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Forked from LindsayBradford/build.gradle
Created October 17, 2017 07:36
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Gradle script for LaTeX pdf generation.
* Usage:
* all LaTeX source files go in $rawDirectory
* base document to 'cook' should match content of $latexFile
* build script delivers resulting PDF file to $cookedDirectory
defaultTasks 'full'
ext { documentBase = 'myBaseLaTeXFileName' }
project.ext {
latexFile = documentBase + '.tex'
pdfFile = documentBase + '.pdf'
rawDirectory = 'raw'
cookedDirectory = 'cooked'
task cook(type: Exec) {
doFirst {
println "Cooking $project.latexFile in /$project.rawDirectory."
workingDir project.rawDirectory
standardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream() // stops output to STDOUT
2.times {
commandLine 'pdflatex', project.documentBase
outputs.file file("$project.rawDirectory/$project.pdfFile")
doLast {
println "Cooked $project.latexFile to $project.pdfFile."
task deliver(type: Copy) {
from cook
into project.cookedDirectory
doLast {
println "Delivered $project.pdfFile to /$project.cookedDirectory."
task flush(type: Delete) {
dependsOn deliver
delete {
fileTree(dir: project.rawDirectory, excludes: ['**/*.tex', '**/*.cls'])
doLast {
println "Flushed /$project.rawDirectory of temporary $documentBase files."
task full {
dependsOn flush
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