
mu = mu, rho = rho, wscale = wscale, wshape = wshape,
angle0 = 0, pos0 = c(0, 0),
class = c("crw.path", "path", "matrix"))
#' Converts the `"path"` object to `x` and `y` coordinates.
coordinates.path <-
function(x) {
x = attr(x, "pos0")[1L] +
cumsum(cos(attr(x, "angle0") + cumsum(x[, 1L])) * x[, 2L]),
y = attr(x, "pos0")[2L] +
cumsum(sin(attr(x, "angle0") + cumsum(x[, 1L])) * x[, 2L])
plot.path <-
function(x, asp = 1, type = "l", ...) {
a0 <- attr(x, "angle0")
plot(data.frame(x = cumsum(cos(a0 + cumsum(x[, 1L])) * x[, 2L]),
y = cumsum(sin(a0 + cumsum(x[, 1L])) * x[, 2L])),
asp = asp, type = type, ...)
rwrpcauchy <-
function (n, location = 0, rho = exp(-1)) {
if(n %% length(rho) > 0) warning("'n' is not a multiple of length of 'rho'")
if(n %% length(location) > 0) warning("'n' is not a multiple of length of 'location'")
rho <- rep(rho, length.out = n)
location <- rep(location, length.out = n)
rval <- numeric(n)
i0 <- rho == 0
if((m <- sum(i0)) > 0) rval[i0] <- runif(m, 0, 2 * pi)
i1 <- rho == 1
if((m <- sum(i1)) > 0) rval[i1] <- location[i1]
ok <- !i0 & !i1
rval[ok] <- rcauchy(sum(ok), location[ok], -log(rho[ok])) %% (2 * pi)
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